
Public Tickets

Dani user rolesClosed   Amelia   Updated October 30, 2024 at 2:37pm   2 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:Hi Dani, Thanks for reaching out to us. By default, a WP user with employee user role is only able to manage the appointment assigned to him. Only users with admin or manager user roles are able to ma ... Mikail Shaw payment defaultClosed   Amelia   Updated October 30, 2024 at 2:34pm   10 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:Hi Mikail, Thanks for the feedback, that makes sense. Great to see that you were able to find the solution.  Looking forward to hearing from you regarding other questions or issues. Have a nice day! valerie no llegan los correos de envioClosed   Amelia   Updated October 30, 2024 at 1:49pm   2 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:  Olá Valerie, Obrigado por entrar em contato conosco. Um problema com as notificações por e-mail pode ser causado por vários motivos: Seu provedor de hospedagem está bloqueando todas ... Diana Ponce Freed afternoonClosed   Amelia   Updated October 30, 2024 at 1:06pm   4 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello Diana! Currently, this feature is available only at the consultant (employee) level, not as a global option for the entire business. It must be configured individually for each consultant, which ... Janay Allen 2.0 booking code not displaying, only thre 1.0 code will displayClosed   Amelia   Updated October 30, 2024 at 1:02pm   2 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello Janay, Thank you for reaching out to us. Please check if you can see the booking form on page when you are logged in? If this is the case then this can be 1 of 3 issues 1. The reason why the fo ... Darwin Rodgers Appointments in customer panelClosed   Amelia   Updated October 30, 2024 at 12:58pm   2 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello Darwin, Glad to hear that the issue has been resolved. I will have this ticket closed now. Alyson Melhus Events not duplicatingClosed   Amelia   Updated October 30, 2024 at 12:11pm   2 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:Hi Alyson, Thanks for reaching out to us. I've sent a fix to your email address - [email protected] Please, install it and let me know if it works. No data will be lost, just need to make su ... Francesca Kendall Can no longer x out of service or categoryClosed   Amelia   Updated October 30, 2024 at 10:29am   4 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:Hello Francesca, That's understandable, but i'm not able to troubleshoot further without the proper investigation. Judging by the title of the ticket, the issue could be related to the confl ... Mark Cornell SureTriggers IntegrationClosed   Amelia   Updated October 30, 2024 at 9:23am   2 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:Hi Mark, Thanks for reaching out to us. Amelia doesn't have the integration with SureTriggers, but it can be integrated with our web hooks or WordPress hooks. Perhaps there were some changes on t ... Local for you Admin Booking lostClosed   Amelia   Updated October 30, 2024 at 8:14am   2 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:Hello Local for you, Thanks for reaching out to us. I doubt that the appointment is lost, especially if the confirmation emails are sent, I would say the issue is related to the fact that a WP user is ... Chris New Events or Duplicating Events Wont saveClosed   Amelia   Updated October 30, 2024 at 7:54am   4 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:Hello Alyson, I would kindly ask you to open a new ticket and we will provide assistance there. Our policy is to have one issue or question per ticket, so our customers and colleagues can find them mo ... Kinno Logout bugClosed   Amelia   Updated October 30, 2024 at 7:37am   8 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello again, Our dev team is working on all issues and bugs that can exist. So all of them will resolved as soon as it is possible. But some are more critical so they need to be resolved first but all ... Dylan funtions of ameliaClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated October 30, 2024 at 7:31am   2 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:Hi Dylan, Thanks for reaching out to us. Allow me to explain how this can be configured. Large soccer field would be service 1, while the other two would be service 2 and 3. You have one employee assi ... Andrei Set automatic reply from WhatsApp notificationClosed   Amelia   Updated October 30, 2024 at 6:50am   4 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello again, You are most welcome, and we are glad if we were able to help you. Should you have any further inquiries, we kindly request that you open separate tickets for each question and we will gl ... Inpulsed-shockwave kliniek employee panelClosed   Amelia   Updated October 30, 2024 at 6:44am   9 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello again, You are most welcome, and we are glad if we were able to help you. Should you have any further inquiries, we kindly request that you open separate tickets for each question and we will gl ...