  Public Ticket #953935
Appending new data with csv upload


  •  2
    j56bouchard started the conversation


    Is there a way to upload/append new data on to an existing table. Say I have established a table with 100 'products'. Later I want to add another 20 products to the table. How can I append the new data? Is it manual edit only? I'd like to be able to append via a file upload. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi j56bouchard,

    We do not have such an option in our plugin at this moment but it is high on our priority list. At this moment manual input is the only choice, but with Excel like editor you can add more than one row at the same time by copying and pasting it from Excel like software.

    If you need to update tables with CSV you can do that by importing it through phpMyAdmin