  Public Ticket #3668604
Error Tax Calculation


  •  8
    Roland started the conversation


    thanks for implementing the Tax feature we all waited long for. Great to see that.

    unfortunately there is an error that Tax (VAT 20%) will be calculated double WHEN WOOCOMMERCE CHECKOUT IS ACTIVATED

    - Everything is calculated perfectly in WP Amelia, and it finally shows the price with the right TAX (80€ + 16€ Tax) .... when selected 20% in WP Amelia

    - But when redirected to the WOO Cart or Checkout - WP-Amelia gives the already taxed Price to WOOcommerce and puts another 20% on top... so its 115,2€ total (instead of 96)

    I am using Woocommerce with netto prices - and woocommerce is doing the tax calculation on top.

    So please always send the NETTO prices to Woocommerce to fix it.

    Thanks for your help.


  •  8
    Roland replied

    Furthermore a question:

    What happens when Woocommerce checkout integration is deactivated in WP Amelia?

    As far as i know, the payment is done via WP-Amelia through Paypal/Stripe etc.

    - but is there STILL A WOOCOMMERCE ORDER created for every booking?


  •  1,511
    Marko replied

    Hello there,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    If the prices are calculated twice then you need to turn off tax option in wooCommerce. You can not have (you can but it will be calculated twice as it is now) tax in Amelia and tax in WooCommerce. Tax in WooCommerce was the only workaround until we implemented tax in Amelia so now you do not need to use it. In some cases that you have to use it for something unrelated to Amelia you need to turn the Amelia tax option of you can not have them both at the same time.

    As for WooComemrce order if you are not using WooCommerce but you are using Stripe or PayPal on their own not via WooCommerce then there is nothing connected to WooCommerce and noting will be created. If you are not using WooCommerce then of course noting is created since it is turned off. 

    Should you have any further inquiries, we kindly request that you open separate tickets for each question and we will gladly help you there.

    We wish you all the best and hope you have a wonderful day ahead. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Marko Davidovic
    [email protected]

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  •  8
    Roland replied

    Hi Marko,

    this is still a major bug, because it wont work in a lot of Woocommerce enviroments.

    Here is why:

    All the taxes, according to law, are calculated for every country in Europe through Woocommerce for my PHYSICAL products. So prices are always without Taxes and Woocommerce adds the proper Tax, according to location.

    So i cannot turn of tax calculation in Woocommerce, and therefore the Tax Option is useless for a LOT of your clients.

    I would suggest do add a setting in WP-Amelia.

    1. Switch to change WP-Amelia behavior ON/OFF (Toggle Between "Woocommerce Tax calculation activated")
    2. Make Amelia send the prices with or without tax to Woocommerce, according to this setting.

    Thanks, Roland

  •  1,511
    Marko replied

    Hello again,

    If you are using WooCommerce TAX option then you do not need TAX option in Amelia since it will be added there. There is no reason for you to have both option for TAX enabled. You simply turn off the TAX option in Amelia and then WooCommerce will add it automatically. The TAX option is implemented for users that do not want to use WooCommerce since you are using it there is no reason for you to use the TAX in Amelia.

    Should you have any further inquiries, we kindly request that you open separate tickets for each question and we will gladly help you there.

    We wish you all the best and hope you have a wonderful day ahead.  

    Kind Regards, 

    Marko Davidovic
    [email protected]

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  •  8
    Roland replied


    the problem is, that it leads always to confusion within my clients, because WP Amelia does not show Taxes in the booking process, so the user is always confused what he has to pay. (i got a lot of requests form users, why there is no tax in the booking system, but at the end.)....

    so this is a semi professional solution, but i can go with it.

    would appreciate if you guys could discuss this interally.

  •  1,511
    Marko replied

    Hello again,

    I can forward it to be reviewed but I can not make any promises since this is mostly implemented for people who do not use WooCommerce tax option. Perhaps our old solution where you write tax included in Amelia can work for you.

    If you wish to add text to the "Total Amount" or "Subtotal" in Amelia's Booking Form on the "Payments" summary so that customers are aware that the price includes any tax, 

    I recommend using the Loco Translate plugin, it is the easiest for this :

    If I open Loco Translate and choose English US, because my site is in that language ( you will use your site language, of course), 

     I search for the string  " Total Amount", 

    simply "translate" / change it to anything I need and hit "save" : 

    You can find these Strings "Subtotal", and "Total amount":

    In our example, we add "short text" like Total Amount ( inc. GST) :


    That was just an example - you can write any text you need there. (The same principle goes if you need to translate/change any other strings in Amelia)

    Hope this helps. 

    We wish you all the best and hope you have a wonderful day ahead. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Marko Davidovic
    [email protected]

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  •  8
    Roland replied

    that does not work either,

    in this way, wp amelia shows the tax, but woocommerce will still ADD the tax on top.

  •  1,511
    Marko replied

    Hello again,

    In that case you need to turn off tax in Amelia as mentioned at this time we do not have other solution and it is not designed to use both taxes at the same time.

    And we encourage you to kindly consider submitting this valuable suggestion as a feature request through the following link: https://features.wpamelia.com/. The prioritization of feature development is greatly influenced by the number of customer requests received. By participating and expressing your support, you contribute significantly to the potential expedited implementation of this feature.

    Should you have any further inquiries, we kindly request that you open separate tickets for each question and we will gladly help you there.

    We wish you all the best and hope you have a wonderful day ahead. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Marko Davidovic
    [email protected]

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  •  8
    Roland replied

    Thanks for your help Marko.

    hava great day,

    thanks for your support

  •  1,511
    Marko replied

    Hello again,

    You are most welcome not sure how much I was able to help but we wish you all the best. Have a nice weekend. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Marko Davidovic
    [email protected]

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