  Public Ticket #963492
Usage of WPDatatables


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    Held0fTheWelt started the conversation

    I am looking around on how to setup a good implementation for my database.

    i have several tables acting together and after building the basic tables, i now would like to use foreign keys to build up my structure.

    Therefore i have setup my database with this keys and it all looks quite okay.

    When i now want to use WPDataTables, i don't really know how to insert the data correctly.

    My persons table is using a foreign id at Appearance/Erscheinung, which is related to an apprearance database. I can modify that value, but this is only based on my input and not on what would be possible using the appaerance database.

    On the second hand i would like to show the appearance name instead of the appearance id to make it a usable view, because it doesn't make sense to read it as number here, only because the id is the natural primary key.

    As you can see, i am still learning on how to use your software and i am hoping, that you can understand my wishes and have some acceptable solution for me.

    Best Regards,

    Yves Tanas

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    Held0fTheWelt replied

    This is a current version of a part of my database.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Yves Tanas,

    If you want to display the queries from different tables it is no problem: you can prepare a query with INNER JOINs or LEFT JOINs, and this query (or a view based on this query) can be used to render a table.

    However, if you want the table to be editable from front-end, it is unfortunately not yet supported, as highlighted in our documentation in the bottom part: http://wpdatatables.com/documentation/front-end-editing/creating-editable-tables/

    This feature is in our TODO list, but isn't likely to be deloped this year.

    It is possible with some custom coding if you know PHP. You can replace the values for displaying and for editing using WordPress hooks that are built into our plugin. You can see the list of hooks (filters) here: http://wpdatatables.com/documentation/information-for-developers/filters/