  Public Ticket #3529233
Problem with decimals in Apexcharts


  • Juan Moreno started the conversation


    I am having serious problems getting a chart created with ApexCharts to display the data correctly.

    I have a very simple excel (attached) with three columns and nine rows. The first column is the year, the second a five digit integer and the third a number with two decimal places.

    When importing the excel into WpDatatatables, the first column (year) is left as a string, the second column (€/m2) is left as an integer and the third column (Yield) is left as a float.

    As you can see in the screenshot, the division of decimals in the third column is with a comma and the second column has no division at all as they are integers.

    In the table creation preview it shows everything correctly, but when selecting the graphs the problems start. I have opted for Apexcharts because it is the only one that allows me to make a combined graph and edit it visually in depth. In this case I am working with Line chart. 

    When collecting the data, Apexcharts changes the whole numbers and places two decimals, but on top of that, in the column where the decimals are, it changes the comma for a dot.

    I have tried to change the configuration of the tables in every possible way and I never get an adequate solution. I get everything to be whole numbers, or everything with decimals and I have not managed in any case to show a comma instead of a point (in Spain, where I am writing from, the division with a point is not considered a division of decimals). 

    I need the graph to show the figures as they appear and not make them up. Can you help me?

    Attached files:  example.zip

  • Juan Moreno replied

    Hello, any update on this?

  •  1,877
    Miloš replied

    Hi Juan,

    Firstly, I would like to sincerely apologize for the delayed response as we have been experiencing an unusually high number of tickets. I am sorry that it has taken longer than usual to respond to your concern and your patience is highly appreciated.


    If i understood the main issue, it is not being able to change the Number Format, how it gets loaded in the Chart, right?

    Chart engines do not inherit the number format you set up in wpDataTables, and there are no built-in options to change the number format in the chart, but you can use wpdatachart callbacks. 

    Every chart exposes several options that customize its look and feel. Charts usually support custom options appropriate to that visualization.

    For example, you can take a look at this example and see how we changed the number format in HighCharts.

    Please note that using wpDataChart or wpDataTables callbacks requires a certain level of programming skills, and included support refers only to advice.

    I hope that helps.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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  • Juan Moreno replied

    Hello, thank you for your reply.

    I can't see the Highchart example because this link doesn't work https://wpdatatables.com/faqmd/how-to-change-number-format-change-decimal-separator-and-define-decimal-places-in-column-chart-highcharts/

    In any case, we understand that if we ask for a customisation layer it may require extra programming that does not fall within the plugin's own parameters, but this is not the case.

    It is not about customising the chart, it is about the chart showing the numerical data as we are introducing them, which we understand that it falls within the basic parameters of creating a chart, which is to transfer numerical values from a table and display them graphically.

    Therefore, understanding that this is not a customisation, that the link provided does not work and that the link does not correspond to ApexCharts, please tell us how to solve this problem, or give us an example as similar as possible to ApexCharts because it is clear that if you are selling a tool to show graphs through tables and these are not showing the values correctly, you can't derive the problem to us.

    Thank you.

  •  1,877
    Miloš replied

    Hi Juan,

    As we mentioned before - This is not an issue coming from our Plugin, but it is the default behaviour how all Charts work.

    The Charts do not follow the Number Format or the decimal points as they come from the Source Table by default.

    I am sorry to see that the link we sent earlier no longer works/ i am going to edit that response for the future, thank you for pointing that out.

    We will elaborate in more details in regards to what you can try to achieve a different Number Format on your Charts.  ( same goes for decimal points)

    Chart engines do not inherit the number format you set up in wpDataTables, and there are no built-in options to change the number format in the chart.

    The only way you can try to change a Number Format on a Chart is by a Custom Chart Callback.

    Every chart engine has its own layout and its settings.

    We use free libraries for chart engines, and they are limited as to what we can change from within the plugin's UI.

    You can check out all the available chart engines and examples of wpDataCharts documentation here . 

    If the options you need are not in the chart creation wizard,  you can try to find a custom solution using chart callbacks.

    You can check our documentation about wpDataCharts callbacks

    On that Page, you will see one custom callback example for each Chart Engine, made by our Developers.

    We will work to add more examples like that, but we can't say an exact ETA.

    For Apex Charts, please check under the section called :

    An example of using hooks for ApexCharts.js


    You will need to modify that example to change the options you need for the Chart.

    • Every chart exposes several options that customize its look and feel. Charts usually support custom options appropriate to that visualization. wpDataChart callbacks allow adding options that are available in Google Charts APIHighcharts API, and Chart.js API
    • All necessary resources are available in charts engines API (depends on which one you use). Every engine has a different approach to chart settings. In wpDataChart callbacks, you have to adopt those settings to the wpDataChart object (you can take a look at examples for each engine in our documentation, and also in the Support help center). A huge number of examples for any area of programming can be found on stackoverflow.com (typing your problem in google and at the end add "site: stackoverflow.com" and Google will search only that website). Also, a lot of examples of charts, chart settings, and customization can be found on jsffidle.net (typing in google for example "line chart highcharts jsffidle")
    • Please note that using hooks or wpDataTable and wpDataChart callbacks requires a certain level of programming skills and included support refers only to advice.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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  • Juan Moreno replied


    Just to be clear. Your answer is that the plugin you sell to move data from a table to a chart, does not correctly pick up the data from that table, correct? Also you are telling me that this is not a bug, but a feature.

    Remember that we are not talking about crossing complex tables, percentages, equations or functions. We are talking about translating numbers with decimals, which is the second most common type of number in mathematics after integers. 

    To solve this you have passed me:

    • A link that didn't work
    • A link with an example of how to change the colours in a graph 
    • Recommend me to look on stackoverflow
    • Examples of how to create my own graphs using html and js with examples from jsffidle

    The purpose of using a plugin is to make my life easier when integrating any element, and your answer is to correct the shortcomings of this plugin with my own development. You haven't even given me a link, even an external one, that tells me how to solve the problem, you're the support service and you've recommended me to google it!

    I'm sure that in the time you've spent answering me in such a laborious way to "look for my life" you could have consulted the programming team and it would have been solved by now. Let's not forget that we are talking about an excel with three (3) columns of eight (8) elements. 

    We wasted a lot of time trying to solve this before contacting you. We have wasted a lot of time reading all the documentation you have available because we don't want to waste your time, and your answer is "google it".

    We are not going to ask for a refund because we have made 162 graphics that we are not going to redo, but confirm me if this is your definitive answer, because if so we will proceed to make the relevant assessment in all the means at our disposal. 


  •  1,877
    Miloš replied

    Hi Juan,

    1.Your answer is that the plugin you sell to move data from a table to a chart, does not correctly pick up the data from that table, correct? 

     Also you are telling me that this is not a bug, but a feature.


    We are simply stating this as one of our current limitations when it comes to 'out of the box' settings for Charts.

    Our Table is going to pass the numbers, but as mentioned, the Chart engines we use do not inherit the Number Format which is set from our Plugin end, instead the Charts use their default Number Format.

    At the moment, we do not have any 'out of the box' option/setting from the Chart Wizard which would enable you to change the Number Format on the Charts.

    For a native option like that, you can create a development suggestion and our devs will do their best to work on that in the future.

    Please feel free to search on our suggestions page

     to see if someone may be already suggested this feature. If you can't see it, feel free to add your suggestion there,  and as more people vote, the feature will move higher on the priority list.

    You can certainly follow our changeLog page if you'd like ( it is also available in the plugin dashboard), where we state any changes/new features/bug fixes during updates;

    and our newsletter, so you're informed about new features, bug fixes, freebies, etc.


    This is the way how we handle the current limitations, for example if any option is not available at the moment, we take feedback and suggestions from our users - then our developers work on adding the improvement or needed feature during Updates.

    But when something is not possible right now, then we can only propose an example if we have it, or to suggest on possible ways what you could try if you have coding skills.

    Other than that, our Support does not cover Custom work.

    As mentioned, It is possible to achieve this now with a Custom Chart Callback to change the Number Format on Charts.


    2. In regards to that link not working, with our example of changing the Number Format for HighCharts Engine;

    My apologies, we somehow missed that Page after our latest update, did not double-check it, we got a cache issue on it right now.

    I will notify our SEO Team to clear the cache on this page and will let you know as soon as they do that, then it will  start working again - they have finished their work for today, but within the next 20 hours or less this will be fixed and you will be able to check out our developer's example how to change the Number Format for HighCharts.


    We will do our best to create an example for other Chart Engines in the future in regards to a custom Chart Callback which can change the Number Format.

    As soon as the Page for the HighChart example is fixed, i will report back to let you know.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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  •  1,877
    Miloš replied

    Hi Juan,

    We fixed the issue we had on that example Page.

    1. Please check out this example our developers made for the HighCharts Engine, where they used this custom wpDataCharts callback to change the decimal separator and the number of decimals on the Chart's Number Format.


    2. When it comes to ApexChart callback examples,  at the moment we only have that one, of how to change the colors on a Pie Chart, from this Page, under "

    An example of using hooks for ApexCharts.js


    I realise this is not the specific example you need of how to change the Number Format, such as decimal separator and number of decimals on the Chart, but right now we don't have that example for ApexCharts yet.

    I will do my best to work something our with our QA team and the Developers to add a specific example of changing the Number Format for ApexCharts as soon as possible, we just can't promise an exact ETA on it.


    For now, we have that HighChart example how to change the Number Format;

    Then, for the ApexCharts you can see how the syntax of the code should be for changing the color of a Pie Chart, and then try to find the right option to edit our example according to your use-case.


    As it shows, this is the syntax for changing the option of colors for an Apex Pie Chart :

    <script type="text/javascript">
        if( typeof wpDataChartsCallbacks == 'undefined' ){ wpDataChartsCallbacks = {}; } 
        wpDataChartsCallbacks[40] = function(obj){ 
            obj.options.colors = ['#2E93fA', '#66DA26', '#546E7A', '#E91E63', '#FF9800', '#FFF800','#570A57','#000','#FFE3A9','#FFC3C3','FF5D5D'];

    You can find available options at ApexCharts.js API Reference.

    When you find the right option(s) for manipulating the Number Format there, you can edit our example, change the Chart ID to your Chart ID, and change what is written inside the main brackets for the option, to the option(s) you need.


    Also, when you add a script like that, it is best to add it directly to your WP Page where you have the Chart, as a Custom HTML block.

    There is another way, you can remove the "<script> ... </script>" tags from around the JS code, and add it to our Main Plugin settings/Custom Js and CSS/Custom CSS;

    or as Custom JS to your WP - but in some cases, depending on the combination of Plugins and Security Settings on Hosting, this can get blocked;

    so the most effective way is to add it as the script directly to the WP Page.


    If we find more useful details, of which specific option you need for the Apex Number Format, we will return and going to share that with you, or if we add the specific example, i will also report back to notify you and to pass the link.

    For now, that is the best we have, to try to point you in the right direction, until we add a more specific example with our devs soon.

    I hope it helps.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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