
Public Tickets

Beth Sanders Customization issuesClosed   Amelia   Updated February 22, 2019 at 4:04pm   4 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Beth,As I can see on this page everything is appearing ( attachment) Can you please try to clear your browser cache and tell me the result then.Best regards. treschouette Email notificationsClosed   Amelia   Updated February 22, 2019 at 3:56pm   5 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:HI Roxane,That can cause an issue like this.The browser translation remembers/ returns the HTML of the description in the email content and because of this when you click on it, it will not show agai ... Rahul Kashelani DataTables warning: table id=table_1 - Ajax error. For more information about this error, please see http://datatables.net/tn/7Closed   wpDataTables   Updated February 22, 2019 at 1:56pm   9 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hello again Rahul.I went in, but after consulting with one of my developers, I have to say that there's no way to implement this: $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = 'throw';In the past this issue has be ... Beth Sanders questionClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated February 22, 2019 at 12:52pm   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Beth,Thank you for your interest in our plugin.The payment process goes during the booking, so if you set PayPal or Stripe payment your customers will not be able to complete the booking before the ... Shumaila Payment MethodsClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated February 22, 2019 at 11:54am   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Shumaila,Thank you for your interest in our plugin.Beside PayPal, Stripe and On-site payment you can use our integration with WooCommerce (you will need installed WooCommerce first), and with it yo ... Carmen employees set as "away"Closed   Amelia   Updated February 22, 2019 at 11:48am   8 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:HI Carmen,The approach that you mentioned you below is to save your time, it is much more faster if you made some new employees to save the time with my example below.As for the away issue, can you p ... beverage10 Admin email notificationsClosed   Amelia   Updated February 22, 2019 at 11:24am   2 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:HI beverage10,Thank you for your purchase.Can you please tell me which email do you use.Do you use Gmail or the mail of your company.Best regards. shove_it Tables show no entries, internal backend shows no tablesClosed   wpDataTables   Updated February 22, 2019 at 10:03am   8 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hey Philipp.Yeah, I believe that may be the issue here.From our documentation:When using Google Spreadsheets as the data source please note 2 things:1. The data is read from the data source every tim ... Patrick report is not embedding in page or postClosed   Report Builder for wpDataTables   Updated February 22, 2019 at 8:29am   2 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hello Patrick.Thank you for your purchase.Please provide me a temporary WP-admin login for your site where this happens, so we could log in and take a look ‘from the inside’ as that’s the most ... usemass Incorrect Booking TimeClosed   Amelia   Updated February 22, 2019 at 7:40am   4 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi usemass, You are welcome.   If you have any more issues or questions feel free to open a new ticket, we will gladly help. We'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a minute and leave a Revi ... maximilien_plateau Bug Required field phone can be emptyClosed   Amelia   Updated February 22, 2019 at 7:17am   4 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi maximilien_plateau,You are welcome. All other fields (mandatory) are required(it will throw validation message except phone number filed at the moment) you can check on your website.Thank you agai ... Alastair Walker error 500Closed   Amelia   Updated February 22, 2019 at 7:14am   34 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi Alastair,I am glad that our system is working as should."My name is already in the database as a customer and it looks like I can't be a customer and employee?"Yes if one email is used for creati ... dhdon CC On Submissions / NotificationsClosed   Amelia   Updated February 21, 2019 at 3:42pm   8 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi dhdon, You are welcome.   If you have any more issues or questions feel free to open a new ticket, we will gladly help. If you are satisfied with our plugin or support, we'd greatly appreciate ... Alex Allen FunctionsClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated February 21, 2019 at 3:05pm   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Alex,I have already answered to your ticket so I will close this one.Best regards. georgevanous Filters not retaining value list on table changeClosed   Powerful Filters for wpDataTables   Updated February 21, 2019 at 2:57pm   11 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Sorry, georgevanous, I overlooked those credentials. The thing with these filters is that you're adding them in columns, like seen here: So, even though all filters are seen as separate check-boxes ...