
Public Tickets

Marcel Broken websiteClosed   Amelia   Updated January 31, 2023 at 9:52am   3 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Marcel, Thank you for reaching out to us.We are glad to hear that everything is working now. We did not encounter such issue and Amelia can be updated automatically or we would have tens of thou ... Abdulrahman tahan cancelled ticket by mistakeClosed   Amelia   Updated February 1, 2023 at 9:47am   3 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Abdulrahman tahan,We just got the feedback from our colleagues and they have told us that unfortunately, once you cancel your subscription we can not activate it again. But you can buy a new lic ... Grace Attachment Custom FieldClosed   Amelia   Updated January 31, 2023 at 9:06am   2 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Grace, Thank you for reaching out to us.Custom fields are tied to the appointment, so you need to click on edit appointment and there you will be able to see all custom fields that your clients ... César Yucra Select several options in a fieldClosed   Amelia   Updated January 31, 2023 at 7:45am   6 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello César, You are most welcome, we try to help as best as we can. If you have any more questions please open another ticket and we will gladly help you there. We wish you all the best. Have a nice ... Duncan Richardson AppointmentsClosed   Amelia   Updated January 30, 2023 at 9:44pm   4 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:You're welcome, Duncan.Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help. Nikhil Remove "need help"Closed   Amelia   Updated January 30, 2023 at 9:16pm   2 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hello Nikhil.Since this is in the back-end, you'd need to install the "Add Admin CSS" plugin and in it, add the following CSS: .am-help-button { display: none !important; }Let me know if the ... César Yucra Send invoices and display contractsClosed   Amelia   Updated January 30, 2023 at 9:12pm   5 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello César,Glad to be able to assist you.My apologies if I already asked this before, but may I ask you for a small favor if you don’t mind?  There are a few places with reviews about plugins t ... Falko Alexander pending statusClosed   Amelia   Updated January 30, 2023 at 9:09pm   2 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hello Falko.If you access this service setting, and you can verify the appointment status is set to "Approved", then the only other thing that could happen is that this service's minimum capacit ... Olav localisationClosed   Amelia   Updated January 30, 2023 at 8:45pm   2 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hello Olav.Thank you for reaching out to us.Amelia doesn't have any date/time format settings. It inherits everything from WordPress, so please access your General Settings and change the format ... Quentin NORMAND Mail NotificationClosed   Amelia   Updated January 30, 2023 at 7:07pm   4 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:You're welcome, Quentin.Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any further questions or concerns! Rogelio Argüello Team or employee loginClosed   Amelia   Updated January 30, 2023 at 2:09pm   2 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Rogelio, Thank you for reaching out to us.Yes, to both.1. You need to enable those permissions to your employees in role settings2. Yes, you can create a manager role and the manager can see and ... Carmen Braga Events behaviour on back end/Zoom intergrationClosed   Amelia   Updated January 30, 2023 at 1:37pm   4 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello Carmen,Thank you for the credentials.Can you please provide me with the admin login URL so I can log in and test it out?Looking forward to your reply. atelierdosul Button Book NowClosed   Amelia   Updated January 30, 2023 at 1:26pm   5 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello,Firstly, I would like to sincerely apologize for the delayed response as we have been experiencing an unusually high number of tickets. I am sorry that it has taken longer than usual to respond ... César Yucra Only 1 reservationClosed   Amelia   Updated January 30, 2023 at 12:44pm   2 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello César,Thank you for reaching out to us.Unfortunately, there is currently no such option with Amelia's built-in features. You can suggest that feature on the following link: https://feat ... Darren Moore Booking an event with max capacity but variable pricing bandsClosed   Amelia   Updated January 30, 2023 at 12:41pm   2 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Darren, Thank you for reaching out to us. You should be able to achieve this relatively easily. When you create events you have option called maxim allowed spots Just set that to 10 and that sh ...