  Public Ticket #879392
Highlight row


  •  2
    Krystle started the conversation

    On this page, if you scroll to the first bar graph (Search "Proportion des personnes sans diplôme d’études"), you can see I highlighted one of the bars in blue. However when I hover over it, the bar below it becomes highlighted instead. 

    This is the CSS I was using to highlight the bar:  #wpDataChart_3 rect:nth-of-type(9) { fill:#8CACEA; }

    Is there anyway to highlight a particular bar? With tables I could assign rows a class, but there doesn't seem to be this feature for graphs. 

    ANY help would be appreciated - the site is so close to done and I already have about 50 datatables graphs on it. :)

    Thanks so much.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Krystle,

    Easiest way to resolve this is to use 

    #wpDataChart_12 rect:nth-child(13)

    and it will not move color to element below. Downside is that it will reset color on hover but you will have other effects which emphasize the element.

    To do it through Google Chart API is much harder then it might be assumed and it really does require customization

  •  2
    Krystle replied

    Amazing! That works perfectly. Thank you so much!