The wpdatatables causes the "buy button" add to basket to lose its function. Either buy button or wpdatatabale does work, not both together. Is this a known problem? Do you happen to have any workaround? I tried many things already, from lightbox to I dont know what. Will be very grateful for your help!
How can I turn the chart number formato to Euro? Both Currency and decimal places?
Many thanks!
One more thing:
Is there a way to keep the line straight and avoid the "line jump / distortion" as in the screenshot below? It always occurs on the first column.
Attached files: jump in design.JPG
Hi Milos!
Thank you for your swift reply, I managed to find a workaround.
However, I already encountered the next challenge:
The wpdatatables causes the "buy button" add to basket to lose its function. Either buy button or wpdatatabale does work, not both together. Is this a known problem? Do you happen to have any workaround? I tried many things already, from lightbox to I dont know what. Will be very grateful for your help!
Best wishes