
Public Tickets

juan p guisasola Plugin doesnt workClosed   wpDataTables   Updated June 25, 2018 at 9:27am   2 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi juan p guisasola,Thank you for your purchase.Please provide me a temporary WP-admin login for your site where this happens, so we could log in and take a look ‘from the inside’ as that’s th ... trampsta Database LinkClosed   wpDataTables   Updated June 25, 2018 at 9:12am   2 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi trampsta,Thank you for your purchase.Please provide me a temporary WP-admin login for your site where this happens, so we could log in and take a look ‘from the inside’ as that’s the most ef ... jfullerton1 error when trying to edit field in browser front endClosed   wpDataTables   Updated June 25, 2018 at 8:02am   9 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi John,Sorry for late response.  We are located in Serbia and our working time is from 10:00 to 17:00 CET. business days.You are welcome.  I am glad that now is working fine. If you have any mor ... Ian Randell Tables loading very slowlyClosed   wpDataTables   Updated June 22, 2018 at 5:04pm   43 Most recent comment from Digital_Analog:Literally took 2 months to resolve a ticket that really was never resolved. What are the memory requirements for this tool? I'm running into the exact same issues and I've tried modifying php.ini valu ... Aditya Lele Column Width Option missingClosed   wpDataTables   Updated June 22, 2018 at 8:55am   4 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi adityalele55,Option Column width is available when you turn on option Limit table width on DISPLAY tab in table settings. Epistar Can't create TablesClosed   wpDataTables   Updated June 22, 2018 at 8:02am   16 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:HI Cameron,You are welcome.  Glad that we help you to solved the issue. If you have any more issues or questions feel free to open a new ticket, we will gladly help. We'd greatly appreciate it ... zbhr46 Slider Filter RequestClosed   wpDataTables   Updated June 21, 2018 at 3:08pm   4 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi zbhr46,Yes now I see on what you mean. Thank you for your suggestion.We carefully follow customers requirements and try to implement most of them if they appears in requests from time to time so ... omejan placeholdersClosed   wpDataTables   Updated June 21, 2018 at 10:54am   2 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi Jan,Thank you for your purchase.Unfortunately at the moment it is not possible to use placeholders after SELECT statement. Placeholders are intended to use in WHERE clause in query. Entrust_ICT Plugin Configuration IssueClosed   wpDataTables   Updated June 21, 2018 at 7:40am   6 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi Jeff,You are welcome. Thank you so much for great review. It means to us a lot.Have a nice day.Best regards tomlee_99 User enter filter before showing the reportClosed   wpDataTables   Updated June 21, 2018 at 5:54am   5 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi tomlee_99,You are welcome.  If you have any more issues or questions feel free to open a new ticket, we will gladly help. We'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a minute and leave a revi ... Helpdesk Branded Insights wpDataTable - ID ControlClosed   wpDataTables   Updated June 20, 2018 at 10:43am   6 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi Gary,You are welcome.Best regards. jfullerton1 multiple urls inClosed   wpDataTables   Updated June 20, 2018 at 8:14am   2 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi John,Thank you for your purchase.Yes you can but not with url column type. You can set column type to string and then set multi edit string for Editor input type.Then when you edit that field you ... jkukus Using WP Data tables breaks drop down menusClosed   wpDataTables   Updated June 20, 2018 at 7:46am   4 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi jkukus,Can you please update on latest version which is 2.2.2 that we lunch recently? We didn't release auto update yet, but you can update  the plugin manually by following this steps: 1.) Dow ... huibi edit joined tablesClosed   wpDataTables   Updated June 19, 2018 at 1:55pm   2 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi huibi,Thank you for your purchase.Thank you for your suggestion.We carefully follow customers requirements and try to implement most of them if they appears in requests from time to time so we wi ... Helpdesk Branded Insights wpDataTablesClosed   wpDataTables   Updated June 19, 2018 at 11:18am   2 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi Gary,Thank you for your purchase.When you add code in Custom wpDataTables CSS under the "Custom JS AND CSS" in main settings of wpdatatables it will be affected on all tables, but if you want j ...