  Public Ticket #3492047
Amelia 403 Error


  • Jackie started the conversation

    I have Amelia basic licence installed and payments up to date.

    Whenever I click 'Save' when accessing any Amelia settings I get a 403 error as follows "Request failed with status code 403". Only occurs in the 'Settings' section in Amelia (https://www.lightcodesbylaara.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpamelia-settings#/settings).

    Doesn't matter what the Amelia setting is & regardless if anything has changed or not the same error occurs when hitting save on any section this screen.


    Here is the error code from the network tab:

    {  "message": "Successfully retrieved settings.",  "data": {    "settings": {      "db": {        "mysqliEnabled": false,        "pdoEmulatePrepares": false,        "pdoBigSelect": false,        "ssl": {          "enable": false,          "key": null,          "cert": null,          "ca": null        },        "wpTablesPrefix": ""      },      "general": {        "timeSlotLength": 900,        "serviceDurationAsSlot": true,        "bufferTimeInSlot": true,        "defaultAppointmentStatus": "approved",        "minimumTimeRequirementPriorToBooking": 10800,        "minimumTimeRequirementPriorToCanceling": 172800,        "minimumTimeRequirementPriorToRescheduling": 172800,        "numberOfDaysAvailableForBooking": 35,        "backendSlotsDaysInFuture": 365,        "backendSlotsDaysInPast": 365,        "phoneDefaultCountryCode": "auto",        "requiredPhoneNumberField": false,        "requiredEmailField": true,        "itemsPerPage": 12,        "appointmentsPerPage": 100,        "servicesPerPage": 100,        "customersFilterLimit": 100,        "gMapApiKey": "",        "addToCalendar": true,        "defaultPageOnBackend": "Dashboard",        "showClientTimeZone": true,        "redirectUrlAfterAppointment": "",        "customFieldsUploadsPath": "",        "runInstantPostBookingActions": false,        "sortingPackages": "nameAsc",        "sortingServices": "nameAsc",        "calendarLocaleSubstitutes": [],        "googleRecaptcha": {          "enabled": false,          "invisible": true,          "siteKey": "",          "secret": ""        },        "usedLanguages": [          "en_CA"        ],        "calendarEmployeesPreselected": 0,        "backLink": {          "enabled": false,          "label": "Powered by Amelia - WordPress Booking Plugin",          "url": "https://wpamelia.com/documentation/?utm_source=lite&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=powerdby"        }      },      "company": {        "pictureFullPath": "https://www.lightcodesbylaara.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/LCL_Icon_Black.png",        "pictureThumbPath": "https://www.lightcodesbylaara.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/LCL_Icon_Black-150x150.png",        "name": "Light Codes By Laara",        "address": "",        "phone": "",        "countryPhoneIso": "ca",        "website": "https://www.lightcodesbylaara.com/",        "translations": {          "name": []        },        "email": "[email protected]"      },      "notifications": {        "mailService": "php",        "smtpHost": "",        "smtpPort": "",        "smtpSecure": "ssl",        "smtpUsername": "",        "smtpPassword": "",        "mailgunApiKey": "",        "mailgunDomain": "",        "mailgunEndpoint": "",        "senderName": "Laara",        "senderEmail": "[email protected]",        "notifyCustomers": true,        "sendAllCF": true,        "smsAlphaSenderId": "Amelia",        "smsSignedIn": false,        "smsApiToken": "",        "bccEmail": "[email protected],[email protected]",        "bccSms": "",        "cancelSuccessUrl": "https://www.lightcodesbylaara.com/",        "cancelErrorUrl": "",        "breakReplacement": "u003Cbru003E",        "pendingReminder": false,        "whatsAppPhoneID": "",        "whatsAppAccessToken": "",        "whatsAppBusinessID": "",        "whatsAppLanguage": "",        "whatsAppEnabled": false,        "whatsAppReplyEnabled": false,        "whatsAppReplyMsg": "Dear %customer_full_name%,
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    Tried to delete cache, use different browser, deactivate Amelia plugin, delete Amelia plugin and reinstall. 

    None of this worked. As soon as its reinstalled I get the same 403 behaviour in settings.

    Please advise. *Made ticket public deliberately to help others.

  •   Stefan replied privately
  •   Jackie replied privately
  •  820
    Stefan replied

    Hello Jackie,

    Thanks for the credentials.

    I'm noticing an error in the console when i try to save something in the settings (as you did). Here is the error - 

    Access Denied - GoDaddy Website Firewall

    If you are the site owner (or you manage this site), please whitelist your IP or if you think this block is an error please open a support ticket and make sure to include the block details (displayed in the box below), so we can assist you in troubleshooting the issue.

    Block details:
    Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
    Exploit attempt denied by virtual patching.
    2023-10-09 09:03:46

    It seems like this is an error regarding the GoDaddy Firewall. I would recommend reaching out to your hosting regarding this. In the instructions, there is a link to support where you can open a ticket with the block details.

    Another thing that I'm noticing is the email settings that are set to WP mail. We recommend using the WP mail only when there is a third-party plugin like SMTP WP plugin since there could be a conflict between them.

    Otherwise, we recommend using the SMTP settings. Please, see more instructions on this link - Amelia Notifications settings

    I hope it helps. Please, let us know if you have any other questions.

    Kind Regards, 

    Stefan Petrov
    [email protected]

    Rate my support

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