  Public Ticket #3450567
How does booking process function exactly?


  •  2
    Nicolaie Ploscutanu started the conversation

    Hi Amelia team,

    I've been using Amelia since the begining of 2021 but I'm still a bit unsure of how the booking process actually works.

    So if client X books for the first time a service using his phone number and email as credentials, next time he needs to book again can he do it directly from the customer panel or he needs to go through the same booking process/link/page again? 

    For customers that don't have emails, we do have a few, is there any way for them to check their appointement? 

    How can we avoid having several customer accounts for the same person?



  •  369
    Stefan replied

    Hello Nicolaie,

    thanks for reaching out to us.

    There is no option for the customer to book through the customer panel unless if it is an appointment from the package. Otherwise, there is no option to book an appointment from the customer panel and the customer would need to go through the booking process in order to complete the booking.

    Unfortunately, there is no other way to check the appointment if there is no email provided before. A customer needs to enter the email and password on the customer panel in order to check the appointment.

    To avoid having several customer accounts for the same person, you can check the option in the Role settings. It's called "Check customer's name for existing email when booking"


    If enabled, it will prevent the customer from using a different first and last name when booking.

    I hope we cleared a bit, but please let us know if you have any other questions.

    Kind Regards, 

    Stefan Petrov
    [email protected]

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