  Public Ticket #3811729
String Multiselect Box Populates with Admin Page Placeholder Data in Front-end Instead of Current Table Data


  • Thomas Buchstaetter started the conversation

    PLEASE NOTE: I was disallowed uploading more than 4 images to the ticket. So I have uploaded them elsewhere and reference them by link in the problem description.

    Table Description

    Problem Description

    • We want to allow end-user filtering on two string fields in the table (User Name and Piece Title)
    • We have setup the "Data" settings for the columns to "Read from table on page load" (UserName_Column_Data_Setup.png)
    • We have also set the filtering settings as a multiselect search box (UserName_Column_Filtering_Setup.png)
    • This correctly populates the available search options on the backend, table edit screen (UserName_Search_Backend.png)
    • On the front-end however, the values are not populated with the table data but with the same values that get populated from the backend placeholder data (UserName_Search_Frontend.png)

    Investigation Steps

    • This occurs on each of our tables
    • We have attempted unchecking server-side processing and leaving it checked, with no change in behavior between the two
    • We turned off the search option, leaving only a multiselect box
    • I looked into my browser dev tools, it appears that the initial table population passes the variables correctly to the ajax call (Initial_Request_Frontend.png). But the subsequent select box ajax call only passes the table id and column name (SearchBox_Request_Frontend.png), which explains why it would not be able to return the correct data. It seems this ajax request would also need to contain the VAR1 and VAR2 parameters
    • The link provided points to a a test page that demonstrates the problem
  •   Miloš replied privately