
Public Tickets

Matthew Gerrish Database tablesClosed   Amelia   Updated January 24, 2021 at 12:46pm   2 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hello MatthewThose database tables are required for relations in the plugin. However, that doesn't have anything to do with your memory limit, and it doesn't impact the speed of the form. Y ... Philipp Scheucher Notifications translation?Closed   Amelia   Updated January 23, 2021 at 9:51pm   6 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:You're welcome Philipp, glad I could be of service.Melvin, thank you for your assistance here.We have some ideas about the integration with WMPL, and it's being developed. I don't have ... Philipp Scheucher Add Coupon missingClosed   Amelia   Updated January 23, 2021 at 9:47pm   4 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:You're welcome, PhilippGlad I could be of service! David No way to use coupons on packages.Closed   Amelia   Updated January 23, 2021 at 9:47pm   8 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:I don't have details on that, David, so you'll have to wait until Monday when our developers get in, in order to know what's different between a regular booking and Packages booking.E ... Pm Consulting Solutions Coupons don't workClosed   Amelia   Updated January 23, 2021 at 5:30pm   8 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:You're welcome, glad I could help Virginie DUBOSCQ Display booking form issueClosed   Amelia   Updated January 23, 2021 at 5:26pm   7 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:You're welcome VirginieGlad I could be of service.If you have any further questions or issues, please feel free to open a new ticket, and we'll gladly help. Lukas Huggenberg Work hours and Buffer timesClosed   Amelia   Updated January 23, 2021 at 12:14pm   4 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:We've got a deal, LukasPlease let me know as soon as I'm able to access the website, and I'll gladly check what's causing this. Robert Packages and email with credentailsClosed   Amelia   Updated January 29, 2021 at 11:16am   9 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hello Robert, Our developer fixed the issue with the payment that couldn't be seen - the issue was that when no appointments were booked when the package was bought , the payment couldn't ... Jesus Form Fields Class IDClosed   Amelia   Updated January 25, 2021 at 1:20pm   3 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hi again JesusUnfortunately, for this to work, you would need to change the source code. JS files are modified (minimized) in public version of plugin (in our development environment is accessible),  ... Reza Hojati One Column in customer detailsClosed   Amelia   Updated January 22, 2021 at 2:49pm   4 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Thanks for the update, TimoIf you have any further questions or issues, please feel free to open a new ticket, and we'll gladly help. Lohan VLAMINCK NotificationsClosed   Amelia   Updated January 22, 2021 at 1:55pm   4 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hello again LohanThis is not the default behavior of the plugin, and I assume you did this with some custom code? Can you please explain to me how you made this possible?Since it's not included i ... Lohan VLAMINCK CancelClosed   Amelia   Updated January 22, 2021 at 1:54pm   5 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hello again LohanTurns out there was a bug with the cancellation placeholders in version 3.0.1. Can you please update the plugin to v3.0.2, and then test again? The issue should've been resolve ... Mike limiting service on specific locationClosed   Amelia   Updated January 22, 2021 at 1:46pm   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hello Mike,Thank you for your purchase. There isn't a possibility to set that the appointments booked depend on the location in Amelia, unfortunately. The location is connected to the employee ... Morel Stripe paymentClosed   Amelia   Updated January 22, 2021 at 12:06pm   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hello Morel,Customers are debited when they book an appointment in Amelia - in the booking process they need to pay if you enable one of the online payment methods (PayPal , Stripe) and that is the s ... Marc-Philipp Trópia Schneider Only use packeges – no single bookingClosed   Amelia   Updated January 22, 2021 at 12:03pm   7 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Phil,You are welcome. Thank you for confirming and upgrading your Amelia license! We processed your upgrade to Pro.If you have any other questions or issues feel free to open a new ticket and we ...