
Public Tickets

Jameel Muhammad Dahiru Question on shortcodes for individual cells of a table.   wpDataTables   Updated 6 hours ago   1 Most recent comment from Jameel Muhammad Dahiru:Is it possible to get shortcodes for individual cells of a table, so that I can use them anywhere on the pages of my website? How can I access individual cells of a table from the front end, without n ... Rochelle test Victor Adding checkbox HTML inside cell no longer works   wpDataTables   Updated 1 day ago   1 Most recent comment from Rochelle test Victor:I have sent two tickets on this since November. Not sure why I am not getting a response.  I really could use the help. I use a serialized PHP to create a dynamic table.  Up until recently, I could ... Lana Max Character Length on DB Column   wpDataTables   Updated 2 days ago   1 Most recent comment from Lana:Look... I understand that there's a 255 character limit on a cell. However, I tried to bypass that by going into MySQL and changing the max length from 255 to 1024. That didn't work.I really ... TOM SACCENTI Data History   wpDataTables   Updated 2 days ago   1 Most recent comment from TOM SACCENTI:We use the table to log when a tech come on duty, but then when they leave we just delete him out of the table. He is added through a drop down cell that has all the techs in it. Is there a way to run ... Alfred HIPKINS Bad table display   wpDataTables   Updated 2 days ago   3 Most recent comment from Alfred HIPKINS:Thank you. My intent was to only allow users to edit their own entries. I did not register the 'See' element of this restriction. Related question: when you restrict view to their own entrie ... Jonathan Raybon Adjusting Filtering   wpDataTables   Updated 2 days ago   4 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Jonathan, I am delighted to hear that this has been resolved. Thank you for letting us know.If there is anything else that we can assist with, please don't hesitate to create new tickets.   � ... Uriahs Conditional formatting "set cell content" adopting prefix   wpDataTables   Updated 2 days ago   4 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Uriahs, Thank you for your suggestion! I will certainly discuss this with our developers as a follow-up. We hadn't considered a scenario like this before, and this is the default behavior, but ... Tony Goedde Tables wont' load   wpDataTables   Updated 3 days ago   4 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hello, Apologies for the waiting time.  This error can happen if you used an add-on to create a table, for example, if you had an integration with a Form Plugin; or if you previously had our Premium ... Mateusz Kopacz Slow rendering of table   wpDataTables   Updated 3 days ago   13 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Mateusz, I sincerely appreciate your patience. As mentioned in one of your older tickets, we’ve been experiencing some issues with our ticketing system. If you ever notice a longer response time, ... Alfred HIPKINS Data updates   wpDataTables   Updated 3 days ago   2 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Alfred, As mentioned on the other tickets with the long waiting time, our apologies. We had some serious issues with this ticketing system, which caused extreme delays.It should be solved, but we w ... Alfred HIPKINS Data not found   wpDataTables   Updated 3 days ago   2 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Alfred,As mentioned on your older ticket, my sincere apologies. We had big issues with this Support system which flagged some tickets as 'replied' in error, and we did not see them in tim ... Alfred HIPKINS Filtering   wpDataTables   Updated 3 days ago   2 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Alfred,I can see the issue from this ticket seems to be the same as on another ticket, where you also reported an SQL Query table has a filtering/search issue.The solution should be the same for bo ... Alfred HIPKINS Error saving table   wpDataTables   Updated 3 days ago   5 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Alfred, Could you show me the SQL Query that was used for this table - and I can advise if maybe some small modification/correction is needed to get the search to work? If the ticket won't all ... Alfred HIPKINS Create table error   wpDataTables   Updated 3 days ago   6 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Alfred,- In regards to the Excel sample you sent - Yes, this file has too many rows for it to be imported/uploaded directly via WordPress (more than 30 thousand rows).This is a limitation combined ... Escuelahockey Change start day of the datarange   wpDataTables   Updated 3 days ago   12 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi,My sincere apologies, we are still having issues with this ticketing system, some tickets are getting 'flagged' as 'replied' and we don't see them in time due to this.We wi ...