  Public Ticket #909651
Race results as time format (hh.mm.ss) as column format


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    christianjornhansen started the conversation


    Thank you for a great solution. I'm considering using your plugin permanently but are missing one key feature.

    Earlier this year you responded to support ID 17159 (link: http://wpdatatables.com/ticket/column-type-time-format/) that the time format for columns would be in future releases. Have you made any progress regarding this and what's the projection regarding when it will be available, if any?

    Specifically I need this time format: hh:mm:ss

    hh = hour(s)

    mm = minute(s)

    ss = 100/s - hundreds of a second

    It's to use regarding race results in athletics where the "ss" (hundreds of a second) is very important. Please keep that in mind regarding an update on the column type.

    Please also make a filter/sorting function with "time" and "time range".

    Thank you for your great work!

    I look forward to your response and hope for the best.

    Christian J. Hansen

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Christian,
    Thank you for your purchase.

    We have implemented datetime and time column types in version 1.7 and also datetime range filter and time range filter. Also you can sort by datetime or time columns.

    Unfortunately we didn't include seconds in this release. We will think about that and maybe we will implement it in future releases. 

    You can update the plugin to latest release manually. If you are updating manually you have to download it from CodeCanyon and to take a look at this manually updating instructions - Link

    Otherwise you can wait for auto update. We will push it in a few days. You just have to enter purchase key on wpDataTables settings page and you will be able to update plugin automatically from WordPress plugins page.

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    christianjornhansen replied

    Hi Milos

    Thank you for your quick response.

    I will try to ellaborate on what I mean since you're not quite answering my question. I mean "time" as in a duration of time, not a time as in a clock (24-hour period).

    It is to be used with race results, hence how long time/duration people are running a specific distance.

    I wrote the duration format wrong. I don't need it to be hh:mm:ss. I need it to be mm:ss:ms, where to "ms" stands for milliseconds or hundreds of a second.

    Is this somehow in the pipeline?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Christian,

    I mean "time" as in a duration of time, not a time as in a clock (24-hour period).
    - I think there is no big difference. You can set for example race time 00:21, 00:23 00:24 (HH:MM)... but without second this is just showing hours and minutes of race. We can imagine that we are supporting seconds (SS) and milliseconds (ms) than you could set race time on 100 meters for example:

     Usain Bolt (JAM) 00:00:09.58 (HH:MM:SS:ms)

    But without second and milliseconds this is not possible for now. We will consider this for future releases and maybe option to hide hours and minutes if they are 00:00 like in example above.

    Is this somehow in the pipeline?
    - Unfortunately not yet, because we have more priority tasks for future releases. For next release we are working on backend desing.

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    christianjornhansen replied

    Hi Milos,

    Wow, the solution like the Usain Bolt example, and even with the option to hide 00-hours and minutes, would be amazing! 

    All I can ask for currently is that you just note this for future releases and for when you find there to be time to prioritize this.

    Thank you.
