  Public Ticket #994459
filtering wpDataTables


  •  2
    Ermay started the conversation

    Is it possible to filter data tables into subfilters so I could have say 4 tables under one filter if that makes sense?

    Please see attachement

    Kind Regards,

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Ermay,
    Thank you for your purchase.

    It is not so clear to me. Can you describe it in more details? Do you want to filter all 4 tables with one filter?

  •  2
    Ermay replied

    Milos, as shared in the attachement in my first response, I would like to be able to filter the datatables with a drop down menu if possible. Is there a way to do this with the plugin? 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Ermay,

    Yes it is possible to filter table with dropdown. Please take a look at our documentation how you can accomplish that.


    Just search for Select Box Filter and you will see example and usage of that filter.