Hey there, Awesome Customers!

Just a heads up: We'll be taking a breather to celebrate International Workers' Day (May 1st and 2nd - Wednesday and Thursday) and Orthodox Easter from Good Friday (May 3rd) through Easter Monday (May 6th). So, from May 1st to May 6th, our team will be off enjoying some well-deserved downtime.

During this time, our customer support will be running on a smaller crew, but don't worry! We'll still be around to help with any urgent matters, though it might take us a bit longer than usual to get back to you.

We'll be back in action at full throttle on May 7th (Tuesday), ready to tackle your questions and requests with gusto!

In the meantime, you can explore our documentation for Amelia and wpDataTables. You'll find loads of helpful resources, including articles and handy video tutorials on YouTube (Amelia's YouTube Channel and wpDataTables' YouTube Channel). These gems might just have the answers you're looking for while we're kicking back.

Thanks a bunch for your understanding and support!

Catch you on the flip side!

Warm regards,


  Public Ticket #3631632
How to NOT display specific packages in services


  • Jodi started the conversation


    I have 4 questions:

    1 - Custom and Hidden Packages

    I am migrating my clients from another platform.  They have have classes that are both scheduled and in their package "bank."  I need to create specific packages with the number of classes they currently have in the old system so that 1) I can schedule those classes for them as they were scheduled in the old system 2) they have access to the classes they previously purchased in the old system, but that will not be in Amelia

    However, I need these packages to NOT display with the other packages that are available for purchase with the other packages (i.e. I need them to be hidden from public view).  How do I hide them?

    2 - Booking classes on behalf of clients

    Once I have a migration package set up for a client (the custom and hidden package of classes that contains the classes they purchased through my old booking system - see above) how do I schedule my clients' classes for them?  (I need to put them in the calendar as they were in my old system.)

    3 - Removing option to book individual appointments - PACKAGES ONLY

    I do not want clients to purchase individual classes - I want them to purchase packages.  Is there a way to prevent clients from booking one appointment (or even recurring appointments)?

    4 - Where can I add Terms of Service and Privacy Policy?

    I need to add a booking option where the client - when purchasing classes -  can view both my Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and then must check a box to confirm that they have read them.  Is the custom fields area the right place for this?  Namely, add both ToS and PP as attachments and then checkboxes?  It seems a bit clunky but I don't see any other place to add them.

    Thank you so much for your help.

  • Jodi replied

    I am still waiting for help on this ticket.  It has been 3 days.  Can someone please answer my questions?  

  •  1,177
    Uroš replied

    Hello Jodi,

    Thank you for reaching out to us and for your patience.

    1. For that purpose, you can show all of the packages on the front-end except that one with the following shortcode:

    [ameliastepbooking package=13,2,1] – This shortcode will show only package 13, 2, and 1 in a “Step-by-Step” booking form.

    2. For that purpose, you can do so on the Amelia/Services/Packages/Manage packages page.

    3. For that purpose, you can add a booking form that only has packages as a bookable option:

    [ameliastepbooking show=packages] if you have Packages enabled, and you only want to show packages, without services in the form.

    4. To add a link to Terms & Conditions, you can use "Checkbox" or "Radio" custom fields. In the custom field you need to add an anchor tag like this:

    <a href="https://wpamelia.com/terms-and-conditions/" target="_blank">Terms & Conditions</a>

    So this text appears as a hyperlink that opens a new tab (target="_blank") and takes the customers to your Terms & Conditions without them leaving the booking form. So the custom field on the back end would look like this:


    As you can see, we made this radio button a mandatory field, so no one can book an appointment without checking the "I agree" button.

    Please let me know if that helps you or not.

    Kind Regards, 

    Uros Jovanovic
    [email protected]

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  • Jodi replied


    I'm having trouble with this item:

    4. To add a link to Terms & Conditions, you can use "Checkbox" or "Radio" custom fields. In the custom field you need to add an anchor tag like this:

    <a href="https://wpamelia.com/terms-and-conditions/" target="_blank">Terms & Conditions</a>

    So this text appears as a hyperlink that opens a new tab (target="_blank") and takes the customers to your Terms & Conditions without them leaving the booking form. So the custom field on the back end would look like this:


    As you can see, we made this radio button a mandatory field, so no one can book an appointment without checking the "I agree" button.


    I can't find where to add the radio buttons or the custom fields in the Step-by-Step Booking Form 2.0.  The images I see don't match the walkthrough documentation and I'm clicking everywhere but can't find it.  

    Could you please tell me specifically where I add custom buttons and where exactly I should paste the code you provided?

    Thank you so much.

  • Jodi replied

    Also, 2 more questions:  

    1 - What is the difference between the step-by-step booking form and the catalog booking form?  I'm unsure of which one I should use.

  •  1,177
    Uroš replied

    Hello Jodi,

    Thank you for the update on this.

    1. The difference is the design of both booking forms. 

    The catalog offers pictures and descriptions for services, while the step-by-step booking form is much more straightforward in terms of interface.

    2. You need to add that radion button on the Amelia/Custom fields page.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions.

    Kind Regards, 

    Uros Jovanovic
    [email protected]

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    You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:

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