  Public Ticket #3509286


  •  3
    Urs started the conversation


    When I activate Amelia, I not only get error messages from WordPress; also Elementor doesn't work any more and I can't even setup a new page in WordPress! 

    One of the error messages is the following: 

    Das Plugin erzeugte 208 Zeichen mit unerwarteter Ausgabe während der Aktivierung. Wenn du «headers already sent»-Hinweise, Probleme mit Syndication-Feeds oder andere Probleme bemerkst, versuche, dieses Plugin zu deaktivieren oder zu entfernen.

    And the other one: 

    Das REST-API hat den Abfrageparameter context nicht korrekt verarbeitet.

    Can you please tell me, how I can fix that? 

    Thanks and best regards, 


  •  1,666
    Marko replied

    Hello Urs,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Please provide me a temporary WP-admin (administrator) user for your site where this happens, so we could log in and take a look ‘from the inside’ as that’s the most efficient way to see and resolve the issue. 

    We do not interfere with any data or anything else except for the plugin (in case that’s a production version of the site), and of course, we do not provide login data to third parties. 

    You can write credentials here just check PRIVATE Reply so nobody can see them except us. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Marko Davidovic [email protected]

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  •   Urs replied privately
  •  1,666
    Marko replied

    Hello Urs,

    The is is not with Amelia and with Elementor we are sending you video where you can see that Amelia is working fine with Elementor on your site once we turn off all other plugins.

    That being said there is a conflict with some of your plugin and you need to find the plugin that is causing the issue. 

    Issues like this usually occur when there is a conflict with plugin you have installed.

    Pease deactivate all other plugins except for our plugin, refresh the page where the issue is, and see if it is resolved (it should be as we tested this). If it is, then start activating other plugins one by one, and after each activation refresh the page to see if the issue reoccurred. Once it does reoccur, you will have found the plugin causing the issue.

    Once you find you can either deactivate it or try this. There is a plugin called "WP Plugin Manager" that is used to disable certain plugins from specific pages. You can install it and disable that plugin from the page where the calendar did not load like this for example


    The Amelia should work fine after that.

    Kind regards. 

    Attached files:  simplescreenrecorder-(10).mkv

    Kind Regards, 

    Marko Davidovic [email protected]

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  •  3
    Urs replied

    Hi Marko 

    Thanks for your feedback. 

    There seems to be a conflict in-between PhastPress and Amelia. 

    Because I can't use PhastPress with Amelia, have you got a recommendation for another optimisation plugin. 

    Does WP Rocket work with Amelia? 

    Best regards, 


  •  1,878
    Miloš replied

    Hello Urs,

    Yes, we have a lot of users that use WP Rocket with Amelia and at the moment there are no issues reported.

    We will just point out a couple of details to be aware of :

    1. Make sure that you don't activate this option in WP Rocket "Minify JS", here is how that option looks :


    2. and if you encounter any issue with caching of Pages where you got Amelia Booking, you can just exclude any URL of Pages where you got Amelia from WP Rocket. Here is how that is done :


    For example, if your Amelia Booking Form does not load on front-end, first purge all cache with WP Rocket, refresh it.

    If you purge all cache in WP Rocket, and it does not help;

    there is this "Advanced fine-tune cache rules" setting, in Advanced Rules:

    1. Never Cache URL(s)
    2. Always purge URL(s)
    • Input the pages with Amelia booking there, to exclude from WP Rocket's caching. Then purge all cache again.

    Screenshots attached, with an example, and a short video : https://watch.screencastify.com/v/6bwVf3L31RVLbHMsLqZN


    So it should not be difficult to just follow those two details and you should not have any issues with Amelia and WP Rocket.

    We will be here if you have any questions.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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  •  3
    Urs replied

    Hi Milos

    Thanks a lot. I decided that I'll work with some code snippets inside the .htaccess file for the moment. 

    I use Amelia on nearly all the pages of the website, so I think this is the best way to go forward for the start.

    But I came over another problem I can't solve or don't see the solution, yet. 

    The case is as following: 

    1 Guide works from 08:30 till 16:30. This guide offers half day or day lessons (3h or 6h). The customer only shall be able to book specific start times (half day morning lessons: 08:30-11:30 or 09:00-12:00 or 09:30-12:30 / half day afternoon lessons: 12:30-15:30 or 13:00-16:00 or 13:30-16:00) and the same guide also offers full day lessons which start at 08:30 or 09:00 or 09:30 or 10:00). Because it's the same guide I couldn't find a good solution to set it up with these specific time slots / starting times.

    I only found the work around, when I open two guides (employees) – one for the full day lessons and one for the half day lessons (this one I did setup up with two available time slots a day). 

    Do I miss the point and would there be another solution with just one Employee in the backend and I still can have the fixed starting times and time slots? 

    The problem is, that I don't want a customer to book the Guide from e.g. 11:00-14:00 for a half day lessons or else this guide is booked out for the whole day with just a half day lesson! 

    Hope there's a better solution, then the one I used for my case (two employees – which are in real live only one ;)) is not the proper solution and gets complicated when I need to do that for five to ten guides. 

    Thanks and all the best, 


  •  1,878
    Miloš replied

    Hi Urs,

    You're welcome, i am happy to help.

    2. When it comes to this issue you described of having that specific times available for booking of the same Employee.

    I think the main issue is that, in Amelia's logic, it is not possible to have the same Employee do more than one appointment at the same time.

    So, if you allow a certain time slot to be between 11:00-14:00;
    And if that overlaps with the "whole day service", then there is no way currently to tell Amelia to somehow make that Employee available for the "whole day service" if that time overlaps one of the available "whole day" time slots.


    If i understood, your current full day lessons can start from 08:30 or 09:00 or 09:30 or 10:00 and they last for 6 hours, right?

    Then, it is exactly as you said, because in Amelia one Employee can not provide two ( or more) appointments at the same time,  if anyone books the Employee between 11:00-14:00, that overlaps with any time slot of "Full day Service" so there is no solution at the moment, other than making a "fake"/duplicate Employee which is in reality the same person.

    And you can have both duplicates have same Email + same name even if needed.

    Here is a workaround how to do that :

    Basically, if you use Google or Outlook for emails ,you can put the same email ,

    just place " +number"  before @ symbol,   and you will be able to save employees,

     but all emails will go to the same email address.

     For example:   ' [email protected]',  '  [email protected]',  ' [email protected]  ' etc, 

    will be different while saving and you will be able to save all employees but all emails will go to ' [email protected]'  address.

    Here is an example from my "fake employees", this one i name "Nick Employee", and his duplicate i just added the name "duplicate", but they can actually have exactly the same name ( if needed).

    I just add the +1  before the @ symbol.


    You can also hide the Employee selection from front-end, so the Customer only chooses which Service they need and the Time slot, etc, without setting that there are two employees.

    But be aware if you connect them both to a same Google/or Outlook Calendar and if you activate to "sync Busy time slots", then if Duplicate A gets booked for certain time, it will block out the Employee B as well.

    If you have an idea how we might improve the logic for this specific use-case, you can make a development suggestion for the future.

    Please feel free to search through our feature suggestion page

     to see if someone may be already suggested this feature. If you can't see it, feel free to add your suggestion there, and as more people vote, the feature will move higher on the priority list.

    You can certainly follow our changeLog page if you'd like, where we state any changes/new features/bug fixes during updates;

    and our newsletter, so you're informed about new features, bug fixes, freebies, etc.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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  •  3
    Urs replied

    Hi Milos

    Just that we understand us right; I don't want to have the same employee double booked. I just need more flexibility in defining specific starting times and time slot options for each employee. In my case Outdoor Guides who offer their services for the morning, afternoon or a full day. But they do not want to offer a half day, which blocks the option for another half day booking – so it must be a half day booking for the morning or afternoon, so the the other half day is still available. And if the guide gets booked for the whole day, then he's booked out for that day. 

    So, I only want to give the customer the choice, that he can choose if he wants to book 

    - a morning lesson with the following options: 08:30-11:30 / 09:00-12:00 / 09:30-12:30

    - or a afternoon lesson with the following options: 12:30-15:30 / 13:00-16:00 / 13:30-16:30

    - or a full day lesson with the following options: 08:30-14:30 / 09:00-15:00 / 09:30-15:30 / 10:00-16:00 

    At the moment there's just one guide who offers this service. So the customer shall be able to book the guide for the morning, the afternoon or the whole day. 

    It really would boost Amelia if you'd integrate the option, to define specific starting times and time slots. 

    To setup more then one employee for the same employee (in my case – the Outdoor Guide) is a complicated and unclean workaround! 

    I'm pretty sure, that a lot of other potential customers are looking exactly for this option. 

    Hope you'll implement it asap. 

    Thanks for your hints. 

    For the moment I will need to work with the somewhat messy workaround!  

    The hint with the email-address (+1 before the @) does this work with any email address? I use my own emails ([email protected]), so for the second employee profile I just need to use [email protected] – is that correct? And I can connect both profiles to the same Google Calendar and then it works fine and I want have double bookings – is that correct as well? 

    All the best, 


    By the way; 

    I think you can implement that very simple. In the service settings, just let the user define multiple specific starting and end times for this service. If it's linked to a duration then the definition of specific starting times is already enough... That's it – simply said but not probably not so easy to implement ;)) 

  •  1,878
    Miloš replied

    Hi Urs,

    1. First in regards to the workaround to add the duplicate Employee with same Email as the +number"  before @ symbol.

    That can only work with Gmail and Outlook Emails, it can not work with any other email providers, sadly.

    You can certainly try and test if you do a Test booking for the second duplicate which has the +1@  workaround and check if the Email arrives.

    If only the original employee gets the Email notification, and the duplicate does not - then it does not work for that Email provider.

    In our Testing, so far we only conclude it is possible with Gmail and Outlook Mail providers, so we can't guarantee for others.


    2. In regards to the main subject, of the suggested improvement for Amelia logic and specific start and end of time slots for Services.

    I am sorry, but we do not fully understand what you proposed because i believe Amelia already has the options you can use to achieve the customer simply choosing a Custom Service Duration.

    Amelia already has methods you can use to create custom starting and ending times for each time slot of each day of your Employee's Work Hours.

    You can either set 'standard working hours' which repeat each week, so for example from Monday until Friday, he will be available in specific times.

    Or if you wish to set something outside of 'standard' work hours, you can use "Special Days".


    To go in  a more detailed test for your suggested Employee times of the use-case for morning, afternoon and full day time slots.

    As you said :

    "I think you can implement that very simple. In the service settings, just let the user define multiple specific starting and end times for this service. If it's linked to a duration then the definition of specific starting times is already enough."

    If you want it to be everything on the same Service - you can use our Custom Service Duration.

    ( Please check more details about that feature here)

    For example, if you wish each time slot to be presented in increments of 30 minutes, from the Starting Time,

    then you can set the Default Time Slot Step to be 30 minutes and disable "Use service duration for booking a time slot".


    Then the Time Slots of this Service are going to be offered with incrementations of 30 minutes from the starting working time.

    If we set it from 08:30 until 16 : 30 ,  then at every 30 minutes a time slot is offered for this Service.

    And if you use Custom Service Duration, you can allow each Customer to choose, if they want the initial duration of 3 hours, and you can add additional Custom Choices for other durations.

    So if someone wants a longer time, you can set anything, like 4 hours, 5 hours, 6 hours, 7 hours and 8 hours.

    That way, at any 30 minutes of this Employees working time, any Customer can come in and choose their Custom Duration of the Service, any time from 8 : 30 AM until the end of work hours, 16 : 30.


    So on the front-end, if a Customer chooses some time that can not cover full 8 hours, like let's say if they choose a starting Time Slot from 09:00;

    They are going to see all the available Custom Service Durations, but it can not go over the ending Work Hour time as you set on the Employee.

    So a Customer can choose starting from 9 AM , if they want the initial Duration of 3 hours, or extended Custom Duration such as 4, 5, 6 up until 7 hours.

    But they won't be able to choose 8 hours if it starts from 9 :00  because the End of Work Time is at 16 : 30.

    Unless if you wish to add even smaller custom service duration increments, you can do that as well, set it to be 30 minute increments so Custom durations can be 3 hours and 30 minutes,  4 hours, 4 hours and 30 minutes, and so on to allow more flexibility.

    Then a Customer can even choose 7 hour and 30 minutes, if they start from 9:00 until 16 : 30.


    I think that is pretty flexible and it seems that covers all the time slots as you described them, so the Customer can choose their Start time and Custom Service Duration, depending on how you configure them to be offered.

    You can also hide the "End times" from time slots in Amelia's Customize section, and just show the Starting Times of Time Slots, then the customer can choose their Duration.

    Let me know if you try to implement the Custom Service Duration solution, and if you can find any issue with that kind of setup?

    Thank you.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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  •  3
    Urs replied

    Hi Milos

    Thanks for your reply. 

    I tried all the options Amelia has to offer, but the one I need, only works, when I setup to employee profiles for the same employee: 

    To make it simple, the services we offer are as following: 

    a) Morning tours (4 hours)

    b) Afternoon tours (4 hours)

    c) Full day tours (8 hours)

    But if I set up only one employee wich is available for 9 hours a day (e.g. from 08:30 till 17:30), in Amelia a customer can book him from 10:30 till 14:30. In that case the employee is booked for 4 hours and looses the other 4 hours of possible income.

    We only want to offer 4 hour morning blocks with the flexibility of the preset starting time, 4 hour afternoon blocks with the flexibility of the preset starting time or the 8 hour full day block with the flexibility of the preset starting time. So we need to make sure, that the customer only can book specific blocks with specific starting times. 

    In my case I need to be able to set specific starting times in the morning for the morning block(s) and the full day block and specific starting times in the afternoon for the afternoon block(s). In this scenario the chances, that the employee gets booked for two half days by two separate clients or for a full day block by one client is given. And only then the employee can generate an income for 8 hours. 

    I hope, now it's clear, what I'm missing in Amelia and actually need for my services, which we offer. 

    For the moment I will work with the work around with the two employee profiles for one real employee. But this is really messy and gets to complicated if we add more and more tourist guides who want to offer their services. 

    It really would be helpful, if Amelia offers the option do define fixed blocks, which can be booked (not only the time, they also need to be predefined with the starting time). 

    In the example above: 

    The guide offers / the client can choose: 

    a) Morning blocks from 08.30-12:30 or 09:00-13:00 

    b) Afternoon blocks from 13:00-17:00 or 13:30-17:30

    c) Full day blocks from 08:30-16:30 or 09:00-17:00 or 09:30-17:30

    I hope, now is clear, what I'm looking for and what you should improve/implement in a future update in/of Amelia. 

    Did you get the point? 

    All the best, 


  •  1,878
    Miloš replied

    Hi Urs,

    To begin, I want to extend my heartfelt apologies for the delayed reply, 

    which is due to an unexpectedly high volume of inquiries. 

    We truly value your patience during this period.


    Thank you for adding these details, it clarified the use-case, i believe i now understand it is its entirety.

    You are right, i also did a lot of testing with various setups, and i can't get the work blocks for the same Employee to offer those separated, two half-day offers for the Time Slots, as you said, while allowing the same Employee to also be available for the full 8 hour Tour.

    Because if we try with the Work Blocks in Amelia, if we start the first block from 8 : 30 until 12:30, that eliminates the possibility of adding the 'full day' slot to overlap with that block;

    Because it just allows us to add a new block after that time for another Service.

    I also tried combining some other settings/options, but can't make it work exactly like that.


    I believe you are right, that we currently do not have a valid setup solution for offering specific work blocks like that on one/same Employee without having to make a duplicate Employee, but going to check if our Senior Team knows any workaround.

    If we find a workaround I will make sure to come back to this ticket and share it with you right away, but for now, it seems we need to add a development suggestion for this use-case to add a new option.

    Please feel free to search through our feature suggestion page

     to see if someone may be already suggested this feature. If you can't see it, feel free to add your suggestion there, and as more people vote, the feature will move higher on the priority list.

    You can certainly follow our changeLog page if you'd like, where we state any changes/new features/bug fixes during updates;

    and our newsletter, so you're informed about new features, bug fixes, freebies, etc.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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  •  3
    Urs replied

    Hi Milos

    Thanks for your reply. 

    I also tried different work arounds (probably all of them ;), but only the one with setting up multiple employees in the backend for one real employee worked! 

    But it works and that's important for the moment ;)) 

    Even with my own two email-addresses with the +1 (not Google-Email Addresses) and still connected with the Google Calendar causes no issue. 

    Ok; I do not really like the Googles interface and really would appreciate if I could work with iCal. All the Outdoor Guides I'm working with are used to Apple and would love to see Apple Calendar implemented/connected in/to Amelia. 

    I really hope, that you'll improve Amelia so far, that the user has the freedom to set specific time blocks and specific starting times for a service. For sure the service also needs to fit the employees availability, but this is not the problem of Amelia, this is just something which needs to be given ;)) Only the setup of the services needs some improvement when it comes to define the time specific topics. 

    I'm looking forward to the future development of Amelia and as soon as you've got implemented the option, that a service can be specified with specific time blocks and and specific starting times, Amelia will open a big new market potential for itself. 

    For the moment, I don't have any more questions and will soon go live with my online booking presence. So you can close this ticket.

    Thanks again and all the best, 


  •  1,878
    Miloš replied

    Hi Urs,

    Firstly, I would like to sincerely apologize for the delayed response as we have been experiencing an unusually high number of tickets. I am sorry that it has taken longer than usual to respond to your concern and your patience is highly appreciated.


    1. In regards to using multiple Employees/  or dummy/duplicates , which is the 'same one in real life';

    Yes, at the moment that is the only way, until we develop a solution for the same Employee in the future.

    At least it works that way as the workaround, i am glad to see that.smile.png

    2. In regards to using Google Calendar integration/ the google interface, as you described;

    At the moment we only have native integration for Google and Outlook Calendars;

    but for the Apple Calendar/ iCal, right now we do not have any native integration for it.

    The developers plan to add it in the future, but I can't say an ETA when they will start working on it.

    If you wish to affect that development speed.

    please feel free to search through our feature suggestion page, https://wpamelia.cnflx.io/boards/feature-requests and see if someone may be already suggested this feature. If you can't see it, feel free to add your suggestion there, and it will be forwarded to our management for review.

    After it's been reviewed it will be presented on the front page, for voting. Please note that it may take some time before your suggestion is brought up for voting since we receive quite a lot of suggestions on daily basis, and as more people vote, the feature will move higher on the priority list.


    At this time, what we have is the option to send an ICS ( iCalendar) file in the notifications via email.

    This option gives you the opportunity to send ics file in the notifications that are sent to the customer ( it can also be sent to employees, and any additional emails you choose),

     so they can download it and use it to add an appointment or an event to their calendar.



    There is a user who made a custom workaround, he said : 

    "i’ve found a solution using Google Agenda integration and importation of Google Agenda feed in iCalendar, it seems too work from Amelia to iCalendar but not from iCalendar to Amelia, it’s not so bad. "

    Just to note that our Support does not provide any troubleshooting for custom solutions and we are not able to confirm if that works, the user said It works for him.

    I hope that helps.

    3. In regards to the future developments, i completely understand what you mean.

    We will do our best to make the needed improvements as soon as possible.smile.png

    No problem, we will close this one, but please don't hesitate to open new tickets if anything else comes up.

    Thank you.

    Kind Regards, 

    Miloš Jovanović
    [email protected]

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