
Public Tickets

Tóth Gábor Woocommerce discount rulesClosed   Amelia   Updated July 8, 2021 at 12:33pm   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi TóthThank you for reaching out to us.I'm afraid, in Amelia, only the "original" Coupons (that were created and used inside the plugin) can be displayed. And the coupons from WooCommerce can& ... Nicole CurrencyClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated July 8, 2021 at 12:31pm   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi NicoleThank you for reaching out to us.If I am not mistaken ZAR stands for South African Rand? If I am correct then you can change the currency in Amelia-Settings-Payment settingsDo let us know if ... Mark Stubbins Turn off Choose Employee on Front EndClosed   Amelia   Updated July 8, 2021 at 12:02pm   3 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi MarkThank you for reaching out to us, we are glad to hear you were able to find a solution.If there is anything else we can assist you with please don't hesitate to open a new ticket.Have a wo ... Monika Wood customer not able to delete profileClosed   Amelia   Updated July 8, 2021 at 11:35am   6 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Monika,please check if you are logged in as Admin into WordPress while trying to do this.Log out and try accessing the panel then. Noé Custom CSS for a single cell in the table headerClosed   wpDataTables   Updated July 8, 2021 at 11:27am   4 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:You're welcome, Noé.I hope it helps. If you have any further issues or questions, please feel free to reach out to us. Charlie Kew Appointment Records MissingClosed   Amelia   Updated July 8, 2021 at 10:45am   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi CharlieThank you for reaching out to us.Amelia recognizes successful transaction if the funds on the card of the client are sufficient; however, if there are second steps to the charge (additional ... luana EMPLOYEES PANELClosed   Amelia   Updated July 8, 2021 at 10:20am   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi luanaThank you for reaching out to us.The issue here could be that one of your other plugins loads vue.js files everywhere, not just on the pages it is loaded on, so it's causing a conflict ... Frank Litjens Employee Notifications without Calendar attachmentsClosed   Amelia   Updated July 8, 2021 at 9:56am   4 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Frank,thank you for the kind reply.I'm afraid that this is a joined setting for both Employees and Attendees, if you turn it off none will receive the ics file. Catie Upgrade from Amelia Basic to PROClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated July 8, 2021 at 9:47am   10 Most recent comment from [deleted]:To make sure you don't loose any data please go to Amelia Settings/Activation, and make sure that the "Delete database tables" slider is disabled.  We have released this latest update yesterday, ... Leyla musleh Notifications when canceling a recurring reservationClosed   Amelia   Updated July 8, 2021 at 9:40am   4 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Turistas,the emails are each for sepparate appointment, yes?If not, please provide me a temporary WP-admin (administrator) user for your site where this happens, so we could log in and take a look ... Giulio Administrator and Google CalendarClosed   Amelia   Updated July 8, 2021 at 9:16am   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Giulio,thank you for reaching out to usUnfortunately at the moment, only employees can use Google Integration.I'll kindly ask you to add it as a feature suggestion on this page. Features are ... luana PAYMENT ON FREE EVENTSClosed   Amelia   Updated July 8, 2021 at 8:52am   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Luana,thank you for reaching out to usPlease let me know: are you trying to have your employee manage events? Is that employee added as a Staff to this event? If he is not he wouldn't be able ... Greg Reid Download Link Doesn't WorkClosed Pre-purchase questions for wpDataTables   Updated July 8, 2021 at 8:51am   7 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:I'm glad to hear that, GregThanks for letting me know. Do you know what caused the issue? Sinclair Ashman Bookings, Appointments and back-end CalendarClosed   Amelia   Updated July 8, 2021 at 8:46am   19 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:I'm glad to hear that, Sinclair.Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any other questions or issues. Siggi booking ref numberClosed   Amelia   Updated July 8, 2021 at 8:45am   4 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Siggi,thank you for adding itUnderstandable, it would be easier to track the booking and the finances with one joint order number.If you have any further questions or issues, please feel free to op ...