  Public Ticket #3485974
Duplicate translation parameters for each wordpress website


  •  4
    Gauthier started the conversation

    Hello, I'm using your Amelia Pro plugin on several WordPress sites for French customers. With each installation on a site, I spend approximately 2 hours translating all the plugin terms into French. It's a lengthy and tedious process.

    Is there a way to download a copy of a plugin that I've already translated, so I can import it into a new site and have all the settings already in place?

    I would like to find a solution to avoid translating the plugin for every new site but rather duplicate an existing translation from one of my current sites.

    Thank you in advance. Gauthier

  •  1,662
    Marko replied

    Hello Gauthier,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    There is no need to translate the plugin we have French translation built in in Amelia.

    It work like this:

    1. Backend - If your WordPress is set to French Amelia will be automatically translated to French 

    2. Frontend - Amelia follows page locale. So if you set that page locale in French Amelia will be automatically translated to French

    Hope this helps and that it makes your job much easier.

    Should you have any further inquiries, we kindly request that you open separate tickets for each question and we will gladly help you there.

    We wish you all the best.

    Have a nice day. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Marko Davidovic [email protected]

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  •  4
    Gauthier replied

    I'm talking to you about the translation of terms in the "Customize" submenu. Many of these terms are not translated or poorly translated into French (see the picture).

    So, I have to translate or change a lot of terms for all types of forms and their subpages ('service' or 'package'), which is a significant amount of work. I often have to make the same translation or term modification in multiple places, for example, "Save" is translated "Enregistrer" but it means "Économiser" in French. And I have to translate on each of the 4 forms and their subpages, which is about 8 modifications just for this translation error.

    But there are many other cases listed below.

    I think you should identify all the reapeted terms on all you forms / subpages and include ALL of them into the settings page named "Terms" to translate them only once :

    " +more ": Voir plus
    " Go Back ": Retour
    " Get in touch ": Entrer en contact
    " Collapse Menu ": Réduire le menu
    " Date & time ": Date et heure
    " Service selection ": Sélection de la prestation
    " Package Selection ": Sélection du pack
    " Service ": Prestation
    " Services ": Prestations
    " Package ": Pack
    " Packages ": Packs
    " Package Selection ": Sélection du pack
    " Employee ": Personnel
    " Employees ": Personnels
    " Edit employee ": Modifier le personnel
    " Location ": Lieu
    " No matching data ": Aucune donnée correspondante
    " Employee Information ": Information du personnel
    " Additional people ": Personnes additionnelles
    " Number of people that are coming with you. ": Nombre de personnes qui vous accompagnent.
    " Hey, there are special packages with this service, check them out! ": Hey! Il existe aussi des packs spéciaux pour cette prestation, jetez un œil !
    " Save ": Économisez (et pas "Enregistrer")
    " Or ": ou
    " Skip packages and continue with the selected service ": Passer les packs et continuer avec la prestation sélectionnée.
    " Extras ": Options
    " Extras available ": Options disponibles
    " Minimum required extras ": Options minimum requises
    " Learn More ": En savoir plus
    " Appointment ": Rendez-vous
    " Repeat Appointment ": Répéter le rendez-vous
    " Recurring Appointment ": Récurrence du rendez-vous
    " Do you want to repeat this appointment? ": Voulez-vous répéter ce rendez-vous?
    " Choose time you want to repeat appointment ": Choisissez quand vous souhaitez répéter le rendez-vous
    " Repeat every ": Répéter chaque
    " Repeat on ": Tous les
    " day ": jour
    " days ": jours
    " month ": mois
    " months ": mois
    " week ": semaine
    " weeks ": semaines
    " Ends ": Se termine
    " Choose when the repeating ends ": Choisissez quand la récurrence se termine
    " On ": Le (et pas "sur")
    " Select Date ": Sélectionner une date
    " Appointment Repeats ": Répétitions du rendez-vous
    " from ": à partir de (et pas "de" )
    " Number of Recurrences ": Nombre d’occurrences
    " Ends on ": Se termine le
    " Recurring Summary ": Résumé des RDV récurrents
    " Unavailable Time Slots ": Créneaux horaires indisponibles
    " slots you selected are busy. We offered you the nearest time slots instead. ": créneaux que vous avez sélectionnés sont occupés. Nous vous proposons les créneaux les plus proches en remplacement.
    " Choose Date and Time ": Choisissez la date et l'heure
    " Your Information ": Vos informations
    " Enter first name ": Entrer votre prénom
    " Enter last name ": Entrez votre nom
    " Enter email ": Entrez votre email
    " Please enter valid email ": Veuillez entrer un email valide
    " Enter phone ": Entrez votre numéro de téléphone
    " Please enter phone ": Veuillez entrer votre numéro de téléphone
    " Summary ": Résumé
    " Add ": Ajouter
    " Service Subtotal ": Sous-total des prestations
    " person ": personne
    " people ": personnes
    " Total Number of People ": Nombre de personnes
    " Payment Type ": Type de paiement
    " Deposit ": Acompte
    " Deposit only ": Acompte seulement
    " Whole amount ": Montant total
    " On-Site ": Sur place
    " Online ": En ligne
    " Extras Subtotal ": Sous-total des options
    " Total Amount ": Montant total
    " Paying later ": Payer plus tard
    " I want to pay the full amount ": Je veux payer le montant total
    " Card number ": Numéro de carte
    " Expiration date ": Date d’expiration
    " Payment protected by policy and powered by ": Paiement protégé et assuré par
    " You will be redirected to the payment checkout. ": Vous allez être redirigé vers la page de paiement.
    " Congratulations! ": Félicitations !
    " Local Time ": Heure locale
    " Your Name ": Votre nom
    " Email Address ": Email
    " Phone Number ": Téléphone
    " Customer Panel ": Espace client
    " Expires at ": Expire le
    " Expires after ": Expire après
    " Without expiration ": Sans date d’expiration
    " Multiple Locations ": Lieux multiples
    " includes ": inclu
    " Number of appointments required for booking ": Nombre de rendez-vous minimum à réserver maintenant
    " The rest of the appointments can be booked later on the Customers panel. ": Le rendez-vous restant pourront être réservés plus tard dans votre espace client.
    " Any Location ": Tous les lieux
    " Selected ": Sélectionné
    " Add more Appointments ": Ajouter plus de rendez-vous
    " Event Available ": Evènement disponible
    " Events Available ": Evènements disponibles
    " Search for Events ": Chercher des évènements
    " Begins ": Débute le
    " slot left ": place disponible
    " Slots left ": places disponibles
    " Full ": Complet
    " Upcoming ": Prochainement
    " Timetable ": Période
    " Organizer ": Organisateur
    " About ": A propos
    " Tickets ": Places
    " ticket left ": place restante
    " tickets left ": places restantes
    " How many attendees do you want to book event for? ": Pour combien de personnes souhaitez-vous réserver ?
    " Select Tickets ": Sélection des places
    " Select the number of tickets that you want to book for each ticket type ": Sélectionner le nombre de places que vous voulez réserver pour chaque catégorie.
    " Ticket types ": Catégories de plac

    Finally, in Booking form 1.0, there are translation errors like:

    "le rendez-vous doit être réservé maintenant." should display as "rendez-vous doit être réservé maintenant."
    "les rendez-vous doivent être réservés maintenant." should display as "rendez-vous doivent être réservés maintenant."
    "Extras Coût" should display as "Montant

    Attached files:  _27092023_0814.png

  •  4
    Gauthier replied

    For example, I just spent over 90 minutes writing the message below. Imagine when I have to do these translations for each of the 4 available form types and for all their "packages" and "service" sub-pages...

    It's an extremely long and repetitive task.

  •  1,662
    Marko replied

    Hello Gauthier,

    Please note that we do not have translators in our company, so all translated languages Amelia has have been translated by our customers. We of course checked this with a number of other users whether they are satisfied with the translation and whether it is good and 95% of them agree and they are satisfied with the translation.

    As for copying this you need to save the files in plugins/ameliabooking/languages/YOUR_LANGUAGE/ folder but you need to replace both the .po and the .mo files. Of course, save those files somewhere on your device.

    These files will, unfortunately, be lost with the update, so you'll need to replace them again after the plugin updates. 

    In light of this, we encourage you to kindly consider submitting this valuable suggestion as a feature request through the following link: https://features.wpamelia.com/. The prioritization of feature development is greatly influenced by the number of customer requests received. By participating and expressing your support, you contribute significantly to the potential expedited implementation of this feature.

    Should you have any further inquiries, we kindly request that you open separate tickets for each question and we will gladly help you there.

    We wish you all the best.

    Have a nice day. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Marko Davidovic [email protected]

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  •  4
  •  1,662
    Marko replied

    Hello Gauthier,

    We thank you for your suggestion and hopefully, this will have plenty of votes and it will be implemented in the future.

    Should you have any further inquiries, we kindly request that you open separate tickets for each question and we will gladly help you there.

    We wish you all the best.

    Have a nice day. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Marko Davidovic [email protected]

    Rate my support

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