
Public Tickets

Fernando Polti Want to create a service without a reservation dateClosed   Amelia   Updated June 4, 2021 at 9:45am   2 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hello FernandoThank you for your purchase.I am sorry to disappoint you, but unfortunately something like this is not possible with the plugin's built-in features. Greg Lowe Calendar date range issueClosed   wpDataTables   Updated June 4, 2021 at 9:17am   12 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hi again GregWe had to add some custom CSS for this: .wpdt-c .wpDataTablesWrapper .wdtscroll .wpDataTable tfoot td .bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget.wdt-datetimepicker-modal,.wpdt-c .wpDataTablesWrappe ... Eric Clark Cannot allow filtering on one column. Checkbox disabled.Closed   wpDataTables   Updated June 4, 2021 at 9:13am   6 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:You're welcome, EricI'm glad to hear it works.If you have any further questions or issues, please feel free to open a new ticket, and we'll gladly help. Orlando Cant get the reminder notification to workClosed   Amelia   Updated June 4, 2021 at 8:47am   2 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hello OrlandoThank you for your purchase.cron schedules a command or a script on your server to run automatically at a specified time and date. Depending on the server, there are different configura ... Andrew User data queriesClosed Pre-purchase questions for wpDataTables   Updated June 4, 2021 at 8:18am   4 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hi AndrewI understand what you're trying to do, but unfortunately, it can't be done.As mentioned in my previous response, global search finds the data entered in the search, and it finds o ... Nura Use APIs to pull the dataClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated June 4, 2021 at 8:16am   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Nura,thank you for reaching out to usCan you please advise if you need assistance with Amelia or WPDataTables, as you have chosen the category Amelia, and your inquiry is about creating tables.Plea ... Poppy taking payments but not creating appointments or sending confirmation emailsClosed   Amelia   Updated June 4, 2021 at 7:32am   28 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Poppy,thank you so much for letting me know.I apologize again for the issue not being resolved, and for the delay.If there is anything else that I can assist you with, please contact us. Thomas Wegerer Customer connect WP AdministratorClosed   Amelia   Updated June 3, 2021 at 7:50pm   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi, Thomas!Thank you for choosing Amelia.I'm afraid, at the moment it's not possible to add a user that has an Administrator role or any other Amelia role, even if you used the User Role Edi ... Daniel Chen Translate EmployeesClosed   Amelia   Updated June 3, 2021 at 6:38pm   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi, Daniel!Thank you for choosing Amelia.You can change the label "Employees" in Amelia -> Settings -> Labels as well:Hope that will help.Looking forward to hearing from you.  Mathieu Meuric How to upgrade basic to pro ?Closed   Amelia   Updated June 3, 2021 at 2:17pm   4 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Mathieu,thank you a lotI have forwarded the request, please expect the charge in the next day or so.If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly hel ... Ilse Google Busy/FreeClosed   Amelia   Updated June 3, 2021 at 2:16pm   3 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi there,thank you for letting us know, I am glad that you have found a solutionIf you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out. Lee error on updateClosed   Amelia   Updated June 3, 2021 at 1:52pm   4 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Lee,thank you for the credentials!You can proceed to update the plugin manually by following these steps (I don't have access to your DB so I wouldn't be able to do so for you): 1.) Down ... Bram Vanthournout Hide counrty in addressClosed   Amelia   Updated June 3, 2021 at 12:44pm   4 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Laurent,thank you so much for letting us know!That is a good workaround.If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out. Diana van der Pol Feature requestClosed   Amelia   Updated June 3, 2021 at 12:18pm   6 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi, Diana,I'm glad I could helpPlease let us know if you have any other questions. Best Regards.  Joseph Atherton I wish to sort on a column so that non-blank cells appear at the topClosed   wpDataTables   Updated June 3, 2021 at 11:21am   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi JosephThank you for reaching out to us.You can achieve this by going into Column settings/Sorting/"Use as default sorting column"/"Default sorting direction" - DescendingI hope this helps, do let ...