  Public Ticket #3656416
Filter view on mobile and different browsers


  • Graeme started the conversation


    I am struggling with the set up of a table with filters.

    On the Chrome browser the table and filters function as I intended but on Firefox and mobile the display is very different and unusable.

    I have attached images of the comparison and would be grateful for your support to how I solve the display issues in mobile especially and other browsers.

    Many thanks


    Attached files:  WPDataTable plus Filter_Chrome view.png
      WPDataTable plus Filter_Firefox and mobile view.png

  •  1,805
    Miloš replied

    Hi Graeme,

    When I visit the Page on Desktop from Chrome, I am experiencing the same issue with the visual table formatting as from your Mozilla screenshot.

    This is how it looks on Chrome from our end :


    So, I am guessing this is an issue on your Site which does not load the table correctly for any non logged users.

    I presume the first screenshot is when you are logged as Administrator, right?


    Can you try to use Chrome, but use an incognito Window, as non-logged visitor, and see if you can see the issue that way?

    If so, that means there is probably some conflict on your Site, either from the Theme, another Plugin or perhaps some security issue which prevents non logged users to properly see the Table.

    2. Additionally, there is an "Invalid JSON response" for your Manual Table in the Console.


    You can download my Video if you wish to see how that looked in more details : https://we.tl/t-lhoFvUo9Tp.

    This could be a caching issue. Are you using any active caching on this Page with the table, such as a caching Plugin or maybe caching from the Hosting server?

    We currently have this issue which only happens for server-side processing tables when you have caching active on the page.

    Our developers are intensively working to resolve this issue, as soon as possible. I can't say an ETA on it, unfortunately.

    You can certainly follow our changeLog page if you'd like ( it is also available in the plugin dashboard), where we state any changes/new features/bug fixes during updates;

    and our newsletter, so you're informed about new features, bug fixes, freebies, etc.


    For the time being, the only two possible solutions will be:

    1.  To disable caching only for pages where you have the tables, or perhaps disable caching entirely, if possible.

    Most caching Plugins have the option to add URL's that will be excluded, so if possible, see if you can add the Pages with tables there, and that should solve it for now.

    2. Or you can try disabling the server-side processing option in your Table.

    For the Manual Tables, it is not possible to disable server-side processing,

    but you can make a new SQL Query based table from the same data which is stored in a Manual Table.

    This is how that is done.

    First, check what is the MySQL Table name inside the Editing settings,


    then make an SQL Query like : 

     SELECT * FROM TableName  

    For any SQL Query based Table which has less than 2 thousand rows, you will be able to toggle server-side processing in the Data Source settings.


    Let me know if that helps.

    Thank you.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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