
Public Tickets

steelsmith Auto-generated numbersClosed   wpDataTables   Updated May 1, 2018 at 11:01pm   3 Most recent comment from steelsmith:Got it thanks. Paul Desormeaux Hide Column based on selected Column Filter valueClosed   wpDataTables   Updated April 27, 2018 at 3:59pm   6 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:HI Paul,Possible it can be achieved with some changing of the cell background but that depends on table structure. If the table is server side or not.Unfortunately due to our support policy and users ... Aaron Filtering Table OutputClosed   wpDataTables   Updated April 27, 2018 at 3:57pm   17 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:HI Aaron,You are welcome.  I am glad that now everything is working fine. If you have any more issues or questions feel free to open a new ticket, we will gladly help. We'd greatly appreciate it ... AliManouchehri Auto Column TruncationClosed   wpDataTables   Updated April 27, 2018 at 2:15pm   6 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:HI Ali,Thank you so much for excellent review. You made my day.Have a nice weekend.Best regards georgevanous Filter Color Font ChangeClosed   wpDataTables   Updated April 27, 2018 at 11:49am   12 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:HI georgevanous,Can you please send me the link where you have that search box so I can take a look.Best regards. jesulliv 'sheet index' error on install A, but not on install BClosed   wpDataTables   Updated April 27, 2018 at 10:17am   6 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:HI jesulliv,Unfortunately Skype, TeamView and etc. calls are not covered in the included support of the plugin.In case like this credentials are necessary to see what may cause an issue.Can you plea ... CLIFF Freeze Header ColumnsClosed   wpDataTables   Updated April 27, 2018 at 9:37am   2 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:HI CLIFF,Thank you for your purchase.Unfortunately something like this is not possible to achieve with the plugin built in features.Here is the suggestion from our customer that managed to achieve th ... alanpsimmonds Table tools menuClosed   wpDataTables   Updated April 27, 2018 at 8:39am   2 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:HI alanpsimmonds,Thank you for your purchase.Unfortunately there is no built in option for this with built in features of plugin. It require some code customization. ALF1EE center image vertical + horizontalClosed   wpDataTables   Updated April 26, 2018 at 1:19pm   8 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Alex, This is what I get when I try to access your page ( attachment)  As a solution my suggestion is to take a look at our documentation about Styling the columns.At the bottom of the documenta ... leoccl86 Error on display pageClosed   wpDataTables   Updated April 26, 2018 at 10:30am   4 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi leoccl86,I investigate your spreadsheet and I found out that you have this warnings because of the new lines in some rows. See some of the them in attachments. Please remove this new lines in all ... alanpsimmonds Collapsing on laptopClosed   wpDataTables   Updated April 26, 2018 at 9:35am   2 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:HI Alan,Thank you for your purchase.Please take a look at video in our documentation where you can see how you can make desktop collapsing columns. This is just a workaround and we are looking to im ... abhinav Api integration not work with dynamic user IDClosed   wpDataTables   Updated April 26, 2018 at 8:02am   2 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:HI abhinav,Thank you for your purchase.We can see that you open two tickets with same issue and we already answer you in first one so I will close this one.Best regards. badcraiger Plugin Serves up GMT Time page after saveClosed   wpDataTables   Updated April 26, 2018 at 8:01am   10 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi badcraiger,Unfortunately the result is the same. I will gave you instruction what you can do to try to fix this issue.We have another customer with same issue and I think we found what cause the i ... Paul Desormeaux Date Display Feature RequestClosed   wpDataTables   Updated April 26, 2018 at 7:14am   2 Most recent comment from Isidora Markovic:Hi Paul,Thank you for your purchase.Thank you for your suggestion.We carefully follow customers requirements and try to implement most of them if they appears in requests from time to time so we wil ... vikramjo Excel upload not showing all columnsClosed   wpDataTables   Updated April 25, 2018 at 3:14pm   11 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:HI vikramjo,Unfortunately there is no solution or customization of the plugin that will enable this feature.As for your second issue may I kindly ask you to open a new ticket so we can keep our "one ...