  Public Ticket #3659586
Launching Amelia Booking system


  • Markku started the conversation


    I have read and read instructions and watched info videos again and again.

    Some how our Amelia Booking system is not showing on the front end at all. I have published Amelia on this website https://bellahelena.fi/ajanvaraus

    I´m using  the upgraded Step-by-Step Booking Form 2.0 which I have published.

    Our website is build with Wordpress frontend builder Divi Builder. Can that be a reason for "not showing" the boking

    Could you please send me a link from where I can study launching Amelia booking, that I can go true every step. Or please help me directly with your answer. 

  •  811
    Stefan replied

    Hello Markku,

    Thanks for reaching out to us. On the link you've provided, the step-by-step booking form is actually displayed properly 


    Perhaps, you are referring to another booking form that should be displayed? 

    Kind Regards, 

    Stefan Petrov
    [email protected]

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  • Markku replied

    Hello Stefan,

    This is excatly right booking form, which I only see if I´m logged in to our wordpress admin panel. When closing Wordpres (signing out) form disappears? I don´t understand it.

    Also one of our customer said today that firstly she saw this form and then it disappeared. Then I asked one guy to open https://bellahelena.fi/ajanvaraus and he sees no form (like I see it in the attached print screen picture).

    I´m getting frusfrated while old booking system is out and new is needed asp.

    BR MArkku

    Attached files:  Ajanvaraus printscreen.jpg

  •  811
    Stefan replied

    Hello Markku,

    Issues like this usually occur when there is a conflict either with the theme currently active on your website, or another plugin you have installed.

    Can you please change the theme and see if the issue is resolved? If not, then please deactivate all other plugins except for our plugin, refresh the page where the issue is, and see if it is resolved (it should be). If it is, then start activating other plugins one by one, and after each activation refresh the page to see if the issue reoccurred. Once it does reoccur, you will find out the plugin causing the issue.

    Please, let me know when you check.

    Kind Regards, 

    Stefan Petrov
    [email protected]

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  • Markku replied

    Hi Stefan, I have removed plugins almost all (not all-in-one-seo) and after removing VitaPOS plugin the Amelia form started to come up, but only once. This operation repeted with several other plugins, when I removed one more, Amelia come up, so it is not VitaPOS causing the problem. When installing and removing plugins many times, the internet page started to slow and crash. I made backup before I started to operate plugin removing. Then when removing/ switching Divi child theme Avalon to Astra the hole internet page loaded code on the screen a lot. 

    For me this all is quite anouing. Almost all videos you say that Amelia is the best Wordpress Booking plugin. I´m starting to think that this is not really true. I have trusted yo and your product and the result is a mess with very little service help. You first answer to my public ask was everything is fine type. What the next would be? 


    Markku Tauriainen

  •  811
    Stefan replied

    Hello Markku,

    The Amelia booking plugin itself is working properly, it's the other plugins that are causing issues. If you disable all other plugins and leave just Amelia enabled, the booking form should be visible on the front end, without any issues. The plugin that usually giving issues is the caching plugin. See if you have any caching plugin and disable it temporarily. In 99 percent of cases when you are able to see the booking while logged in and not in incognito mode is because of the caching plugin issue.

    Kind Regards, 

    Stefan Petrov
    [email protected]

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  • Markku replied

    I´m using WP Rocket cache plugin. I now pull it to informed "safe mode" not desappled. The Amelia booking started to come up now in both pages (mobile and PC). But, now when the cache plugin is off, it is coasting time. Our website download time went from 599 milli seconds to 2,5 seconds!!! And the quality dropped to C category. I think Google #ranking does not like that and we will drop out from the Google search first page quite soon as a local operator. The salon business is very competive, so losing download time and SEO ranking will coast losing customers. Not good at all. Think this way. I invested with high hopes to WP Amelia and now it is giving many kind of using problems. I have invested problems. The SEO ranking value I have earned with hard work in 11 years. I don´t wanna lose it.

    I´m thinking not to give up. I have a detour plan, if you can assistant me on this. We have finnish domain bellahelena.fi in use, but we do have 2nd domain also. It is kauneushoitolabellahelena.com I can open a new website with this domain quickly and use some very light Elegantthemes Divi theme and then install WP Amelia Booking to this site. The only question is - how can I transfer our hand-done bookings & customers out from live site´s WP Amelia?

  •  811
    Stefan replied

    Hello Markku,

    Apologies for the delayed answer. You could either use export options in the Appointment and Customers section. This will let you export the information in .csv files. The other way is to move the tables

    There are around 47 tables with wp_amelia_ prefix that need to be moved. Please note that wp_ is the default database prefix, but on your end, it could be anything, so look for your_prefix_amelia_ tables.

    Besides that, you also need to go to wp_options and search for option_name "amelia_settings" - which returns one row, so you need to copy the option_value and paste it in the same field on the other site. 

    One more thing that you can try, instead of turning off the WP Rocket is to exclude the Amelia files from caching.

    there is this "Advanced fine-tune cache rules" setting, in Advanced Rules:

    1. Never Cache URL(s)
    2. Always purge URL(s)
    • Input the pages with Amelia booking there, to exclude from WP Rocket's caching. Then purge all cache again.

    Screenshots attached, with an example, and a short video: https://watch.screencastify.com/v/6bwVf3L31RVLbHMsLqZN


    I hope it helps.

    Kind Regards, 

    Stefan Petrov
    [email protected]

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  • Markku replied

    Hi Stefan,

    Thank you for your responce and adwise. I got just an alert e-mail  message from Cloudways about cache plugin:

    Hi there, I, the CloudwaysBot, am here to inform you about an important message regarding your Cloudways server.

    Recommended cache settings for your WordPress application are not in place. Enabling the settings may improve your application's performance. You can view recommended settings here.

    Feel free to get in touch with the support team via Live Chat for questions/comments.

    Thank you,

    So, I think I need to instal some cahce plugin back to our website. You informed me about WP Rocket. 

    a) I could try your way WP Rocket and leave Amelia caching out from the instruction

    b) I could intall Cloudways recomendation Breeze plugin and try find same 

    ... there is this "Advanced fine-tune cache rules" setting, in Advanced Rules:

    1. Never Cache URL(s)
    2. Always purge URL(s)

    I´m bit skeptick to use option a) why? This plugin have been installed by one full stack encoder from Pakistan 2-3 years ago. I bougth one gigg from Fiver.com from him. The webpage speed improved dramaticaly and our pingdom tool status rised to A category with A grade status - but I have never find any auctorisation code in it and he have turned updating away totally. The plugin will leave behind and it might be illegal copy (with problems). So I start with plan b)

    Br Markku

  • Markku replied

    Hi Stefan, I found out with ChatGPT4o that there is similar possibilities with Cloudways recommended Breeze plugin

    ChatGPT4o answer:

    Yes, the Breeze cache plugin also allows you to exclude specific URLs from caching, similar to WP Rocket. Here’s how you can set up Breeze to exclude the Amelia Booking pages from caching:

    Steps to Exclude URLs from Caching in Breeze
    1. Install and Activate Breeze:
      • If you haven't already, go to Plugins > Add New.
      • Search for Breeze.
      • Click Install Now and then Activate.
    2. Configure Breeze Settings:
      • Go to Breeze > Settings in your WordPress dashboard.
    3. Exclude Amelia Booking Pages from Caching:
      • In the Breeze settings, go to the Advanced Options tab.
      • Find the section for Exclude URLs.
      • Add the URLs of the pages where Amelia Booking is used. This can be the booking page, the customer dashboard, or any other page that involves the Amelia Booking plugin.
      • Example:
        • If your booking page URL is https://bellahelena.fi/booking, you would add /booking to the exclude URLs list.
      • Separate multiple URLs with commas.
    4. Purge Cache:
      • After excluding the URLs, make sure to purge all cache to apply the changes. You can do this from the Breeze settings page under the Basic Options tab by clicking the Purge All Cache button.
    Detailed Steps with Screenshots
    1. Install and Activate Breeze: (replace with actual screenshot URL)
    2. Navigate to Breeze Settings: (replace with actual screenshot URL)
    3. Add URLs to Exclude List: (replace with actual screenshot URL)
    • Ensure that you are entering the correct URL paths for the pages you want to exclude.
    • If you are unsure about the URL paths, you can check the URLs in your browser when you navigate to the booking pages.
    • Make sure to clear your browser cache after purging the cache in Breeze to see the changes immediately.
    Example URL Exclusions

    If your Amelia Booking pages are:

    • https://bellahelena.fi/booking
    • https://bellahelena.fi/customer-dashboard

    You would enter:

    bashKopioi koodi

    Our Amelia booking is set up at the webaddress https://bellahelena.fi/varaa-aika and customers sign in page is at https://bellahelena.fi/kirjaudu

  •   Markku replied privately
  •  811
    Stefan replied

    Hello Markku,

    Apologies for the long wait. The WP Rocket is one of the most used caching plugins by our users. Of course, there is nothing wrong in using the other caching plugins, but usually excluding the Amelia from caching does the trick. Since you've opted for Breeze plugin, this one can be used as well, no problem it that. I guess the only way to find out if there are any additional benefits from turning on the "always purge settings" is to test it out. I would say yes because you still need to have Amelia excluded anyways and keep the caching cleaned regularly. Unfortunatelly, the caching conflict not only produces the issue of the booking form not showing on the front end, but it could also result in some options and settings not being visible in the backend (appointments, events and etc)

    Kind Regards, 

    Stefan Petrov
    [email protected]

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