Klarna Payment plugin fails Date: November 16th, 2021Manifestation:A fatal error is displayed when Amelia is active and when trying to use WooCommerce's Klarna Checkout plugin. The checkout never loads, and it keeps spinning.The error in the console ma ...
Using Multiple Languages in Amelia Date: November 23, 2021 Please note that we do not have translators in our company, so all translated languages Amelia has have been translated by our customers. If you find any inconsistencies with the translation, please ...
Time Zones with Amelia Date: November 19th, 2021 Amelia doesn't have any time zone settings, and it relies on WordPress' General settings. Here's how it works: All times in the back-end of Amelia will be shown exactly how you save them, so (fo ...
Upgrading Licenses Updated: July 14th, 2023. Licenses can be upgraded to higher tiers through our store, by clicking on the "Upgrade" button: A new modal opens up where you can choose available upgrade plans: Please note that the Life ...
Disappearing Notification Templates (PARTIALLY RESOLVED) Updated: February 1st, 2022 PLEASE NOTE: Grammarly resolved the issue that is described below, so please make sure that you're using the latest version of this add-on. If you're using some other grammar tool, and this iss ...
New Services not seen on the front-end Date: November 12, 2021If you added a service, and you don't see it on the front-end, please check these points: Is the service visible? Each service has a slider "Show Service on Site" - make sure that's enabled:If this sl ...
"Unable to connect to Google Calendar" error in Employee's Profile Date: November 15th, 2021If you see an error in the top right, that says "Unable to connect to Google Calendar" when you enter your employee's profile, you probably already connected this employee to the Google Calendar, bu ...
Setting up SMTP with Microsoft (hotmail, outlook, live, and office365 emails) Date: 5th October, 2023 PLEASE NOTE: As of September 2023, Office365 accounts that use MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) do not need to create App Passwords. Check out Microsoft's reference here.If you have 2-step verifica ...
Google Calendar - Redirect URI Mismatch (error 400) Date: November 16th, 2021 PLEASE NOTE: Google Developer Console might look different from your end as Google makes changes to their interface frequently, but functionality is still the same and remains intact. If you see ...
Using Amelia in Elementor Popup Date: November 5th, 2021When you have created Employees, services and/or events in Amelia, you can add them on front-end usingour shortcodes, which are explained in detail in the article "Amelia Shortcodes and Front-end imp ...
Refund Policy Customer satisfaction and long-term relationship is our primary goal here at TMS. So, even though we are pretty confident in the quality of Amelia, and are pretty sure you won’t ever need a refund, we have established a str ...
Installation Detailed instructions for plugin installation through WordPress, and through FTP. The installation process for our plugins and add-ons is simple and straightforward, and shouldn’t cause you any trouble. Regardless of your ...
Updating the plugin to the latest version Updated on: February 21st, 2024 PLEASE NOTE: TMS (our company) currently has two WordPress plugins and 6 wpDataTables add-ons: Amelia;wpDataTables;Master-Detail Tables - an add-on for wpDataTables, which requires wpDat ...
Licenses, Purchase, and Activation Edited Date: July 14th, 2023 Licenses Our products can be purchased through the Envato marketplace, and through our websites: AmeliawpDataTableswpDataTables add-ons Please note: Envato licenses are lifetime licenses, ...
Amelia Shortcodes and Front-end Implementation Date: November 5th, 2021 At the moment, the plugin has integration with Elementor and Divi builder, but we plan to add a lot more in the future. Adding specific (multiple) employees, categories, services, or locations thr ...
Popup creation in Amelia In this article, we will demonstrate how to create a Popup directly in Amelia (it had to be done in Elementor before). Here are a few steps for a seamless creation of a Popup. Creating the Trigger In order to start creati ...
WooCommerce payments lead Amelia to the home page Date: November 8th, 2021If you enabled WooCommerce as a payment method, and you see that Amelia redirects you to the home page, or a non-existing page, instead of the WooCommerce Cart, or Checkout, most likely the "Cart" an ...
Recurring VS multi-day events Date: November 23, 2021 Recurring Events: Think of recurring events as a lecture. For example, you have an event called "Evolution 101" which is a recurring event that recurs every week, on Mondays, from 10:00 - 14:00. E ...
TMS Store Date: December 8th, 2021 Overview: Through our store, you can see all your purchased licenses, buy new licenses, contact support, access the main websites, official documentation, demos, add-ons, and pricing, change y ...
Outlook Calendar blank calendar in Employee Profile Date: November 16th, 2021Please make sure you go through our Outlook Calendar Integration documentation, and check out the video instructions in there.It can happen that you connected your employee to his/her Outlook Calen ...
Default Time Slot Step (custom durations in Services, work hours, breaks...) If you want to create a 5-minute, 10-minute, 15-minute, etc. Service and you only see 30-minute, 1hr, 1:30 durations, or you want your employee to work from 09:15 - 10:20 all you need to do is change the Default Time Slot st ...
Amelia Pricing The price of our plugins and add-ons depends on where you're purchasing them from. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. Amelia If you want to buy the plugin through our website, there are three options you ...
Appointments are automatically canceled Date: April 19th, 2022 If your customers are showing up for appointments you see as canceled, and if there are instances where appointments are automatically canceled a few minutes after they're booked, please note that it's ...
Notification Placeholders Date: November 23, 2021 Amelia has placeholders for email notifications which are supposed to be replaced with real data from your employees, customers, extras, custom fields, and other booking data. For example, %customer ...
Setting up SMTP with Gmail Date: March 28th, 2022 Since 30 May 2022, Google no longer supports the use of third-party apps or devices that ask you to sign in to your Google Account using only your username and password. In order to continue using S ...
Are You Getting “The link you followed has expired” Error in WordPress? The message, ‘the link you followed has expired,’ is most often received when you’re uploading either a WordPress plugin or theme. With all standard WordPress installations, there is a server setting that limits the u ...