  Public Ticket #949609
There is limit of a SQL query?


  •  2
    Gonzalo started the conversation

    I make a SQL query on a table but does not load the preview and not on the page, there is limit of a SQL query?. please help!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Gonzalo,

    Please take send me a query to take a look or temporary admin credentials so I can see potential errors on your website

  •   Gonzalo replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Gonzalo,

    It looks like there is some problem with data in that table. Table constructor couldn't read columns from that table. Could you please send me access to phpMyAdmin or screenshots from your database with that table data and structure 

  •   Gonzalo replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Gonzalo,

    I found problem. Please do not use AS statement in your query because we use it for "display header" functionality. I removed that part from your query and add corresponding column names in display header and everything starts working