Public Tickets All Categories Pre-purchase questions for Amelia (38) Pre-purchase questions for wpDataTables (121) Amelia (1,145) wpDataTables (534) Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables (24) Report Builder for wpDataTables (2) Powerful Filters for wpDataTables (10) Gravity Forms integration for wpDataTables (8) Formidable Forms integration for wpDataTables (2) Daniel Responsive table in desktop browserClosed wpDataTables Updated October 12, 2024 at 1:47pm 1 Most recent comment from Daniel:I test responsive tables by resizing the browser window. If I resize a desktop browser window to simulate a mobile device browser, the columns just get squished, whereas on an actual mobile device t ... Giuliano Tell Strange error when trying to create a tableClosed Pre-purchase questions for wpDataTables Updated October 11, 2024 at 8:54pm 5 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Giuliano, It would be very helpful for other users who might experience the same issue, if you could perhaps try to provide a summary of some major 'points'/steps you did to determine the ... David Burley Can't access tables since migrationClosed wpDataTables Updated October 11, 2024 at 8:33pm 6 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi David, I am delighted to hear that this has been resolved. Thank you for letting us know.Anything else that we could assist with, please don't hesitate to create new tickets. Have a great day! ... Mark White Ticketing Options for Scheduled EventsClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia Updated October 11, 2024 at 3:07pm 2 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello Mark, Thank you for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, there is currently no such option with Amelia's built-in features. You can suggest that feature on the following link: https://featu ... Davide Cattini Event Booking and Unique Code VerificationClosed Amelia Updated October 11, 2024 at 3:03pm 2 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello Davide, Thank you for reaching out to us. I am sorry to disappoint you, but unfortunately, something like this is not possible with the plugin's built-in features. This feature will be imp ... pmtd Appointments query and display issuesClosed Amelia Updated October 11, 2024 at 2:01pm 2 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello, Thank you for reaching out to us. Can you please let me know if there is any customer or employee with the same email as the admin user with which you were logged in when this error occurred? I ... Emma Help with event booking formClosed Amelia Updated October 11, 2024 at 1:58pm 2 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello Emma, Thank you for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, there is currently no such option with Amelia's built-in features. You can suggest that feature on the following link: https://featu ... Corcaud problème enregistrement évènements et rdvClosed Amelia Updated October 11, 2024 at 1:33pm 19 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov: Bonjour Corcaud, Je vous envoie une correction via WeTransfer. Veuillez l'installer et me faire savoir si cela fonctionne. Gerhard Neinert Changes in events are not savedClosed Amelia Updated October 11, 2024 at 12:44pm 10 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:You are welcome, Gerhard. My apologies if I already asked this before, but may I ask you for a small favor if you don’t mind? There are a few places with reviews about plugins that matter to our ... [Deleted User] Reorder rowsClosed wpDataTables Updated October 11, 2024 at 12:31pm 12 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Chris, Thank you for sharing that workaround idea with us, we will make a note of it. Thank you for your feedback, we will pass it to our management. At the moment, unfortunately, we still don ... David Trafft?Closed Amelia Updated October 11, 2024 at 12:01pm 4 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:Hi David, Yes, that's correct. It can be integrated into WP site and you can also use the embed code to add it to the desired page. Paul Incana translateClosed Amelia Updated October 11, 2024 at 11:19am 4 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello again, Amelia does not have any issue with French language. Please check the following and send us screenshots for each one If WP is set to French only not to French Canada for example Amelia wi ... Elisabeth Amelia manager + wp author or editor role neededClosed Amelia Updated October 11, 2024 at 10:22am 6 Most recent comment from Marko Davidović:Hello again, We can not say that this is not possible since we do not work with role plugins so this can perhaps be achieved with some plugins role we know that some of our users are using this but wh ... Kevin Notification is send to wrong emailClosed Amelia Updated October 11, 2024 at 10:05am 5 Most recent comment from Uroš Jovanović:Hello Kevin, I managed to log into your website. Please test it out now and let me know if it works for you or not. Edwin van Halem Amelia end-time wrong when adding extra'sClosed Amelia Updated October 11, 2024 at 9:55am 17 Most recent comment from Stefan Petrov:Hi Edwin, A similar issue has been already identified as a bug, but it has been fixed with the latest update Amelia 7.8.2. Please, update to the latest version, test it again and let me know if it wor ... 1 161162163164165166167168169170171 2469