  Public Ticket #3714346
Details if the plugin is right for our job


  • Adrian started the conversation

    Hello, I need a booking plugin for 21 fishing stands that need to comply with this requirements:

    1. Flexible Time Slot Configuration:
      • The plugin must allow you to define custom time slots that can start at any hour of the day and extend for 12, 24, or 36 hours.
      • Ensure that users can book starting at any hour (e.g., 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM) and the booking extends to cover the full duration specified.
    2. Overnight and Multi-Day Bookings:
      • The plugin should support bookings that span overnight and into the next day (or multiple days), ensuring that a 36-hour booking starting at 5:00 PM one day can end at 5:00 AM two days later.
    3. Booking Availability and Conflict Management:
      • It should automatically block out overlapping times once a booking is made, ensuring that no double bookings occur.
      • The availability calendar should clearly display all blocked and available times.
    4. Calendar Display:
      • The calendar shown to users should reflect the actual availability of each resource (fishing spot) across multiple days.
      • Users should be able to select any start time and see immediately if the desired duration is available.
    Does Amelia Meet These Requirements?
  •  1,381
    Uroš replied


    Thank you for your inquiry. Amelia is a versatile booking plugin, but it has some limitations concerning your specific requirements.

    Flexible Time Slot Configuration: Amelia allows you to define custom time slots, but these are typically based on predefined working hours rather than completely flexible slots that can start at any hour of the day. While you can set time slots, they are usually within a fixed schedule, and setting rolling start times like 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, etc., might require some adjustment in the configuration.

    Overnight and 24-Hour Bookings: Amelia supports bookings that span overnight, with a maximum booking duration of 24 hours. You can configure bookings to start at any time and extend up to 24 hours later.

    Booking Availability and Conflict Management: Amelia efficiently manages booking conflicts by automatically blocking out times that are already booked. The availability calendar is updated in real-time to prevent double bookings.

    Calendar Display: Amelia’s calendar displays availability based on the time slots you configure. Users can see available slots and select start times within the defined schedule.

    In summary, Amelia meets most of your requirements, though some adjustments in time slot configuration might be necessary.

    Best regards.

    Kind Regards, 

    Uros Jovanovic
    [email protected]

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