
Public Tickets

Julie Hunt-Juneau Customer view on calendarClosed   Amelia   Updated September 21, 2023 at 12:54pm   2 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:Hello Julie,There is no option for the customer to see other customer appointments. When a customer makes an appointment, he can log in to the customer panel in order to control the appointments, l ... Jonas Oya Block slot by Category instead by employeeClosed   Amelia   Updated September 21, 2023 at 12:04pm   4 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello Jonas,Glad to hear that we found the solution.My apologies if I already asked this before, but may I ask you for a small favor if you don’t mind?  Can you, please, leave a review on the Lit ... Will Fisher Customising 'Catalogue View'Closed   Amelia   Updated September 21, 2023 at 11:57am   2 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:Hello Will,Thanks for reaching out to us.So, we have two booking forms when it comes to the Catalog Booking Form. We recently released Catalog Booking Form 2.0 which has been completely redesigned and ... Joewad General questions Customize Fields & ExtrasClosed   Amelia   Updated September 21, 2023 at 10:50am   2 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Joewad, Thank you for reaching out to us.1- I would like to know if you could provide me a tutorial or explain to me how I can play around the Customize Fields Section. When I do a change, it f ... Andrius New locations and new employees don't show upClosed   Amelia   Updated September 21, 2023 at 10:46am   2 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Andrius, Thank you for reaching out to us.This needs to be set in employee work hours.The availability of the service is defined by employees' working hours, so you would need to edit those ... Marco Schnyder Custom Fields not showingClosed   Amelia   Updated September 21, 2023 at 9:10am   27 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello Marco,Glad to hear that you resolved the issue. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Joewad Front-end problematics for step-by-step booking formClosed   Amelia   Updated September 21, 2023 at 8:35am   4 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello Joewad,I will respond to the other ticket you created as soon as possible.I appreciate your patience. Geoffroy Disable Show More, Show more by defaultClosed   Amelia   Updated September 21, 2023 at 8:04am   2 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Geoffroy, Thank you for reaching out to us.No, unfortunately, currently, this feature is not built-in in Amelia. At this time description can not be shown in full unless customers click on show ... Sergio Select multiple servicesClosed   Amelia   Updated September 21, 2023 at 7:49am   2 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Sergio, Thank you for reaching out to us.Unfortunately, currently, this feature is not built-in in Amelia. We plan to implement a cart feature in the next 6 months possibly even sooner. Should ... Atelier OKAPI PaymentClosed   Amelia   Updated September 21, 2023 at 7:14am   6 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:Hello Claudia,You are welcome.Please, see the answers below :When the booking form is not displayed in the front end, issues like this usually occur when there is a conflict either with the theme curr ... Ingo Google Calendar integrationClosed   Amelia   Updated September 21, 2023 at 6:33am   2 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Ingo, Thank you for reaching out to us.We thank you for your proposal and for taking the time to send everything to us. Unfortunately, as you already know, this is not possible at the moment, b ... Chelsea Schmidt Event Calendar ViewClosed   Amelia   Updated September 21, 2023 at 12:14pm   8 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello Chelsea,We just got the feedback from our colleagues and they have told us that when we check this everything is working fine. We have tried this several dozen times and each time it works perfe ... Francesca Kendall Appt booking for extrasClosed   Amelia   Updated September 20, 2023 at 9:07pm   5 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Francesca,We checked and it seems your last two replies here are not for this ticket,but they are related to the other ticket,  (https://tmsplugins.ticksy.com/ticket/3463140/)where we discussed t ... Francesca Kendall appt bookingClosed   Amelia   Updated September 20, 2023 at 9:04pm   5 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Francesca,Yes, we agree with you that this is definitely something that we should improve in the future.Thank you for creating the Suggestion for development, our management will make a task for o ... Christian Vhenten emails blacklistClosed   Amelia   Updated September 20, 2023 at 6:45pm   2 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello Christian,Thank you for reaching out to us.Unfortunately, there is currently no such option with Amelia's built-in features. You can suggest that feature on the following link: https://fe ...