  Public Ticket #3390585
Cannot get appointment time to match time punched in for the business and the employees


  • Jesse Kroetch started the conversation

    I've been trying to configure 8 hour time slots for certain services. The business hours are tied directly to the hours of 1 employee so I have been trying to set the time in both the general settings to 430am pt (04:30 military time) until 1200pm pt (12:00 military time) however using these time inputs it is giving me different times when you walk through to actually book the timeslots on the front end. 

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Jesse.

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    The employee's working hours override the Global Work Hours, so applying custom Work Hours to the employee should work correctly.

    If you don't see these times on the front-end, please check your time zone settings. Since Amelia doesn't have any time zone settings, it inherits the time zone from WordPress. If your time zone is in UTC+/- format, please change it by selecting the city near you. Also, please check if you enabled "Show bookings in customer's time zone" in Amelia's General settings.

    If you are in a different time zone than your WordPress site is, and you've enabled this option, the times on front-end will show available time slots in your time zone, which will be the time you set in back-end +/- the time difference (depending on where you are in regards to the time zone set in WordPress' General settings).

    Currently, when I check your website, I see this:


    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  • Jesse Kroetch replied

    Thank you, I now have it set to the correct time zone. 

    I have discovered a new "issue" So I have selected 16 working hours for the business (04:00-20:30) I'm able to create 2 8 hour time slots like intended but I need a 30 minute buffer between those times. I have applied that buffer on each service but it still shows 04:00-12:00 and 12:00-20:00 it is not applying the 30 minute gap and allowing for the 2 slots to be 04:00-12:00 and 12:30-20:30. 

    Any advice on this?

    Thanks again

  •  2,576
    Aleksandar replied

    Hi again Jesse.

    Please check your General Settings. If these two options are configured like this:


    The front-end calendar will offer services as if they are without buffer time:


    However, as soon as one of these is booked, the buffer time will be applied and it will affect the surrounding time slots. For example, if I book the 11:00 - 13:00 appointment, since there's 1 hour of buffer time configured for this service, the surrounding time slots will be closed. The 09:00 - 11:00 time slot will close because the buffer time won't be applicable (the service would end at the same time when the previously booked appointment would start). The 13:00 - 15:00 time slot will close, because the buffer time of the booked appointment goes over this time slot.

    However, since the employee works from 09:00 - 17:00, a new time slot will open:


    This is because, in my case, the service duration is 2 hours, and the buffer time is 1 hour, so the appointment booked at 11 lasted until 13h and then the buffer time was applied until 14h, allowing this time slot to open up.

    Another option would be to enable the "Include service buffer time in time slots" slider in General Settings, in which case the availability would show like this:


    Since I'm using the service duration for offering the time slots and I'm applying the buffer time straight away, customers are able to book only these two time slots.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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