  Public Ticket #3667268
SMS not sending


  • Jiguel started the conversation

    When I try to send a test SMS to my phone number there is notification that says: "Error: The SMS has not been sent.

    Please see image: http://icecream.me/e3f06166cd1edae9e11a32a701ac407e

  • Bilal replied

    Same here!! also with the emails.

  •  1,461
    Uroš replied

    Hello Jiguel,

    There was a temporary downtime on Friday and during the weekend which is what caused the issue with the SMS service. It is fixed now and should work without issues.

    An issue with email notifications could be caused by several reasons:

    1. Your hosting provider is blocking all 3rd party settings and only allowing their SMTP (or other) settings.
    2. Your website has a PHP version of less than 7.
    3. The credentials are not correct.
    4. There's something else blocking the notifications from being sent.
    5. If you're using Gmail, please check out this article for detailed setup instructions.

    Please check these points, and let me know if you were able to resolve the issue. If you're still not able to resolve the issue, we'll need to remote into your website and see what's going on.

    When you have questions or issues which are not related to the title of the active ticket, please open a new ticket, and we will help you there. In that way, issues and questions which are related to different subjects will be in separate tickets so other customers or our support agents can find them easily. Our policy is to have one issue or question per ticket because of the reasons that are described already.

    Thank you for understanding.

    Kind Regards, 

    Uros Jovanovic
    [email protected]

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  • Jiguel replied

    Thank you, Emails notifications are working fine. I´m using mailpoet; but the SMS sending is still not working. I updated the Amelia plugin with the 18-06/2024 update but no success. I only created an account and then recharged 10 USD and then I hit the Send the SMS but it says: "Error: The SMS has not been sent. is there any aditional configuration to do? 

  •  1,461
    Uroš replied

    Hello Jiguel,

    First of all please check if you are using the latest version of Amelia (see attachment).

    If you activated the purchase code in Amelia Settings/Activation, the update should be offered in the Plugins section. On some WordPress installations, you need to deactivate the plugin first in order to see the update offered, so please try that.

    If that doesn't work, try going through Dashboard/Updates. See if you can update the plugin through there, and if that doesn't work either, you can follow the manual update procedures in the article linked below:

    Updating the plugin to the latest version

    After that, please try sending an SMS to your number to send a test notification to check if it worked or not.

    Please note: SMS often has a status queued but is actually sent.

    It is not refreshed automatically. 

    You have to press the little refresh icon next to the "queued" status, to see the actual message status.

    If it does not work, can you please reach out to the DevOps of your server (or reach out to your hosting provider, and ask them to ask the DevOps) if they can ping our server?

    ping smsapi.wpamelia.com

    Also, can they whitelist this IP address:

    I look forward to your reply.

    Kind Regards, 

    Uros Jovanovic
    [email protected]

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  • Jiguel replied

    Hi thank you for the reply and support. I did updated the plugin like in 3 different ways and contacted support on the server: 

    There is no issue with ping it is correctly getting ping from your account.

    [dgwwgfsb@single-4788 ~]$ ping  smsapi.wpamelia.com
    PING smsapi.wpamelia.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from smsapi.wpamelia.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=47 time=112 ms
    64 bytes from smsapi.wpamelia.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=47 time=109 ms
    64 bytes from smsapi.wpamelia.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=47 time=109 ms

    But I test the SMS feature and is now working. 

    What else can I try? 

  •  1,461
    Uroš replied

    Hello Jiguel,

    We had cases like this with other users - with exactly the same issue;

    basically, Amelia will not stay signed into the SMS service - for some users, the issue was like,

    it logs them in while they are in session as Admin - but as soon as they log out - Amelia also logs out of SMS.


    In all of these cases so far, it turned out that the issue is with the Hosting Server Security/ firewall.

    Sometimes our Amelia SMS server is being completely blocked,  or in other situations, the hosting checks and they say "it is not blocked",  but they check again,   and  our IP is "gray listed".

    The solution will be for the hosting support to make sure they add our Amelia SMS server IP ( to the "whitelist" of the firewall,

    then this issue should be completely solved.


    And if Amelia is not logged in the SMS service,  the SMS messages will stop sending.

    So we have to fix this issue, and keep Amelia logged in the SMS ( it will stay logged in regardless if a user is logged as Admin, if the hosting adds our IP to whitelist on their firewall).


    So, please reach out to the DevOps of your server (or reach out to your hosting provider, and ask them to ask the DevOps) to do a network ping test towards our server.

    This is the command to run the ping test:

    ping smsapi.wpamelia.com

    This is very important, so please have them send you the network ping test latency results, and send that to us,

    so that we can see if it was successful.

    Then they have to add our IP to the white list of the hosting firewall.

    Our Amelia SMS Server IP is

    Please let us know how it goes. Thank you. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Uros Jovanovic
    [email protected]

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  •  8
    Devan replied

    Hey Amelia support!  Just wanted to say thanks for the answers in this thread. I gave Uros' answer to my hosting support, and I got my texts working in just a few minutes :D

  •   Uroš replied privately