  Public Ticket #867857
Show empty value as blank, not zero


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    Aidan started the conversation


    I found this ticket showing the same issue, but changing the column data type to string doesn't solve it:


    Some cells in my table will be empty, where the data isn't available. At the moment, the table is showing these as a zero value (0.00). It's better if these show as an empty cell.

    How do I do that? It doesn't work to change the data type to string. I need it to be a float, because searching the column with a number range is what the end-users will need to do.

    Thanks and regards,

    Aidan Sweeney

  • [deleted] replied


    Thank you for your purchase.

    Please tell me what kind of table do you use? Is it server side or not? Also do you have zeros and empty spaces or just empty spaces? 

    Please help us make our product better by filling out this survey where you can also vote for new features.

    Hope this helps, 

    Miljko Milosevic

    [email protected]

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    Aidan replied

    Hi Miljko,

    Yes, it's server-side. The data has both empty spaces and zeros.

    Ideally, I'd like the zeros to show as zero, and the empty spaces (null value/blank) to show as empty spaces.

    Thanks and regards,


  • [deleted] replied


    It can be done as custom solution with hook for float column type -  wpdatatables_filter_float_cell but it will break sorting and probably number range filter. Problem is that blank space doesn't have value and because of that it need some workarounds  to make sorting and filtering working.

    Please help us make our product better by liking our Facebook page where you can see all news related to plugin.

    Hope this helps, 

    Miljko Milosevic

    [email protected]