  Public Ticket #3736162
Employee needs set duration time of their services


  •  1
    Jose Chacon started the conversation

    Hello team, 

    An employee should be able to choose the time slot where he would like provide their services. I mean, lets suppose im psychologist and my sessions for users/patients/customers are set up in 45 mins.

    But the website administrator set up custom durations that start from 15 mins / 30 mins / 45 mins / and so on. Then I wont want that a client come to my booking panel to schedule me a session for 15 mins only because all my sessions are set up to spend 45 mins. And of course a higher time i wont want as well, i dont want to be scheduled in a session for 90 mins through my booking panel.

    So questions is. Me as employee do i have an option to choose what timeslot fits best my services?

    (Employee wish establish their sessions to 45 mins and we expect that no client can scheduled a booking of 60 mins) 


    Same question for Grupal sessions. I mean, what about if I as employee establish that my group online session / service / is set up in 60 mins for 10 people, but someone comes and start scheduling booking for 15 mins duration, ?

  •  1
    Jose Chacon replied

    Another question reported by my team

    3. An employee can not schedule a booking through "booking panel" in the another employee panel.  CONTEXT: We are using amelia shortcodes with customized parameters which are category id - services id - employee id . These queries are working well in all cases excepting in this (professionals cant schedule a booking to another professional). As per our troubleshooting the multi-step booking panel is taking the professional information that is logged in. We expect that an employee/preofessional can be able to schedule a session to another employee/professional. 

    Its just like the employee booking panel were looking for the employee that is logged in instead of the user/employee that im watching in the frontend. 

    Dont know if you need addditional details or better context on this. please in anyway just let me know

    Thank you


  •  660
    Stefan replied

    Hi Jose,

    Thanks for reaching out to us. Allow me to explain how this works. By default, the employee work hours needs to be configured in advance for each employee. That means that an admin needs to configure this according to the schedule. The employee has the option to edit his schedule in the employee panel (this depends on the configuration, it can be edited in User Roles), but, if the work hours are already configured (with the service duration), customers wont be able to book longer duration. For example, if the service duration is 45 minutes and the employee work hours are configured to cover this duration, Amelia will show the timeslots based on this configuration, therefore, there won't be any options for customers to select 15 minutes or longer duration. 

    On top of that, you can still configure the default appointment status to pending, so your employee would have the option to select if they wont to accept or not. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Stefan Petrov
    [email protected]

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    Jose Chacon replied

    Hi Stefan, thank you very much for your reply.

    Regarding to "but, if the work hours are already configured (with the service duration), customers wont be able to book longer duration. For example, if the service duration is 45 minutes and the employee work hours are configured to cover this duration, Amelia will show the timeslots based on this configuration, therefore, there won't be any options for customers to select 15 minutes or longer duration. " What does it mean? Admin has set up timeslots for each services offered into platform in slot of 15 mins. so 15 mins - 30 mins - 45 mins -60 mins etc

    1. For instance. Let's suppose my service duration are 45 mins because is the way that i work... How in Amelia Employee can i configure this?. Do i have stablish in my schedule only slots of 45 mins of durations? because in this point, i usually configure my work hours based on my workday, i mean, from 9am to 9pm. 12 hours continues.. Is your suggestion oriented that i do need set the schedule from 09:00 to 09:45 then 09:45 to 10:30 then 10:30 to 11:15 and so on?

    Would be fine to know more in detail how to stablish these kind of situations inside Amelia Employee Panel. Keep in mind that admin has configured global standar options because we are working like a marketplace where a lot of professional will be offering their services and of course each professional might has custom ways to organize their schedule and the ways of bringing/covering their services.

    2. Another question is. Im a psychologist, for instance, but also im nutritionist and business coach.

    Got that 3 specializations/professions

    For business coach sessions i would like to set the minimun timeslot of 120 mins per session

    For Psychology session i would like to set it only to 45 mins
    How can i do this approach inside my Amelia Employee panel? Do you have any trick?

    Thank you

  •  660
    Stefan replied

    Hi Jose,

    Let me explain a bit more - 

    1. For instance. Let's suppose my service duration are 45 mins because is the way that i work... How in Amelia Employee can i configure this?. Do i have stablish in my schedule only slots of 45 mins of durations? because in this point, i usually configure my work hours based on my workday, i mean, from 9am to 9pm. 12 hours continues.. Is your suggestion oriented that i do need set the schedule from 09:00 to 09:45 then 09:45 to 10:30 then 10:30 to 11:15 and so on?

    The service duration needs to be configured to 45 minutes, while the work hours of an employee need to be configured from 9 AM to 9 AM. Imagine that you want to configure the work hours as you would do in real life, for example, from 8 AM to 4 PM, 9 AM to 5 PM and etc.

    Since the service duration is 45 minutes, the work hours would start from 8 AM and the first timeslot would be 8 AM to 8:45 AM. The next would start from 8:45 AM and 45 minutes from this time, and etc.

    There is no need to configure specific times as Amelia would calculate automatically.


    As for the employee panel, an employee can also configure this, but you would need to enable the option in User Role settings, first. (employee section)


    2. Another question is. Im a psychologist, for instance, but also im nutritionist and business coach.

    Got that 3 specializations/professions

    For business coach sessions i would like to set the minimun timeslot of 120 mins per session

    For Psychology session i would like to set it only to 45 mins
    How can i do this approach inside my Amelia Employee panel? Do you have any trick?


    You would need to create a separate service for each of these. The service duration can be made only per service, in order to have this configured, you would need to have separate services.

    This needs to be configured in backend since an employee would only have the option to assign or change the work hours. 


    I hope I explained a bit more. 



    Kind Regards, 

    Stefan Petrov
    [email protected]

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  •  1
    Jose Chacon replied

    Hi Stefan, hope you are fine and thank you for details in your reply, very aprreciated.

    The only point that is missing is keep in mind that we are a services marketplace, so it means, that for psychologist service, a professional can set its service to 1 hour, while the other one can set it to 45 mins, or 90 mins per sessions. There's no a rule over this.

    If i configure a service to 45 mins only, and my worktime is from 09 am to 09 pm, i know Amelia will do the slots distributions based in 45 mins.

    But what happens in this case?, marketplace has several options to bring to their employee/professional. Does it mean that for every employee, as per their needs, do i need to configure a service with the custom slot? I mean, if we are 3 psychologist, each one has their own way to bring services (30/60/90 mins), does it mean that we need 3 psychology services to fullfill this logic? This is the key point for us . 

    So far we only configured a service with different slot durations because we know that every employee can handle it in different ways, i just want a employee can choose the slot he needs... although according to your explanations, services looks like cannot be defined with custom slots, but im really worried if for each service we need to create, for example, (psychology 30) (psychology 60) (psychology 90), because, this way, might redefine all the project... usability might be confused.

    I hope have explained better than first time

    Thank you very much for you help, patient and guidance over this thread


  •  660
    Stefan replied

    Hi Jose,

    Let me see if I got this correctly. You are essentially trying to give control to your employees where they would have the option to change/manage their work hours schedule from their employee panel? 

    Basically, customers are those who have the option to choose the timeslot for a certain employee. They are booking a timeslot from the frontend, while an employee can manage the work hours schedule, but there is no option for them to choose the timeslot. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Stefan Petrov
    [email protected]

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  •  1
    Jose Chacon replied

    Hi Stefan, hope you are fine

    No, thats not the goal. The key is let the employee (professional) choose what timeslot fit best their needs without creating duplicated services just to differentiate timelost

    Example: If you choose coach (as per our thoughts) you would be able to choose inside the same service if your session will be from 15 to 15 mins, or from 90 to 90 mins. The option that customer (who is gonna pay for the appointment) be the one to choose your time (as professional) for sessions, is not common and impractical. In Real life, When you schedule an appointment with a coach, this person has several conditions, lets suppose 60 mins per sessions. And you pay for that... You wont say him i schedule you 15 mins of session because i want... He inmediately will refuse. 

    Here in Amelia, Employee can refuse as well, but i see there will be more refund than appointments completed if there no option to let the employee/professional choose the timeslot whatever they want. As per our vision, If im sign up im a platform to offer my virtual services, me, as provider, i would be able to choose what timeslot per service i want to offer and not my potential clients. What about if admin set up to 180 mins  a service, but im only offer it up to 60 mins. If someone go and schedule me 180 mins, do i need to attend? and again, i can refuse, but lets imagine all refunds that website owners muts perform.

    The another option that looks possible is a specific timeslot per category, right now we have over 90 categories... if we need to create 4 possible timeslot 30/60/90/120 mins for instance, at the end, we will have 360 categories, and this will be confussing to everyone as employee and customers

    In other hand, we have configured  Amelia to provide unique URL's per services which is fine for SEO purposes. Now lets imagine and url coach30/coach60 regarding to timeslot. 

    As i said, its umpractical, and really hard to handle for admin, developers (our team) and mainly employee that they are usually non tech people and any confussing process surely will leave the platform. 

    This is our concern regarding to this sugject. Nothing bad, but i think i could be better

    Let me know if you got my point



  •  660
    Stefan replied

    Hi Jose,

    Got it now, but, this is not how Amelia works. Yes, you can configure specific timeslots by configuring the service duration and work hours to be exact, but the point is to offer flexibility to customers too. You can configure the particular timeslot like configuring the service duration to 30 minutes and configuring the work hours from 8 AM to 8:30 AM. This would give customers the option to choose only one timeslot, but letting your employees configure this each time, means that they would need to change this manually. Imagine having multiple timeslots offered for a specific service and once a customer books, the appointment status could set to pending. One employee could choose the appointment time that is suitable for his needs by approving or rejecting.  

    I hope it helps. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Stefan Petrov
    [email protected]

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  •  1
    Jose Chacon replied

    Hi Stefan, Thank you for your guidance

    One last question. Do we have the possiblity (with a hook i guest we could) to hide from services panel all these custom slots that employee/professional set to 0 EUR/USD?

    I mean, platform offers coaching services and has their custom durations 15/30/45/60/90/120 mins. Me as employee i want to offer only 30 mins, so i set my price there... others timeslot i can set them to 0 EUR/USD. Then, could we hide those all services set in 0 EUR? in order to avoid that appear at moment of booking in the client side... i mean client will only see all thoses services with a price higher than 0.

    Dont know if possible through a hook of Amelia, 

    Waiting your remarks and guidance


  •  660
    Stefan replied

    Hello Jose,

    An employee can configure the pricing through the employee panel, but the pricing for all services would still be visible. When a customer is about to choose a service and duration, he can see all the services and pricing on the booking form. Unfortunatelly, there is no option to hide this, unless you exclude some services manually from Amelia (but that doesn't mean it will be hidden)

    I hope it helps. 



    Kind Regards, 

    Stefan Petrov
    [email protected]

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  •  1
    Jose Chacon replied

    Hi Stefan thank you for reply

    Ok i understand, i such case, do we have the option to disable from customer panel selection at booking process all these services set to 0 EUR? 

    Now, 0 EUR is visible to be bookeable for free... but we dont want offer services for free... so we were wondering if they can be disabled at the moment where client is looking for the calendar (please refer to attachment)... then if set to 0eur, make it not selectable/clickable/disable that timeslot, can we achieve that? a hook?


    Attached files:  1image (1).png

  •  660
    Stefan replied

    Hello Jose,

    These timeslots are shown based on the customer work hours and services, therefore the custom duration is only shown if configured in service settings. If you configure the service pricing to 0 and assign one employee to this service, if the employee doesn't have any work hours configured, then the timeslots won't be visible, even if a customer selects service with pricing = 0. If that makes sense. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Stefan Petrov
    [email protected]

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  •  1
    Jose Chacon replied

    Hi Stefan, Ok

    My team has an idea regarding to what i have been writing you through this ticket, if possible "

    1. What is the hook that through code allows me to identify when the employee panel of amelia has been fully loaded because I want to run a javascript script when this happens. I want to modify some things in this panel but as I can't touch the plugin code so I need a hook that allows me to run a script. https://jam.dev/c/06d73f90-b001-48c8-b133-98f458423176 


    Thank you/Regards

  •  660
    Stefan replied

    Hello Jose,

    I cant promise if this would work, but I would consult developers regarding this. As soon as I get a feedback, I will get back to you. 

    Thank you for your patience. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Stefan Petrov
    [email protected]

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  •  660
    Stefan replied

    Hello Jose,

    Apologies for the long wait. There are two hooks that we have for the employee panel 

    window.ameliaUserLoggedOut = function() {
      console.log('User logged out');

    window.ameliaUserLoggedIn = function(user) {
      console.log('User logged in:', user);


    I hope it helps. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Stefan Petrov
    [email protected]

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  •  1
    Jose Chacon replied

    Hi Stephan, 

    Thank you, we will check this, 

    Thank you very much


  •  660
    Stefan replied

    You are welcome, Jose.

    Of course, keep us posted and let us know if you have any other questions or issues on a new ticket.


    Kind Regards, 

    Stefan Petrov
    [email protected]

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  •  1
    Jose Chacon replied

    Hi Stefan, 

    We are here again to ask another question, 

    At frontend customer panel booking ... refer to this print https://prnt.sc/A26YjY7T1QJK

    I need a hook to be able to modify by jQuery the options of the select (which has 1 hour by default). do you have one?


  •  660
    Stefan replied

    Hello Jose,

    When you have several questions or issues which are not related to the title of the active ticket, please open a new ticket, and we will help you there. In that way, issues and questions that are related to different subjects will be in separate tickets so other customers or our support agents can find them easily. 

    Our policy is to have one issue or question per ticket because of the reasons that are described already.

    Thank you for understanding. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Stefan Petrov
    [email protected]

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  •  1
    Jose Chacon replied

    Hi Stefan, 

    Done. You can check what i asked in the other ticket just created. You can close this one. Thanks
