  Public Ticket #3753969
Dynamic woocommerce chart


  • darren waggott started the conversation

    i cant seem to get the charts to dynamically load the sql data via the product id. However i can get the tables to display using a dynamic post id

  • darren waggott replied

    is there any chance of actually getting some support? i literally posted this ticket 15 hours ago. And not even the decency of some acknowledgment? 

    im pretty sure within the wordpress community. PAID PLUGINS MEANS, SUPPORT AS STANDARD! 

  •  1,877
    Miloš replied

    Hi Darren,
    If you wish to set up a pre-defined filter for a Chart, there is a workaround.


    By default, the charts will not follow any filtering from their source table if you just put the chart "on its own" on the page.

    But If you place the source table together with its chart on the same page,

    and activate " Follow Table filtering"  on the chart Wizard settings,  it is going to follow any filtering/sorting you do on the table.


    Now, depending if you wish to hide the table and have a filtering for Charts, we can have two workarounds available.

    1. If you wish to hide the entire table along with table filters;

    you can add this CSS to the table's back-end settings/Customize/Custom CSS.

    .wpdt-c .wpDataTables.wpDataTablesWrapper {
    display: none !important;

    This will completely hide the table from the page, but you can still pass the table shortcode with the chart, and you will get the "follow table filtering" effect on this chart.


    2. Or if you wish just to hide the table while leaving the filters with the chart,

    we would first need to disable the following in the table settings:

    "Show X entries" drop-down; "Info Block" from Display tab:


    Then, "Enable main search block"  and "show filters in a form above the table" from the Sorting and Filtering tab:


    Then, you can add this CSS in the table settings/Customize/Custom CSS:

    .wpdt-c .wpDataTablesWrapper table {
    display: none !important;

    That will just leave the chart visible with the filters on the page,

    if you pass both table and chart shortcodes.

    Let me know how it goes.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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  •   darren waggott replied privately
  •   darren waggott replied privately
  •   darren waggott replied privately
  • darren waggott replied

    is there any chance of a reply today? or open a live discussion to help resolve these issues. As ever after a reply 12 hours ago, iv completely lost faith in TMS ability to support. And its begging to get extremely frustrating.

  •  1,877
    Miloš replied

    Hi Darren,

    1. In regards to the first message you sent in the meantime, If  I understood, there is an SQL Query based table which was sometimes loading and after some time it stopped loading on the front-end Page?

      Please check, can you catch an error in the browser developer console - such as "Invalid JSON response" or "invalid AJAX response".

      If so - this could be an issue if you have any active caching on the Page with the Table, and if the SQL table has server-side processing enabled.

      The solution is to disable caching on the page with a server-side table.

      Here are more details on that issue :

      We currently have this issue which only happens for server-side processing tables when you have caching active on the page.

      Our developers are intensively working to resolve this issue, as soon as possible. I can't say an ETA on it, unfortunately.

      You can certainly follow our changeLog page if you'd like ( it is also available in the plugin dashboard), where we state any changes/new features/bug fixes during updates;

      and our newsletter, so you're informed about new features, bug fixes, freebies, etc.


      For the time being, the only two possible solutions will be:

      1.  To disable caching only for pages where you have the tables, or perhaps disable caching entirely, if possible.

      Most caching Plugins have the option to add URL's that will be excluded, so if possible, see if you can add the Pages with tables there, and that should solve it for now.


      2. Or you can try disabling the server-side processing option in your Table.


      For any SQL Query based Table which has less than 2 thousand rows, you can disable the server-side option on SQL tables, and it will work like it does for tables linked from files. ( loads all rows on the browser regardless of table's pagination)



      If you need to increase the row count while still having the "toggle" to disable server-side,

      Please go to ../wp-content/plugins/wpdatatables/source/class.wpdatatable.php and around line 3188 you'll see this:

      if (is_array($res_dataRows) && count($res_dataRows) > 2000) {

      The lines of code can change during Updates because our Developers add new lines from time to time, so it is best to search for the line in any Code Editor with CTRL+F to get the right line.

      You can change the number 2000 to a value bigger than the number of rows in your table in order to still have that 'toggle option' for server-side processing.

      Another PHP file in this path :


      In this file, please search for this, there should be two occurrences, first one around line 82 as :

      if (count($wpDataTable->getDataRows()) > 2000) {

      And second one around line 143:

      if (count($wpDataTable->getDataRows()) > 2000) {

      That will increase the server-side processing option automatic limit.

      We just advise caution not to increase that number 'too high' to avoid going over the limit what your Hosting Server's PHP Limitations can handle.

      Usually, up to around 5 to 6 thousand rows should pose no significant performance issues, but if you go higher than that data size without server-side processing, you could experience slow loading times.

      You can certainly test to see how a Table behaves on front-end, and if it loads too slow/or freezes the browser's Page, you can go back in the Table's Back-End and enable server-side processing for that Table.



      2. You sent us a link to a Page https://www.theminingshop.co.uk/buy-asic-miners/bitmain-antminer-ks3-9-4th-kaspa-kas-kheavyhash-asic-miner/

      I am not able to see any Table on that page, and I can't identify a specific error to show a table issue.
      Do you have the SQL table in question on that Page?

      Let me know how it goes about the point above - if you can isolate an error for the table in the console;

      Or if the SQL Table is on another Page, please send us the right URL, so we can check the browser console and if the table loads for us;

      But I found a HighCharts error in the browser console - are you maybe using WP Rocket on Site?

      Our developers helped us isolate the issue and here is how you can fix this.

      Please first disable this option in our Plugin settings/Use stable HighChart version.


      Then, go in your WP Rocket settings and find this section "File optimization ( Optimize CSS & JS)".


      In Excluded Javascript Files, insert "code.highcharts.com/", as on this screenshot :


      After that, the issue should be fixed ( if that was the case).

      Let me know how it goes.

      3.  Your next reply :

      'iv tried passing the product id on, but to no avail using the following' .


       function custom_wpdatachart_shortcode($atts) {
          $product_id = get_the_ID(); // Get the current product ID
          return do_shortcode("[wpdatachart id='9' var1='{$product_id}']");
      add_shortcode('custom_wpdatachart', 'custom_wpdatachart_shortcode');

      add_filter('wpdatatables_filter_query', 'modify_wpdatatable_query', 10, 2);
      function modify_wpdatatable_query($query, $table_id) {
          if ($table_id == 9) { // Replace with your actual table ID
              $product_id = get_the_ID();
              $query = str_replace('%VAR1%', intval($product_id), $query);
          return $query;

      Looking at this code, I can see this is not as simple as inserting the table shortcode on the Page.
      It seems you are trying to load this table through a custom function/hook.
      This is falls under custom work and is not covered by our Support.

      If you call the table via a shortcode in your Page builder, please send me that Page URL and elaborate more on what the current issue is.

      - If the table loads, but the Chart does not filter, then follow the "hide table for 'follow table filtering' " workaround as we sent on our first reply, if you simply need the Chart to filter.

      There is no solution to make a filter directly for the chart - the only workaround is to include the table's shortcode on the same Page as advised with "follow table filtering" ( you can hide the table, of course).

      4. In regards to live/real-time support, I am sorry, but our Support does not provide a live chat or live calls/meetings.
      We will try to clarify a few things about our response times and support structure to help set expectations.

      Firstly, we do our best to respond to every inquiry as promtpy as possible.
      ( *That issue which happened on your oldest ticket is an exception, it will not happen again, once again our sincere apologies, it was an error from our ticket system)

      Response times vary based on ticket volume, complexity and team availability, especially if the request comes in over weekends.

      While we don't guarantee instant replies, our Support team strives to ensure every customer receives the assistance they need.

      As a returning subscriber, we're here to help make sure the Plugin works for you. Our product is indeed comprehensive and widely respected within the WordPress community, though as with any sophisticated tool, it may require some patience in the setup process.

      Please feel free to follow up with any specific questions on your ticket, and we'll be happy to assist you as soon as possible.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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    You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:

    Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables

  • darren waggott replied

    im refering to the chart not the table. As youve stated. THE TITLE FOR THE TICKETS SAYS "chart"

    The tables work perfectly. Its the charts that do not, i have another ticket open where i discuss that iv tried.

  •  1,877
    Miloš replied

    Hi Darren,

    I went through your other ticket now, as well.
    The chart is pulling the data from its source table, so if the chart does not work, in some cases that can be related to an option/configuration or if a specific filtering is used from the source table, that is why we cover all possible scenarios (checking both the table and the chart), and go through a process of elimination until we get to the root of the issue, why the chart is not properly working.

    After re-reading both tickets, I realise this is actually a duplicate ticket as we are already covering the same issue for your dynamically filtered table and the connected chart working on some Product Pages and not for some others.

    Let's please focus on one of the tickets - in this case, we wrote the full reply on the other one here : https://tmsplugins.ticksy.com/ticket/3755110 and we are going to close this one.


    For future reference, please don't open multiple tickets with the same topic, 

    as it wastes your and our time trying to either find a response twice (if, for example, my colleague responded on another ticket already) 

    or inform you that the ticket has been submitted more than once.

    We go through tickets in the order in which they are received and/or responded to, so creating multiple tickets will only increase our queue; it will not speed anything up. 

    We try to be as fast as possible, so thank you for your patience.

    If you have any questions or concerns about another topic, please open a new ticket, and we'll gladly help you.


    Thank you for your understanding.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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    You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:

    Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables