  Public Ticket #945078
any new excel import edits same table


  •  2
    sock2me started the conversation

    I'm having the same issue as this: http://wpdatatables.com/ticket/duplicating-tables-and-editing-data/

    However I've tried not using the duplication button - and no matter what I do any new excel sheet I import, it is connected to the same MySQL table - and I don't see where I can edit that at all. The field is grey'd out and un-editable.

    Thank you for any help you can provide!

  •  2
    sock2me replied

    I am still having this issue - NO MATTER WHAT I DO ... the table in the database that is supposed to get updates is always an existing table and screws every thing up. I desperately need help on this.

  •  2
    sock2me replied

    Here is a scrreenshot

  •  2
    sock2me replied

    Could this be some sort of side effect of the caching plugins I am using? If so - is there some setting I can change in order to get this working correctly? We have over 50 tables I am trying to manage.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi sock2me,
    Thank you for your purchase and sorry for delayed replay.

    In version 1.7. when you are duplicating tables you have option to check Duplicate database table. If you check that checkbox it will create separate database table so changing one table won't affect other copies. Please take a look at image from the attachment.

  •  2
    sock2me replied

    My version says 1.6.2 yet I am not given an option to update?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi sock2me,

    Please enter purchase key on wpDataTables settings page and after that you will have option to update it through plugins page.