  Public Ticket #918257
Row numbers shown and more


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    christianjornhansen started the conversation


    I've attached a picture which illustrates my questions/requests. The first is - is it possible to choose the table only to show one single row at all times?

    The second is - could the features marked with red circles at the attachment be removed?

    I look forward to your responsen.

    Thank you in regard,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Christian,

    For your first request it can be done but it requires code customization  which could be done with our paid customization service. If you are interested in that option please contact me at 

    [email protected] 

    For second one easiest way to remove this elements is to hide it with CSS and you can find appropriate CSS code on our FAQ page. You can add all CSS code in Custom CSS field on Settings page of our plugin if you want to remove that elements from all tables or add it with <style> tag on page with table to target specific one. 

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    christianjornhansen replied

    Hi Milkjo

    Thank you for your reply.

    I've now come a long way with it. The info, filters, length and pagination are all gone now, as you can see in the screenshot. I'll get back to you regarding the code customization is need be. How much do you think it would cost?

    Just a couple of issues I'm struggling with:

    1) ROW COLOR: as you can see the row colors are alternating from white font to grey font. How can I get the same color for all the rows and not this alternating-row-color-function which seems to be the default option?

    2) LANGUAGE: I've set the language to "Danish" under general settings but it won't change such texts as "Columns", "Clear Filter" etc. How do I change all the keywords featuring on the front-end?

    3) SHOW ONLY DATA WHEN NEEDED: I stumbled upon this feature: http://wpdatatables.com/faq/show-filter-not-show-table-user-type-something-search-box/ I'd like something similar and therefore my question is: How to I only show the filter and do not show the table until user types something in "POINT" box in filter? Is this possible?

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    christianjornhansen replied

    Hi again

    If possible, can you answer these questions in adition too:

    1) LANGUAGE: can I fx. change the "From" and "To" with some text i decide myself or change in some language somehow?

    Is it possible to remove the "To"-field at the sorting function and only have the "From"-field? If not, is it then possible to change the style so the "To"-field appears invisible, i.e. change the color of font, background and border to match the background via some css styling?

    Thank you in regard for your assistance.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Christian,

    Customization should not be big. It would require one or two hours of development based on details and our standard rate is 50$/h. 

    1. We do have row background color altering but not font color. Maybe your theme or other plugin applied that rules. Please send me a link so I can take a look. 

    2. You can translate every string with PO and MO files and Poedit. You can find more on this here.

    or you can change it manually in


    around line 140.

    To hide "To" field you can use CSS like:

    input#table_1_range_to_0 {
        display: none;

    3. Yes but is also under customization option. And it requires similar time to be done as the first one 

  •   christianjornhansen replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Christian,

    a) We usually do customization directly on your website preferably through FTP. Payment is over Paypall. It is 50% in front for payment over 100$ and whole amount in front for smaller payments. Do you want me to send invoice  on this mail?

    b), c) Please change this account to admin level so I can see our plugin. 

    Color of text is changed by the theme.

    You should add this code in CustomCSS field on Settings page.

    I will fix both of this issues when  you gave me admin access. 

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    christianjornhansen replied

    Hi Miljko

    a) Please send invoice to [email protected]. Do you have any idea of how soon you will have it ready?

    b) I've changed the account to admin level so you can edit and/or do what you want now.

    Thank you so much for fixing these minor but very relevant issues for me. I'll look forward to this and to hearing from you when it is solved.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Christian,

    a) It should be done in couple of days after payment is placed and I received FTP account. I think it could be done at the end of the week.

    b) Please check table now

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    christianjornhansen replied

    Hi Miljko,

    a) Magnificent. I'll await the invoice at my email.

    b) Wow! It works excactly as I'd like it to now! Thank you so much.

    c) I'm gonna try to rephrase the language now, so I'll might get back to you regarding that issue. But I hope I can do it by myself.


  •  2
    christianjornhansen replied

    Se above

  •  2
    christianjornhansen replied

    Se above, but notice these attachments.

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    christianjornhansen replied


    Hi again Miljko,

    a) PROCESSING FOR SINGLE-ROW CUSTOMIZATION: I've received the invoice for 50 USD and they've been paid immediately.

    b) REMOVE "TO"-FIELD: I can see you've written the CSS code in the CSS Settings. Is that a specific code for removing the "To"-field from the Advanced Filter because when I shift to filtering in the columns it doesn't eliminate the "To"-field, as you can see in the attached picture below. Can that be fixed, please?

    c) CHANGE OF LANGUAGE: Regarding changing the language, how shall I proceed? Shall I edit the Poedit files as you can see in the attachment of pictures below. Then I save the Poedit files. To where shall I upload the files via my wordpress site? Or which files should I replace with these translated files. How excactly does this work? I think I need a walkthrough. The items who should be translated are these three:

    "Columns" --> "Filtrér distancer"

    "From" --> "00.00.00"

    "Clear Filters" --> "Nulstil søgningen"


    I've found out that the feature I'm creating is rather slow and therefore I'd like to order a new and other customization as well. I believe it's slow because once you enter a single number in the From-field it searches/filters the entire dataset and once it's done you can enter the second number, and then it searches/filters, and then the third number etc.

    Maybe that could be fixed if it first could search and show data once either 4 numbers are typed in the "IAAF POINT"-column or a string like this "03.49.09" (8 characters) are typed in the rest of the columns from the "800m"-column up to the "10.000m"-column, here: http://baneturneringen.com/iaaf-test/  It's a solution in the category as this one, just NOT with the search-function but in the filter-function instead: http://wpdatatables.com/faq/show-filter-not-show-table-user-type-something-search-box/

    Do you believe that could make it faster? If so, I'd like to order this customization too if it's possible for you to create.

    Sorry for the many issues, but we're soon reaching a cool new feature for athletics I hope. Even the IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) doesn't have this feature.

    Thank you very much in regard.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Christian,

    a) Please send me FTP account so we can procced.

    b) Yes that code is specific for Filter in form. I will add code for filter in header when I do customization.

    c) If you just need those lines it is easier to just change it in code. I can do that to for you if you want.

    If you want to proceed with standard translation you can take a look at this ticket for guide  

    d) I need to investigate why this works slowly and then we can see what is best solution to speed it up. Your proposition can be done it's just a question is that best way to do it

  •   christianjornhansen replied privately
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    christianjornhansen replied

    Hi Miljko,

    I was just checking the table and it looks awesome now! I've corrected the permalink so the site showing the table is now: http://baneturneringen.com/iaaf/

    To your information I've now uploaded all the data to the table so you can have a correct idea of how slow it is and what to be done.

    Just a note - when using the chechbox filter for "Køn"-column it doesn't show it all. Is that something you can change so it shows it all (the two categories)?

    Best regards,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Christian,

    You have significant amount of data in that table which is on very edge of usability. For tables of this size we strongly recommend importing table in MySQL and using it with server-side processing. You can do this through our Table Constructor.

    Positive sides of this will be much more responsive search as well as possibility to change data on both admin panel and front end.

    Negative side would be inability to reupload changed excel file to update data in that table.

    Please tell me if this option is suitable for your needs

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    christianjornhansen replied

    Hi Miljko,

    Thank you for your research on why the table is slow. The data is fixed so I don't need to change it continually. It should work with this same data for many years to come.

    a) Therefore, the MySQL-solution sounds like a fine option. How does this work and is it simple to create via the Table Constructor? Can I do this myself? I've attached the data in an Excel-spreadsheet.

    b) I have just one more table I need to build for sprint distances in athletics. I'm creating the data at the moment. It's the same size of data. Can the customization with showing only 1-row be applied to this table too? And I guess this would need the MySQL-solution too?



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Christian,

    a) It's fairly simple process. You can find all the information about it in our - Text documentation - Video tutorial

    b) That customization will be applied on all new tables but it can be altered to work only on specific tables if you wanted. My suggestion is to import all the tables of that size into MySQL.

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    christianjornhansen replied

    Hi Miljko,

    I've now added the tables via MySQL as shown in the guide and it works a lot quicker. But there's a new and very relevant issue. The table shall work so it shows the first line of data from the spreadsheet, either time or IAAF point. Therefore the number range-feature works good. There you can type in the "From"-field and the first line closest to the time should be shown.

    Fx when typing "03.50.96" for Men (Herre) in the 1500-column the shown time shall be the closest above this from the table which is "03.51.02". That's excactly how the IAAF point system work. This worked when I used the input file function via Excel but doesn't work now with the MySQL function, it seems. When typing 03.50.96 it simply shows 03.50.06. And likewise when typing in the other distance-columns.

    I've added the table based on the Excel file via wordpress upload (and not MySQL) here (http://baneturneringen.com/iaaf-test-full/) and it works properly when done this way. If you copy+paste (works fastest this way) "03.50.96" in 1500m-column it shows the proper "03.51.02".

    How come this is? The string is excactly the same. Can you help? My deadline for getting this up is this thursday so I'd be very happy if it could be fixed beforethen.

    Thank you in regard,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Christian,

    Please try now, I alter the code to work with your data.

    Just remember that update will overwrite this modification so please do not turn on auto update function and keep backup of this version. To turn off autoupdate remove purchase code from Settings page of our plugin

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    christianjornhansen replied

    Hi Miljko,

    It works excactly as it should now. Very much thank you for your longlasting help. I'm now ready to launch the feature to our website.


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    christianjornhansen replied

    Hi Miljko,

    There just missing two small pieces of the puzzle I've realised after further testing and before launching tomorrow.


    Before, the issue was that when writing in the "From"-field, it took the nearest lowest value in the same second category. Now, it takes the first value in the next/slower second. Fx when writing 09.32.68 in 3000m SC-column for Women/Kvinder it takes 09.33.22 in stead of 09.32.81 which is the next higher value. Can you please fix this?

    b)  10.000M ISSUE

    It's regarding the 10.000m-column where people should enter eight numbers (, fx or This column still doesn't filter the "From"-function correctly like the others with six numbers. Is this something you can change, please?

    Thank you in regard,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Christian,

    I sent you an email.