  Public Ticket #968967
DataTables warning


  •  2
    alfgand started the conversation

    I am using wDT for creating and updating 2 tables to store data about a restaurant menu.  It has been working fine until today when suddently I recieved the following message:

    DataTables warning: table id=table_1 Requested unknown parameter '21' for row 0, column 21. For more information about this error, please see http://datatables.net/tn/4

    21 seem to be the number of columns that I have in the table. Before deleating 2 columns I got the same message with parameter 23. 

    I have checked the suggested page above but it did not help.  I have also looked inside the wp_wpdatatables  and wp_wpdatatables_columns  but can't find anything unusual there.

    I do NOT get this error when viewing the tables in "Excel-like editor" but only in the "standard editor".   Also I don't get the error when viewing a previously copied backup table.  The error seemed to have just popped up over night.

    I am using version 1.7

    On the website it does not indicate any errors.

    Woud appreciate a solution, since this already has taken a few hours to try to solve.

    ======= Update -  SOLVED ======

    It seems that the postition number of the columns were wrong, it was 0,1,2,3....  7,8,11,12.   There was a gap in the numbering which made the last columns have higher pos. nr. than number of columns.  The gap was probably created as I had deleated some columns from the "editor" view previously.  This should ofcourse have been updated automathically.... but had not. A bug?

  • [deleted] replied

    HI alfgand,
    Thank you for your purchase.

    I am glad that you resolved issue by your own.

    Are you using MySQL based tables or you have created Manual wpDataTable with wpDataTables constructor?

  •  2
    alfgand replied


    I have been using wpDataTable constructor and then used wpDataTable editor. I am not sure why the column position number did not change accordingly when removing a column. I can not make the problem reappear again.

    Is there an upper limit on how many columns that can be created for a table?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi alfgand,

    No there is no upper limit how many columns can be created in the table but if you add a lot of them it can slow down table loading speed.

    We will check that issue when you remove one of the columns why column number didn't change.