
Public Tickets

Filippos Sdralias On-Site Payment LabelClosed   Amelia   Updated September 13, 2022 at 11:19am   10 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Filippos,Please provide me a temporary WP-admin (administrator) user for your site where this happens, so we could log in and take a look ‘from the inside’ as that’s the most efficient way ... Jeroen Geenen backend booking options different from front endClosed   Amelia   Updated September 1, 2022 at 7:50am   13 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Jeroen,We have checked with our colleagues and this should be implemented in the next update, but due to the nature of the developing and testing processess, it could be prolonged a bit. We hop ... Shawn DeWolfe Unavailable datesClosed   Amelia   Updated September 1, 2022 at 6:55am   2 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Shawn, Thank you for reaching out to us.To be honest, this is the first time I hear about this issue because when a certain employee is unavailable on a certain day, that day is automatically un ... Arash Abtahi Removing stepsClosed   Amelia   Updated August 31, 2022 at 1:32pm   2 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Arash Abtahi, Thank you for reaching out to us.Yes, of course. When you do not offer any extras or if you do not charge the appointment those steps will automatically disappear.If you have any m ... Giam Unable to create email notificationsClosed   Amelia   Updated August 31, 2022 at 1:15pm   18 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello Giam,Glad to hear that the issue has been resolved.As that message is only a notice, that should not affect the plugin.Please let me know if you have any other questions. Ben Richardson Payment PlansClosed   Amelia   Updated August 31, 2022 at 11:16am   2 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Ben, Thank you for reaching out to us.Unfortunately, currently, instalments feature is not built-in in Amelia.I'll kindly ask you to add it as a feature suggestion on this https://features. ... Hasse Bug - purchased packet assigned to the wrong customerClosed   Amelia   Updated August 31, 2022 at 11:05am   2 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Hasse, Thank you for reaching out to us.We tried but couldn't replicate the issue. When we book with the same employee but with a different email address, the real customer gets the package ... Bonita Summers Disappearing Services on SiteClosed   Amelia   Updated August 31, 2022 at 9:02am   4 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Bonita, Thank you for reaching out to us.Firstly, I would like to sincerely apologize for the delayed response as we have been experiencing an unusually high number of tickets. I am sorry that i ... Marcos EmployeesClosed   Amelia   Updated August 31, 2022 at 8:50am   4 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Marcos,Unfortunately, currently employees can only create appointments with existing clients, they cannot book appointments with clients who do not exist in your database. But it's a good s ... The Workshop Emails/Notifications Log?Closed   Amelia   Updated August 31, 2022 at 8:39am   4 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello Cody,Glad to be able to assist you.Please let us know if you have any other questions. The Workshop Events NotificationsClosed   Amelia   Updated August 31, 2022 at 7:42am   2 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Cody, Thank you for reaching out to us.Unfortunately, currently, this feature is not built-in in Amelia. The employee can receive notifications only when the customer books an appointment. But i ... Kenneth Lazer technical supportClosed   Amelia   Updated August 30, 2022 at 7:09pm   2 Most recent comment from Stanislav Snagovskiy:Hello Kenneth, Thank you for reaching out to us.I'm afraid that we didn't quite get what you want to achieve exactly? Can you please explain to us in a little more detail and maybe send us a ... Kara PHP Error - DB_COLLATEClosed   Amelia   Updated August 30, 2022 at 5:56pm   5 Most recent comment from Stanislav Snagovskiy:Dear, Kara This message is just a notification, and it will not affect any functionalities of your site. Our best suggestion is to simply disable the WP_DEBUG, because this is only used on testing/st ... Victor Reyes Make personnal "appointments"Closed   Amelia   Updated August 30, 2022 at 1:22pm   17 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello Victor,Glad to hear that the issue has been resolved.My apologies if I already asked this before, but may I ask you for a small favor if you don’t mind?  Can you, please, leave a review on t ... Daniel Chodari Customizing TimesClosed   Amelia   Updated August 30, 2022 at 12:58pm   13 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi, Daniel For setting "pauses" between two time slots, you have two options :1.  You can set buffer times,   for example you can set 10 minute "after" , this way the employee will have time bet ...