  Public Ticket #3572800
Combined Table Data (Formidable Forms + Manual Values)


  • thebigb started the conversation

    Dear TMS,

    is it possible to build a table with manually entered data values (constants) combined with values of formidable forms entries (dynamic)?
    E.g. table row1 column1 = 1.5 / column2 = formidable forms entry fieldX
    table row2 column1 = 1.0 / column2 = formidable forms entry fieldY ...

    Is it possible to get single formidable forms field values via shortcode and paste them in a row/column of my choice (e.g. manually data table)?

    Thanks in advance,

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Marcus.

    It's not possible to dynamically pull the data from Formidable Forms, but if you purchase the Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables add-on, you can create a table linked to Formidable Forms, and then use the Single Cell Shortcode feature to generate a shortcode from this (Formidable-based) table and paste it into a manual table you created afterward.

    For example, this is the Formidable Forms-based table and I want to copy the data of the "Email" field:


    The shortcode I need would be:

    [wpdatatable_cell table_id="49" row_id="1" column_key="createdat" sort="1"]

    wpDataTables supports a lot of other plugin's shortcodes so you can even try using direct single field shortcodes from Formidable (if they support that), but the only thing you'll need to do as a prerequisite is to enable the "Parse shortcodes in strings" in wpDataTables General Settings.

    This will allow you to use shortcodes in string-type columns.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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    You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:

    Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables