
Public Tickets

Kathey Design of EventsClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated April 23, 2020 at 8:41am   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Kathey,Thank you for your interest in our plugin.At the moment it is possible to show pictures for events like this.However, it is not possible to show like categories with pictures. We certainly p ... Will layout flexiabilityClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated April 22, 2020 at 4:48pm   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Will,Thanks for your interest. Unfortunately, no, we do not have tickets based on age. We have just one ticket for all, no different price points at the moment.  Giacomo Tamburini SMS NotificationsClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated April 22, 2020 at 1:47pm   4 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Giacomo,You are welcome.Best regards. Scott Lewis Surface edit employee panel outside wp-adminClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated April 22, 2020 at 9:53am   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Scott Lewis,Thank you for your interest in our plugin.Unfortunately not at the moment, but we are currently working on the Front-end employee panel, where employees will be able to track, add or ed ... Flauntease 1 event with 2 price optionsClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated April 22, 2020 at 9:35am   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Flauntease,Thank you for your interest in our plugin.Unfortunately it is not possible to connect 1 event to two different products, but it is possible to enable multiple payment methods and let cus ... Tone Chain appointmentsClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated April 22, 2020 at 8:53am   2 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Tone,Thank you for your inquire.Sorry to disappoint you but unfortunately booking more than one service on one go is not possible to achieve with our plugin built-in features at the moment.This is ... Sue Scheele Amelia PurchaseClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated April 21, 2020 at 12:35pm   2 Most recent comment from Aleksandar Vuković:Hello SueThank you for your interest in Amelia.I don't know what Authorize.net is, so I can't say if it is compatible or not.We have a 15-day money back guarantee, so if the plugin doesn� ... Balakrishnan Murugan multiple service selection in frontendClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated April 21, 2020 at 9:22am   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Balakrishnan,Thanks so much for your interest.Unfortunately, we do not have multiple service booking in one session, the only why is to make Extras for particular service and that way customer can ... Billon about featuresClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated April 21, 2020 at 9:20am   4 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:Hi Serge,Sorry for late response, we did not work in past 4 days due to national holiday.If your employee is assigned to Appointments and Events as well, and if the appointment or event are booked he ... Daniel Moore Importing customers?Closed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated April 21, 2020 at 8:53am   2 Most recent comment from Miloš Jovanović:HI Daniel,Thank you for your inquire.Sorry to disappoint you but at the moment we do not have an option to import the customers.Customers must be added manually still.Best regards. David multiple slots of time in a row​​Closed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated April 21, 2020 at 7:03am   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi David,Thanks so for your interest.It is possible to book a slot of 45 minutes, of course, but it is not possible at the moment to book two slots in a raw. The only option is to add extra of 45 minu ... AxiomaX User from other parts of the worldClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated April 20, 2020 at 6:47pm   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi AxiomaX,Thank you for your interest in our plugin.Yes, we have a time zone option which helps plugin to work in the way you need. If you enable 'Show booking slots in client time zone' op ... Andrea Molinari Subscription featureClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated April 20, 2020 at 6:47pm   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Andrea Molinari,Thank you for your interest in our plugin.Unfortunately we don't support subscriptions at the moment. If you are interested I can contact you once we implement this option? I a ... Frederic Vannieuwenborg modal booking plugin via customized buttonClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated April 20, 2020 at 10:40am   6 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Frederic,Great, thank you for sharing this with me, I am sure that it will help our users.Best regards. Kevin Ticket managementClosed Pre-purchase questions for Amelia   Updated April 16, 2020 at 3:47pm   2 Most recent comment from [deleted]:Hi Kevin,Thank you for your interest in our plugin.Unfortunately something like this isn't possible at the moment, if this is something that would be managed with packages option (like creating p ...