Public Tickets All Categories Pre-purchase questions for Amelia (35) Pre-purchase questions for wpDataTables (127) Amelia (898) wpDataTables (512) Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables (31) Report Builder for wpDataTables (2) Powerful Filters for wpDataTables (11) Gravity Forms integration for wpDataTables (7) Formidable Forms integration for wpDataTables (3) Robin edward CANCEL Amelia Updated 11 hours ago 2 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello there, Thank you for reaching out to us. Every subscription-based license is set to renew every year, on the date of purchase, unless you unsubscribe through the store. If you need to cancel ... KJK Team I Can't Delete Professionals Amelia Updated 11 hours ago 2 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello there, Thank you for reaching out to us. Can you please check in WordPress users if you have several roles added to this user? For example admin and employee or employee and customer. etc. Or i ... Juan 2 people booking same slot. Amelia Updated 11 hours ago 8 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello again, When you have several questions or issues please open a new ticket, and we will help you there. In that way, issues and questions that are related to different subjects will be in separat ... Hannibal Rodriguez No envía emails Amelia Updated 11 hours ago 10 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello again, Unfortunately, you can not. They can only be removed manually. Amelia is deigned in such a way that al data appears and only admin can delete things from Amelia. They must appear but they ... Marc Agraz Problema con el envío de correos para restablecer contraseñas en el Panel del Cliente de Amelia Amelia Updated 23 hours ago 1 Most recent comment from Marc Agraz:Estimado equipo de soporte de Amelia, Les contacto porque estoy experimentando un problema en mi sitio web, que utiliza con el plan Business, y su plugin Amelia para reservas de citas. ... Kinia Limit appointments per customer with WooCommerce payment method Amelia Updated 1 day ago 2 Most recent comment from Kinia: Marc Agraz Consulta sobre posibilidad de endpoint entrante en Amelia para automatizar cancelaciones Amelia Updated 2 days ago 1 Most recent comment from Marc Agraz:Estimados/as de Soporte de Amelia: Soy el Dr. Marc Agraz, y actualmente utilizo Amelia para la gestión de mis citas médicas y la coordinación con mis pacientes. Quería consultarles acerca de una p ... Laurence Assign 2 or more employees to an appointment? Amelia Updated 2 days ago 15 Most recent comment from Lee Kaninthanond:As your mention “booked, the other employee should be unavailable at that time. If both employees have access to the same Google Calendar (account), it's expected for both of them to see the sa ... Lana Max Character Length on DB Column wpDataTables Updated 3 days ago 1 Most recent comment from Lana:Look... I understand that there's a 255 character limit on a cell. However, I tried to bypass that by going into MySQL and changing the max length from 255 to 1024. That didn't work.I really ... TOM SACCENTI Data History wpDataTables Updated 3 days ago 1 Most recent comment from TOM SACCENTI:We use the table to log when a tech come on duty, but then when they leave we just delete him out of the table. He is added through a drop down cell that has all the techs in it. Is there a way to run ... Alfred HIPKINS Bad table display wpDataTables Updated 3 days ago 3 Most recent comment from Alfred HIPKINS:Thank you. My intent was to only allow users to edit their own entries. I did not register the 'See' element of this restriction. Related question: when you restrict view to their own entrie ... Jonathan Raybon Adjusting Filtering wpDataTables Updated 3 days ago 4 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Jonathan, I am delighted to hear that this has been resolved. Thank you for letting us know.If there is anything else that we can assist with, please don't hesitate to create new tickets. � ... Tom DiBuono Employees cant add customers? Amelia Updated 3 days ago 8 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hi Tom, We send a newsletter with all the changes made in an update once it’s released. It’s a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest features and improvements in Amelia. Thanks for reaching ... Alexander Schadofske Open event from URL parameter / query Amelia Updated 3 days ago 2 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello Alexander, Starting from Amelia 7.4.2, users can pre-select a list of entity IDs separated by commas, which will be automatically pre-filled on the form. The following list of URL parameters can ... margaret problem with Step by step booling form Amelia Updated 3 days ago 11 Most recent comment from margaret:Hi Stefan,Thanks for the help. FYI, I will be pushing the staging site live so you can make changes there. Do you think I should reinstall? I could try that on the staging ... 123456789102459