  Public Ticket #3245589
Block Mails


  • Tim started the conversation

    Hi! I use your plugin to book rooms hourly, daily and monthly also.

    The first 2 options are not the big problem, I managed the rooms via employees (and booking times). But if I want book a room for a month, I have to schedule every working day per month incl. repeating bookings. I can deny that a mail is sent to the client (enable by "hook") because booking all those days means that the client would get around 20 mails of bookings each day seperately.

    So far so good. But in the case I want to cancel those appointments (I need admin access to delete them) not the client but the company receives 20 mails of rejected/deletet appointments. That´s not really cool. I can´t let those mails of the room (employee) being blocked generally as there are other booking notifications (daily and hourly) the office must be aware of. 

    My questions:

    1. why isn´t it possible as Amelia Manager to delete appointments as the Admin has even much more rights throughout Wordpress which are not neccessary? This specific employee than sees much more menu items which are not intersting/neccessary of him and they´re pretty confusing. There should be an Amelia Admin or more rights for the Amelia Manager as there are sometimes employees who must be able to manage all schedule/appointments without the neccessity of seeing all wordpress components the same time.
    2. why can´t I disable mails by purpose for example ONLY rejection-mails are not sent? Is there any workaround (maybe to define in functions.php) where I can "disable" mails for those specific notification/purpose? Or is there any Plugin you know to filter such Mails by stopwords?

    I love the plugin and I´m close to launch, but I need to solve this last big problem. I could block a room either by setting "holiday" for that employee also for a specific time, but the users than CAN´T see on calendar, that this room isn´t available.

    Love to hear from you soon.
    Best regards, Tim

  •  1,642
    Uroš replied

    Hello Tim

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    1. That is how it was designed, the amelia manager has all the permissions of an admin user except for deleting anything in the Amelia plugin.

    2. Can you please elaborate on what you are referring to and I will assist you with this?

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Kind Regards, 

    Uros Jovanovic
    [email protected]

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  • Tim replied

    Hi Uros,

    1. I have the feeling you´re not really interested into external input and the needs of your clients as I know what the rights of an Amelia Manager are but just don´t understand why there is no Amelia Admin who is NOT a Wordpress Admin the same time!?

    2. what do you mean by "elaborate on what I am referring to" as I wrote exactely what I need. I want somehow to disable mails which are sent after to me as the using company too as I can disable a rejection-mail to the client only for a deleted appointment also. MY example was, that I have maybe 20 repeating appointments for a whole month but when I reject or delete those 20 appointments I get 20 single rejection mails which I don´t want to get as they spam up my Mailbox. In my oppinion there would be some ways to handle that issue: 

    • being able to disable mails by purpose/status (for example "reject an appointment")
    • not sending mails by status for example send mails after reject an appointment but send NO mails after just delete an appointment
    • or filter outgoing mails (which I can do from mailclient side also, but the mails are still filling my mailbox unneccessarily)
  •  1,642
    Uroš replied

    Hello Tim,

    I appreciate your patience.

    1. We are constantly working on improvising our product and we really appreciate the feedback from our users. I will have this suggestion passed on to our developers, but I cannot promise that it will be implemented in the future, as we have not had such requests in the past.

    2. The only option would be to uncheck the sending of a certain type of email.


    Please let me know if you have any other questions.

    Kind Regards, 

    Uros Jovanovic
    [email protected]

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