
Public Tickets

Patrik Varga Multipe stripe account payout   Amelia   Updated 10 hours ago   1 Most recent comment from Patrik Varga:Hi Amelia Team!Our next project is an appointment solution.The problem:They will have lots of member where you can book time. But now amelia only can handle 1 stripe accout, and our customer want to a ... AJ Vargas Employee Service Schedules   Amelia   Updated 10 hours ago   5 Most recent comment from AJ Vargas:THIS IS GETTING A BIT ON OUR NERVES.  WE ARE STILL DEALING WITH THE SAME ISSUES ON YOUR PLUGIN NOT SYNCING DATES CORRECTLY FROM EMPLOYEE CALENDARS TO SERVICE AVAILABILITY.  THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON S ... Ali Hamkar Issue with creating password for customers   Amelia   Updated 11 hours ago   3 Most recent comment from Ali Hamkar:Hi Marko,Thank you for the reply.I have already tried that. I embedded customer panel to a page and added the url to "customer panel page url" under role settings.When I receive the email after bookin ... alex Notifications   Amelia   Updated 11 hours ago   16 Most recent comment from hiegl:Sorry to chime in here, but we have the same problem, that the cronjob for Amelia notifications does not work anymore. Using Crontrol plugin and we are even unable to delete the cronjob. Contacted the ... Michael Event attendees export   Amelia   Updated 12 hours ago   1 Most recent comment from Michael:When I export attendees from an event it shows them all as paid. There are attendees in the exported list that have cancelled and been funded. In the attendee list as well as in the finance tab it sho ... Roland Not creating a new Order   Amelia   Updated 15 hours ago   39 Most recent comment from Roel Bakkum:Yep its unbelievable to be honest! I have requested a refund (just in time), hopefully they'll fix it quickly! I'll just stick to my current system for a while. Namika .ics file showing wrong location   Amelia   Updated 16 hours ago   4 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:Hi Namika,This depends on the location to which the employee has been assigned and also the service that has been assigned to that employee. For example, if you book an appointment where the location ... Kevin Email notifications   Amelia   Updated 19 hours ago   2 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hello Kevin.Unfortunately, there's no way you can separate them.If you enter the email that will receive all notifications - that email address will receive both customer and employee-related ema ... Monika upload   Amelia   Updated 19 hours ago   2 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:Hi Monika,Thanks for reaching out to us.I'm sending the latest version 7.7 via WeTransfer so you can install it manually. It's a simple process, you would need to disable the plugin temporar ... Yuki Employee Approve Own Appointment   Amelia   Updated 20 hours ago   2 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello there, Thank you for reaching out to us.You need to enable them option that they can manage their appointment in role settingsThen they will be able to change the status of the appointment. YOu ... Kyle Raab Payment   Amelia   Updated 20 hours ago   2 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hello KyleUnfortunately, no.Amelia's integration with Stripe currently works only for direct charges from debit and credit cards whose details are entered directly into the form.If Paystack has a ... Jordan Wilkey Booking system   Amelia   Updated 19 hours ago   26 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:Just to add, you should refrain from rescheduling cancelled appointments until then, or when changing the status back to approve open the appointment dialog and change the status there instead of cha ... Paul Service-Specific Notifications   Amelia   Updated 22 hours ago   2 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:Hi Paul,Thanks for reaching out to us.You can create custom notification templates and assign them to specific services. You can also choose the trigger type, if they are going to be scheduled or etc. ... Javier Mandrille Event details at checkout   Amelia   Updated 22 hours ago   10 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:You are welcome, Javier.I'm glad it works!If you have any other questions, please open a new ticket and we will gladly help you there.Have a nice day! Paul Clearfire Fonts and Sliding Scale   Amelia   Updated 22 hours ago   14 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hello Paul.Uros is out of the office, so I'll jump in.Thanks for sharing your custom code with us. I'm glad to see you were able to configure the form to be visually appealing.We forwarded y ...