found out the reason for our longterm issue (from the begining of using Amelia Calendar) today. We are using Amelia with Woocommerce intregration and added a step in the booking to approve the booking by Admin before customer get the payamant information. In this configuration the order status will be changed after creation of woocommerce order from the default woocommerce status to a "new" status like "waiting for approval". After approval the status turns back to the woccomerce default for this. But Amelia does not creating an appointment with any with the default woocomerce order states, after this order was approved manual. The new State from the approval plugin will not be shown in the Amelia settings for selecting. The build in in Amelia does not work. If a appointment ist booked without the approval function, everthing works fine. this we need in germany and useing al lot uf functions. For approval we use "late conclusion of contract" function that is included in this plugin.
Any ideas how to fix without loosing the approval?
This time IM afraid that we do not quite get what the issue is but we can see that you are using some sort of WooCommerce addon. Amelia provide core integration with WooCommerce so that you accept payment if Amelia does not work properly when you use any of the addons not matter how big or small we can not guarantee (or fix anything related to addons) that Amelia will work properly. Please try and remove those 2 addons and then let us know know how it goes.
If the issue then continues then please explain to with some screenshots what exactly the issue is.
Thx for your answer. IfI disable the "Order Approval for Woocommerce Pro" plugin and the "late conclusion of contract" function in the "germanized for Woocommerce" plugin Amelia is working as expected. A new appointment booked in Amelia creates an order in WC and every state from WC is able to start a task in Amelia appointmen. E.g. creating an appointment or changin the appointment to approved or paied. If I use the "late conclusion of contract" function or let "Order Approval for Woocommerce Pro" handle the WC orders, no cange of order status will do something in Amelia. just nothing. Not creating or changing an event or appointment.
It seems that the plugin and the funktion we use is handling the WC oders different or that they are sending differnt data that Amelia isn't knowing.
We need that function because we have to approve every booking manualy befor the customer gets payment information. If you know an other way to send the customer WC payment information from the Amelia backend without an customer account an without login, we could life without the addition plugin or "germanized for Woocommerce"
Just disable the option “New user notification to the user” and you’ll be good.
Oh and btw in case you wanna know where the code is, you might wanna open up this file: wp-includes/pluggable.php Line number: 1989
So when you disable this through the 3rd party plugin, your customers will only receive notifications from Amelia, without the following email:
"Username: ———
To set your password, visit the following address"
I hope that helps. As for other WooCommerce addons as we mentioned we provide only core integration with WooCommerce so that you can accept payment and as far as we understand everything is working when you are using base WooCommerce options.
So there are no issue with Amelia.
You want to use Amelia with some WooCommerce addons and Amelia is not working properly when you use them and unfortunately we can not help with that since we do not have integration developed for them and we do not guarantee that Amelia can work with any WooCommerce addon. So for now you can not use them with Amelia.
We understand that Amelia is working properly when you do not use them so there are no issues with Amelia and Amelia is working how it was designed.
In light of this, we encourage you to kindly consider submitting this valuable suggestion as a feature request through the following link: The prioritization of feature development is greatly influenced by the number of customer requests received. By participating and expressing your support, you contribute significantly to the potential expedited implementation of this feature.
Should you have any further inquiries, we kindly request that you open separate tickets for each question and we will gladly help you there.
We wish you all the best and hope you have a wonderful day ahead.
Ich know that is not an issue by Amelia. Let me explan our wanted workflow.
We offer guides Bike-Tours. 1. we offer evry tour (appointment on evry day) 2. customer is selcting a day 3. customer send us a request 4. we check and approve and appointment is created 5. customer get a mail with payment instrctions 6. after payment the appoint is approved
1st way Amelia alone with mollie payments would be great but no invoicing and no connection to out CRM
2nd way Amelia together with WC payment We need that for sending Invoices but we've found no way integrate the step with approvement before payment
3rd way Amelia together with WC payment and the other plugins Is working as expected without the from WC created appointments.
If you could give us a way fullfill our need ( workflow) with way 1 or 2 would be helpfull. Otherwise it would be great to know how Amelia handle order status changes from WC to find öut how to fix the issue in combination with the other blugins.
Once again we are having trouble understanding what you are asking us. If it is easier for you you can write us a ticket in your native language and we will try and translate it to understand it better.
But please write us concrete questions and we will try to help as best as we can.
Hallo, Frage 1: gibt es eine Möglichkeit, eine Buchung eines Termines erst manuell freizugeben und erst dann dem Kunden die Zahlungsinformatione zu senden? Mit ist bekannt, dass dies nicht möglich ist.
Frage 2: Warum erstellt Amelia keinen Termin oder ändert den Status eines vorhandenen Termines, wenn zusätzlich zu Woocommerce ein weiteres Plugin verwendet wird, um den Status einer Bestellung in Woocommerce zu ändern? Ohne diese zusätzlich Plugin funktioniert das problemlos. Wir benötigen aber die Funktion Buchungen erst zu prüfen und danach manuell freizugeben und erst danach dem Kunden einen Zahlungslink zu senden. Da Amelia dies aber nicht kann, sind iwr gezwungen zusätzlich Plugins zu nutzen, die die Statusänderung der Woocommerce-Bestellung handhaben.
Wenn wir dies Plugins nutzen erstellt Amelia keine Termine mehr aus einer Woocommerce-Bestellung.
Frage 3: Was macht Amelia anders als andeer Anbiete von Buchungs-Plugins beim Auswerten der Informationen aus Woocommerce. Wir haben 2 weitere Plugins geteste und unseren Ablauf mit 4 verschiedenen zusätzliche Plugins zur manuelle Freigabe simuliert. Dies funktioniert bei allen Kombinationen. Nur mit Amelia funktioniert dies nicht.
2. When you set up WooCommerce rules on the Amelia/Settings/Payments page, Amelia simply looks at those rules and applies them when the order is created or the order is updated, depending on how the rule was set up. It could be, in your case, that the rules were not set up properly, can you please give us more information on how that plugin works?
3. Please check the point number two so we can fully understand if this issue is related to Amelia or not.
After an order is created and the status "waiting for paiment" set by WC, the plugin(s) sets a kind custom status like "waiting for approvment". The admin gets a mail from the plugin. Here he can hit "approve" or "reject". After order was approved the status went into "waiting for paymant" again and the customer gets a mail with payment instruction. Is the order payed, the staus goes into processing.
Somthing in the order staus handling from the plugins must be different to the WC way and Amelia isn't longer able to handle.
Can you please send us a short video of the issue so that we can understand it better. I checked this sever of my colleagues and we do not quite get the issue Im afraid since this is a little confusing. Can you please send us short video so that we can see the issue for ourselfs?
First link is a link to site not a video so please send this to us again if it is not to much trouble. Also if you can send us video via wetransfer not via ios ot some other since if you do not use iPhone you can not open it as it appears?
We can open this for now we will try in some other way to open videos since you did not send it us via regular links but via iCloud. If we can we will take a look if we can not we will let you know once we have more information.
Its the format issue we can not opened it in any browser and we have tried several Chrome, Brave, Opera and FireFox that should open this but it can not.
As for this we can open video now and I have forwarded this to our level 2 agents and as soon as they send us feedback we will reach out to you again on this ticket.
Ibrahim, please don't write on other people's tickets, because we do not want disturb other users and to avoid mistakes like this happening. We work on tickets in the order they arrived, but if someone was on vacation and arrived two days ago, that agent will be assigned tickets from that moment on, while other agents work on tickets in the order they arrived, and as far as we can see, you received a reply to each of your tickets
and please continue correspondence on your tickets in order to avoid disturbing other users. Thank you for your understanding.
We will forward this to our Dev team and as soon as we receive feedback from them we will reach out to you again on this ticket. There is some issue with one of your other plugins so they will need to look in to that.
Thx, but have an other oppinon about that case: Not an issue with one of my other plugins. ALL other plugins causing that behavior with Amelia. ALL other plugins doen't causing that behavior with other bookung plugins.
Would you be able to provide us with a Staging site, along with WP-admin (Administrator) user,
FTP credentials and the database access ( Either link with credentials for PHPMyAdmin or Hosting Panel),
so our developers can debug the plugin, and see what's going on?
If you're not able to provide us with a staging site, can you clone your website?
If yes - I'll ask you to install the All-in-One WP Migration plugin. It will generate a file that you can send me (along with the log-in credentials), and then I can create an exact copy of your website, see what the issue is and try to resolve it.
Please note that this file will be too large to attach to the ticket, so you can upload them via and just send me the link.
I would do a testdomain with Wordpress, Woocommerce, Amelia, an example appointment and the approval plugin. There you can do what you want. But how about the amelia pro license? Mine is only for one page
You can install Amelia on several sites but you can not activate it in activation settings and you do not need to. This is for updates mostly and so that you have active license so that you can get our support. Feel free to install it on staging but do not activate it.
With a fresh instalation I can't reproduce the issue. No idea. Hope your team is able to find the issue. Other thing i noticed: I've tried to re-install Amelia (via the downloaded file). After this the frontend works as expected. In the backend only the settingspage or the Appointments page was workin. dashboard and kalender stops working and shows blank screen.
Send you the Migration Plugin File via Wetransfer to your mail.. File too big to attach.
1. We often do not receive the mails due to filters so you can send us the URL link from wetransfer. So that we can download it from this ticket.
But we would need new explanation what exactly is the issue now since some issues are resolved and the new appeared as far as we understand. Once we understand we will gladly take a closer loom.
In the "old" installation I have tryed to "overwrite" the Amilia Plugin with a fresh file. That causes a loss of Dashboard and kalender in the backend in amelia.
Have tested several things. After installing Amelia again from a download Dashboard, calender and settings are still working. All other showing blank screen. Sorry for the misinformation.
We just got the feedback from our colleagues and they have told us that the booking works if this hidden option is turned on "Create booking before payment process" which means that the booking is created when the order is created instead of being created on a status change, since that way it was in a conflict with the other WooCommerce plugins. You can turn this setting on by unchecking display: none on this div or send us the login credentials so we can enable it for you.
Also, you should remove this first rule because when the booking is created it is created as rejected and is sending the customer the Appointment Rejected notification or disable this notification. You can also put this status to be pending in Amelia and disable Appointment pending notifications if you don't want any notification to be sent before the appointment is approved.
We wish you all the best and hope you have a wonderful day ahead.
We just got the feedback from our colleagues and they have told us that they have enabled the setting, please try it out now and let u s know how it goes.
You are most welcome, and we are glad that we were able to help you. This should stay enabled with the update in case that it is not reach out to us again and we will enabled it again and perhaps we can send you a video where you can see how you can enable it on your own. Should you have any further inquiries, we kindly request that you open separate tickets for each question and we will gladly help you there.
All should be fine after the update but in case it is not then please reach out to us so that I can ask our dev team to see this up again and to send you a short video.
Should you have any further inquiries, we kindly request that you open separate tickets for each question and we will gladly help you there.
We wish you all the best and hope you have a wonderful day ahead.
found out the reason for our longterm issue (from the begining of using Amelia Calendar) today.
We are using Amelia with Woocommerce intregration and added a step in the booking to approve the booking by Admin before customer get the payamant information.
In this configuration the order status will be changed after creation of woocommerce order from the default woocommerce status to a "new" status like "waiting for approval". After approval the status turns back to the woccomerce default for this.
But Amelia does not creating an appointment with any with the default woocomerce order states, after this order was approved manual. The new State from the approval plugin will not be shown in the Amelia settings for selecting. The build in in Amelia does not work.
If a appointment ist booked without the approval function, everthing works fine.
We're using the following plugins for approval:
Does nothing mor or less the teh approval
this we need in germany and useing al lot uf functions. For approval we use "late conclusion of contract" function that is included in this plugin.
Any ideas how to fix without loosing the approval?
Hello again,
This time IM afraid that we do not quite get what the issue is but we can see that you are using some sort of WooCommerce addon. Amelia provide core integration with WooCommerce so that you accept payment if Amelia does not work properly when you use any of the addons not matter how big or small we can not guarantee (or fix anything related to addons) that Amelia will work properly. Please try and remove those 2 addons and then let us know know how it goes.
If the issue then continues then please explain to with some screenshots what exactly the issue is.
Best regards.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Thx for your answer.
IfI disable the "Order Approval for Woocommerce Pro" plugin and the "late conclusion of contract" function in the "germanized for Woocommerce" plugin Amelia is working as expected.
A new appointment booked in Amelia creates an order in WC and every state from WC is able to start a task in Amelia appointmen. E.g. creating an appointment or changin the appointment to approved or paied.
If I use the "late conclusion of contract" function or let "Order Approval for Woocommerce Pro" handle the WC orders, no cange of order status will do something in Amelia. just nothing. Not creating or changing an event or appointment.
It seems that the plugin and the funktion we use is handling the WC oders different or that they are sending differnt data that Amelia isn't knowing.
We need that function because we have to approve every booking manualy befor the customer gets payment information. If you know an other way to send the customer WC payment information from the Amelia backend without an customer account an without login, we could life without the addition plugin or "germanized for Woocommerce"
Alexander Bienek
Hello again,
If we misunderstood we do apologise but we will try to help as best as we can.
If we understand you properly you want that your customers do not get the mail for backend login?
If this is correct then we can help but this is not Amelia related.
That's WordPress' default email for every new user. I don't know if you can disable it through WordPress settings, but I do know that you can do it with this plugin:
Just disable the option “New user notification to the user” and you’ll be good.
Oh and btw in case you wanna know where the code is, you might wanna open up this file: wp-includes/pluggable.php Line number: 1989
So when you disable this through the 3rd party plugin, your customers will only receive notifications from Amelia, without the following email:
"Username: ———
To set your password, visit the following address"
I hope that helps. As for other WooCommerce addons as we mentioned we provide only core integration with WooCommerce so that you can accept payment and as far as we understand everything is working when you are using base WooCommerce options.
So there are no issue with Amelia.
You want to use Amelia with some WooCommerce addons and Amelia is not working properly when you use them and unfortunately we can not help with that since we do not have integration developed for them and we do not guarantee that Amelia can work with any WooCommerce addon. So for now you can not use them with Amelia.
We understand that Amelia is working properly when you do not use them so there are no issues with Amelia and Amelia is working how it was designed.
In light of this, we encourage you to kindly consider submitting this valuable suggestion as a feature request through the following link: The prioritization of feature development is greatly influenced by the number of customer requests received. By participating and expressing your support, you contribute significantly to the potential expedited implementation of this feature.
Should you have any further inquiries, we kindly request that you open separate tickets for each question and we will gladly help you there.
We wish you all the best and hope you have a wonderful day ahead.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Ich know that is not an issue by Amelia. Let me explan our wanted workflow.
We offer guides Bike-Tours.
1. we offer evry tour (appointment on evry day)
2. customer is selcting a day
3. customer send us a request
4. we check and approve and appointment is created
5. customer get a mail with payment instrctions
6. after payment the appoint is approved
1st way Amelia alone with mollie payments
would be great but no invoicing and no connection to out CRM
2nd way Amelia together with WC payment
We need that for sending Invoices but we've found no way integrate the step with approvement before payment
3rd way Amelia together with WC payment and the other plugins
Is working as expected without the from WC created appointments.
If you could give us a way fullfill our need ( workflow) with way 1 or 2 would be helpfull. Otherwise it would be great to know how Amelia handle order status changes from WC to find öut how to fix the issue in combination with the other blugins.
Hello again,
Once again we are having trouble understanding what you are asking us. If it is easier for you you can write us a ticket in your native language and we will try and translate it to understand it better.
But please write us concrete questions and we will try to help as best as we can.
Looking forward to your reply.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Frage 1:
gibt es eine Möglichkeit, eine Buchung eines Termines erst manuell freizugeben und erst dann dem Kunden die Zahlungsinformatione zu senden?
Mit ist bekannt, dass dies nicht möglich ist.
Frage 2:
Warum erstellt Amelia keinen Termin oder ändert den Status eines vorhandenen Termines, wenn zusätzlich zu Woocommerce ein weiteres Plugin verwendet wird, um den Status einer Bestellung in Woocommerce zu ändern?
Ohne diese zusätzlich Plugin funktioniert das problemlos. Wir benötigen aber die Funktion Buchungen erst zu prüfen und danach manuell freizugeben und erst danach dem Kunden einen Zahlungslink zu senden. Da Amelia dies aber nicht kann, sind iwr gezwungen zusätzlich Plugins zu nutzen, die die Statusänderung der Woocommerce-Bestellung handhaben.
Wenn wir dies Plugins nutzen erstellt Amelia keine Termine mehr aus einer Woocommerce-Bestellung.
Frage 3:
Was macht Amelia anders als andeer Anbiete von Buchungs-Plugins beim Auswerten der Informationen aus Woocommerce. Wir haben 2 weitere Plugins geteste und unseren Ablauf mit 4 verschiedenen zusätzliche Plugins zur manuelle Freigabe simuliert. Dies funktioniert bei allen Kombinationen. Nur mit Amelia funktioniert dies nicht.
Hello agian,
2. When you set up WooCommerce rules on the Amelia/Settings/Payments page, Amelia simply looks at those rules and applies them when the order is created or the order is updated, depending on how the rule was set up. It could be, in your case, that the rules were not set up properly, can you please give us more information on how that plugin works?
3. Please check the point number two so we can fully understand if this issue is related to Amelia or not.
Looking forward to your reply.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Hi again,
the plugins we use are doing the following.
After an order is created and the status "waiting for paiment" set by WC, the plugin(s) sets a kind custom status like "waiting for approvment".
The admin gets a mail from the plugin. Here he can hit "approve" or "reject".
After order was approved the status went into "waiting for paymant" again and the customer gets a mail with payment instruction. Is the order payed, the staus goes into processing.
Somthing in the order staus handling from the plugins must be different to the WC way and Amelia isn't longer able to handle.
If you want to try together with amelia and WC, here you can get one of thes plugins for free: Not so much to setup for testing.
Hello again,
We will take a look at this now and we will reach out to you again on this ticket as soon as we have more information
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Hello again,
Can you please send us a short video of the issue so that we can understand it better. I checked this sever of my colleagues and we do not quite get the issue Im afraid since this is a little confusing. Can you please send us short video so that we can see the issue for ourselfs?
Looking forward to your reply.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps, floor plans, choropleth maps, and much more -
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Here we go:
first clip without activated approval plugins
secound Clip with issue in the appointment creation due to use of the addition approval plugin
Hello again,
First link is a link to site not a video so please send this to us again if it is not to much trouble. Also if you can send us video via wetransfer not via ios ot some other since if you do not use iPhone you can not open it as it appears?
Looking forward to your reply.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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should work now.
Hello again,
We can open this for now we will try in some other way to open videos since you did not send it us via regular links but via iCloud. If we can we will take a look if we can not we will let you know once we have more information.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps, floor plans, choropleth maps, and much more -
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I could the clips attach. Or is the format the issue?
Hello again,
Its the format issue we can not opened it in any browser and we have tried several Chrome, Brave, Opera and FireFox that should open this but it can not.
Looking forward to your reply.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps, floor plans, choropleth maps, and much more -
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Hi there Marko,
I see that a lot of public tickets are being answered, but my private ticket i still waiting for 5 days already...
We use the Amelia plugin for business. So everyday it's not working we lose money....
Can you maybe help out?
HI Marko,
try this. It is onedrive and mp4.!AvbEP6w2H4a9pmyBu9qiHgVn3T3g?e=qOqncL
Hello again,
We can see that all your tickets got replies
As for this we can open video now and I have forwarded this to our level 2 agents and as soon as they send us feedback we will reach out to you again on this ticket.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps, floor plans, choropleth maps, and much more -
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Hi Marko,
the claim that "my ticket wasn't replied" wasn't from me. It was from
Ibrahim replied
I say thx for support and that u r working on my case.
My apologies did not notice that.
Ibrahim, please don't write on other people's tickets, because we do not want disturb other users and to avoid mistakes like this happening. We work on tickets in the order they arrived, but if someone was on vacation and arrived two days ago, that agent will be assigned tickets from that moment on, while other agents work on tickets in the order they arrived, and as far as we can see, you received a reply to each of your tickets
and please continue correspondence on your tickets in order to avoid disturbing other users. Thank you for your understanding.
Kind regards.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps, floor plans, choropleth maps, and much more -
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Hello Manja,
We will forward this to our Dev team and as soon as we receive feedback from them we will reach out to you again on this ticket. There is some issue with one of your other plugins so they will need to look in to that.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Thx, but have an other oppinon about that case: Not an issue with one of my other plugins. ALL other plugins causing that behavior with Amelia. ALL other plugins doen't causing that behavior with other bookung plugins.
Hello Manja,
I will forward this also and as soon as we receive feedback we will reach out to you again.
We wish you all the best and hope you have a wonderful day ahead.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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You are most welcome as soon as we receive feedback we will reach out to you here.
Best regards.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Hello again,
Would you be able to provide us with a Staging site, along with WP-admin (Administrator) user, FTP credentials and the database access ( Either link with credentials for PHPMyAdmin or Hosting Panel), so our developers can debug the plugin, and see what's going on? If you're not able to provide us with a staging site, can you clone your website? If yes - I'll ask you to install the All-in-One WP Migration plugin. It will generate a file that you can send me (along with the log-in credentials), and then I can create an exact copy of your website, see what the issue is and try to resolve it. Please note that this file will be too large to attach to the ticket, so you can upload them via and just send me the link.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
I would do a testdomain with Wordpress, Woocommerce, Amelia, an example appointment and the approval plugin. There you can do what you want. But how about the amelia pro license? Mine is only for one page
Hello again,
You can install Amelia on several sites but you can not activate it in activation settings and you do not need to. This is for updates mostly and so that you have active license so that you can get our support. Feel free to install it on staging but do not activate it.
Looking forward to your reply.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps, floor plans, choropleth maps, and much more -
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You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Ok. Will try, do not know if I got it today.
Hello again,
No worries once you have the time send it to and we will take a look.
Looking forward to your reply.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps, floor plans, choropleth maps, and much more -
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You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
With a fresh instalation I can't reproduce the issue. No idea. Hope your team is able to find the issue. Other thing i noticed: I've tried to re-install Amelia (via the downloaded file). After this the frontend works as expected. In the backend only the settingspage or the Appointments page was workin. dashboard and kalender stops working and shows blank screen.
Send you the Migration Plugin File via Wetransfer to your mail.. File too big to attach.
Hello again,
1. We often do not receive the mails due to filters so you can send us the URL link from wetransfer. So that we can download it from this ticket.
But we would need new explanation what exactly is the issue now since some issues are resolved and the new appeared as far as we understand. Once we understand we will gladly take a closer loom.
Looking forward to your reply.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps, floor plans, choropleth maps, and much more -
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You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Issue is the same.
The fresh installation does not have this issue.
In the "old" installation I have tryed to "overwrite" the Amilia Plugin with a fresh file. That causes a loss of Dashboard and kalender in the backend in amelia.
Hello again,
We will forward this to our dev team and as soon as we have more information we will reach out to you again on this ticket.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps, floor plans, choropleth maps, and much more -
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Amelia: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amelia demo sites | Docs | Discord Community
You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Have tested several things. After installing Amelia again from a download Dashboard, calender and settings are still working. All other showing blank screen. Sorry for the misinformation.
Hello again,
We will forward this to our dev team and as soon as we have more information we will reach out to you again on this ticket.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps, floor plans, choropleth maps, and much more -
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Amelia: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amelia demo sites | Docs | Discord Community
You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Hello again,
We just got the feedback from our colleagues and they have told us that the booking works if this hidden option is turned on "Create booking before payment process" which means that the booking is created when the order is created instead of being created on a status change, since that way it was in a conflict with the other WooCommerce plugins. You can turn this setting on by unchecking display: none on this div or send us the login credentials so we can enable it for you.
Also, you should remove this first rule because when the booking is created it is created as rejected and is sending the customer the Appointment Rejected notification or disable this notification. You can also put this status to be pending in Amelia and disable Appointment pending notifications if you don't want any notification to be sent before the appointment is approved.
We wish you all the best and hope you have a wonderful day ahead.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps, floor plans, choropleth maps, and much more -
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You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
That sounds great. But I've no glue how to do und would prefer your team is doing that for me.
What privileges you need? Admin or Amelia Manager?
Hello again,
We would need temporary admin admin credentials to set this up.
Looking forward to your reply.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps, floor plans, choropleth maps, and much more -
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Amelia: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amelia demo sites | Docs | Discord Community
You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Hello again,
Thanks for this we will forward this to our colleagues and as soon as we get feedback from the we will reach out to you again on this ticket.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps, floor plans, choropleth maps, and much more -
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Amelia: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amelia demo sites | Docs | Discord Community
You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Hello again,
We just got the feedback from our colleagues and they have told us that they have enabled the setting, please try it out now and let u s know how it goes.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps, floor plans, choropleth maps, and much more -
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Amelia: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amelia demo sites | Docs | Discord Community
You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
working like charm. Awesome. Thanks a lot.
How about Updates? Is the fix still working after updating?
Hello again,
You are most welcome, and we are glad that we were able to help you. This should stay enabled with the update in case that it is not reach out to us again and we will enabled it again and perhaps we can send you a video where you can see how you can enable it on your own. Should you have any further inquiries, we kindly request that you open separate tickets for each question and we will gladly help you there.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps, floor plans, choropleth maps, and much more -
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Amelia: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amelia demo sites | Docs | Discord Community
You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
God idea with video. To be prepared I would like to have this.
And again, thanks a lot.
Hello again,
All should be fine after the update but in case it is not then please reach out to us so that I can ask our dev team to see this up again and to send you a short video.
Should you have any further inquiries, we kindly request that you open separate tickets for each question and we will gladly help you there.
We wish you all the best and hope you have a wonderful day ahead.
Kind Regards,
Marko Davidovic [email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps, floor plans, choropleth maps, and much more -
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Amelia: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amelia demo sites | Docs | Discord Community
You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables