  Public Ticket #962454
Select input box from MYSQL


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    Michael started the conversation

    Dear Team

    I need to have a select box for input where the data are coming from a mysql table.

    There has been a request (#12837) where you said you are working on this. It was from January 2016. When will the function available?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Michael Rieder,
    Thank you for your purchase.

    It is possible. You just have to select Select box for Filter Type and then click Create From Possible Values button. After that Select box will be populated with all column values.

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    Michael replied

    Hi Milos

    This is not what I am requesting for. I do not want to have a static list in a selectbox. I am creating a mysql query which depends on two tables and the current user id. The result is dynamic and should be the source for the select box.

    I think (as a new function in the next release) the source for the selectbox can be set as mysql (or another table) and the column for the bound-value can be set.

    BR Michael

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Michael Rieder,

    Unfortunately something like this isn't still available. This request is not so usual so we didn't decide to implement this feature in next release of the plugin,