  Public Ticket #970284
data from excellsheet not imported in wpdata tables


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    claudiabakker started the conversation

    Hello, I just bought this plugin, and now I have a question. I am trying to upload an excel sheet into this plugin, but the data does not show. It is empty when the plugin finished importing.

    Can you help me please?

    Thanks a lot!


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Claudia,

    As I can see you have multiple tables on one sheet. Please separate it into multiple documents or remove any unwanted tables from that sheet.

    Our plugin could work with one table at the time.

    You can find tutorial as well as example file on this link

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    claudiabakker replied

    Hi Miljko, Ok, I understand the mistake, and I have correct it now, but still I don't have any data after uploading. I will attach new document.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Claudia,

    Our plugin use first row to determinate column headers and first column to determinate number of row in table. In your current document you do not have data in first column but you do have in others. 

    You could either move column with most data to the first place or add one more column with for eg just a numbers to first place so our plugin could determinate number of rows correctly. You have option to rearrange column position or hide unwanted columns on Edit table page.

    I prepared both working examples which you can find in the attachemnt

  •  2
    claudiabakker replied

    Thanks Miljko, It worked!  :D

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Claudia,

    If you like our plugin and support please rate our plugin at CodeCanyon on this link. It means a lot to us. Thanks.

  •  2
    claudiabakker replied

    already done! Thanks again! :)

    Kind regards, Claudia