  Public Ticket #882150
Alignment of Headers Issues


  •  2
    Larry started the conversation

    I need to have the left header (Geography remain Left Justified).  How do I get all the rest of the headers to be right justified?  I also want the sort function to look ok.  I tried using <div align = "Right">Text</div> but the sort arrow looked weird.  Look Here.

    Please provide good advice.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Larry,

    Perhaps the easiest way to do this would be to add this CSS code to customCSS field on Settings page.

    th.Total, th.Non-Hispanic, th.Black, th.Native, th.Asian, th.NHPI, th.Hispanic, th.Races {
        text-align: right !important;

    Our plugin is adding CSS classes to table header cells based on column names so you can use that for future changes.