I just bought WPDataTable (WPDT) and Formidable Form Integration for WPDT
I began to read documents and follow tutorials, seem's nice !
I just have, before to keep on, a need of some global information, from higher point of view than the the tutorials, more destinated to directly make things, difficult to understand when you dont really understand the overall operation, in broad outline..
The same reflexion for a car. The tuto is very nice to learn how to drive. But It's also useful to know more or less where you want to go, especially when you are a beginner.... May be you will turn a long time before you find the right way.
So, I am lookin for a map of WPDT ....
Formidable Form (FF) is actually linked to the WordPress Internal DataBase (WPDP) of the web site (on a MySQL basis)
The WPDT is also a MySQL Database.
Is this database located localy in the web site as the WPDB is ?
Are they separate database ?
I understood that I can, with queries, retreive the records appended by FF forms in the WPDP to redirect to a WPDT table.
The records from the WPDB will be appended or linked to a WPDT table ?
If linked, is the link permanent with the two databases WPDB - EPDT and always synchonized ?
If appended, we must play the queries to retreive the new records imported by FF in the WPDB to append them to WPDT ?
Or, to avoid this synchronization, append query can be played as an action on each new FF entry ?
Or, the forms from FF will be directly redirected to WPDT, not anymore on WPDB ?
A existant FF form will be useful to directly create easily a table in WPDT ?
A new FF form will be also useful to direct entries directly to WPDT ?
If I have a lot of views based on FF entries, located on WPDB. If I append data from WPDB to WPDT and work on them directly in WPDT, the original FF entry in WPDB will not represent the changes I did. So my FF views, linked on FF-WPDB will not be anymore usefulluseful.
Do I have to recreate them in WPDT ?
Thank you to anyone who can help me move on the right path, without having to waste time, for lack of knowledge, exploring paths that do not lead to the right place, like in a labyrinth.
I can completely understand what you mean, it is one thing to go through the documentation, but another one when you try out specific use-cases.
I will do my best to advise you on your questions, and i will try to somehow separate certain sections to go in more details on them.
Please don't hesitate to correct me if i misunderstood any of the points.
1. Formidable Form (FF) is actually linked to the WordPress Internal DataBase (WPDP) of the web site (on a MySQL basis)
- Yes, technically the data from the Formidable Forms is being stored in the WordPress database,
and our developers made this integration that pulls the data from a Form into a table,
we did our best to make a user-friendly interface where you can just select which Form will be used for table creation,
but in the background the integration will connect all data through complex SQL Queries and PHP logic.
When you make a new dataTable in our plugin, and link it to a source Form,
this dataTable will not be saved in the database like manual tables,
but instead, their data is stored in database table wp_wpdatatables_rows.
So, if you would try pulling data from the database through an SQL Query, it would be very complex because this database table stores data in JSON format, not like manual tables (columns * rows).
2. The WPDT is also a MySQL Database.
I have to say that is not correct. The wpDataTables is not a database on itself.
When you install our plugin and unpack the installation package,
our plugin creates its tables on your WordPress database, and adds some settings it needs, etc,
but it is not a database.
Our plugin's SQL feature can also not be used in the same way as you would use a database management tool, for example such as PHPMyAdmin,
Our logic is based on a PHP SQL parser which has full support for the SQL dialect for the following statement types
You can learn more about our SQL Query-based tables here ( if you didn't go through that part of our Docs already).
3. Is this database located localy in the web site as the WPDB is ?
As i mentioned, our plugin is not a database, or a database management tool - but it is installing itself in the same database where the WordPress is, on the same website's hosting database, that is correct.
4. Are they separate database ?
No, both Formidable Forms and our plugin are storing their data in the WordPress database.
5. 'I understood that I can, with queries, retreive the records appended by FF forms in the WPDP to redirect to a WPDT table.
The records from the WPDB will be appended or linked to a WPDT table ?
If linked, is the link permanent with the two databases WPDB - EPDT and always synchonized ?
If appended, we must play the queries to retreive the new records imported by FF in the WPDB to append them to WPDT ?
Or, to avoid this synchronization, append query can be played as an action on each new FF entry ?
Or, the forms from FF will be directly redirected to WPDT, not anymore on WPDB ? '
My sincere apologies, but i did not understand what you meant with these questions i quoted in this part.
As i mentioned earlier, it would be very complex to try and pull SQL Queries on the data from Formidable Forms, please refer to that explanation,
and elaborate a bit more about this part, then we can advise.
6. A existant FF form will be useful to directly create easily a table in WPDT ?
- Yes. You can easily make a new wpDataTable and connect it to an existing Formidable Form.
It is just important to have at least 1 submission in the source Form- otherwise if the Form has no entires, our plugin will give you the error, saying that it is empty.
7. A new FF form will be also useful to direct entries directly to WPDT ?
- If you make a new Form, it is just important to have at least 1 Entry /submission in it - then our plugin can generate a dataTable from it.
8. 'If I have a lot of views based on FF entries, located on WPDB.
If I append data from WPDB to WPDT and work on them directly in WPDT, the original FF entry in WPDB will not represent the changes I did. So my FF views, linked on FF-WPDB will not be anymore usefulluseful.
Do I have to recreate them in WPDT ?'
It is not possible to use Formidable Views with our plugin in any way.
We can only connect a source Form to pull data and output it in a table.
Any changes in the source Form will be reflected in the connected table, they are synchronized.
It is not possible to perform any editing to a table connected with Formidable Forms.
If you need editing, only Form plugin integration we have that is editable is with Gravity Forms add-on.
You can test the Gravity Add-on features on this sandbox site , if you wish.
But i am again not sure if i understood all the details from this part of questions, as well.
I hope that some of my answers might help to provide clarification on some features and some limitations,
but let me know how all this seems - and if you can elaborate on some points.
Website : dms-ge.ch For a farmer, to help him to better manage the course of the sale of firewood. Wordpress (WP) Formidable Form (FF) E2Pdf (E2)
I create a form COMMANDE with 5 pages, with a rootline to be more confortable on mobile devices. On each order entry, an action is executed, sending a mail to custommer, secretary and farmer, with a joint file (E2) to allow préparation, delivery and to cash the order. (Joint file 1)
Fiels 186 is a order number auto-id (unique, auto incrémental) 421, 422, 423 fields are dropdown fields at the end of the order with default value A LIVRER, A ENCAISSER, A FACTURER visible only by the administrator. I have also three date fields with default values 2023-01-01, to register delivery date, payment date and invoice date of invoice création on CRM, if wished. Also visible only by administrator.
By hand the PDF stamped, receive the infos on the course of the sale with a pen using checkboxes, followed by signature of customer and/or farmer.
After delivery, the secretary need to edit these six fields of the order entry to synchronize database with what succeded in reality. She must pass through WP admin, Formidable, Form, Edit COMMANDE form, go to Entries, Search the goodentry by field 186, Fodify the entry and finally, Edit theses 3 dropdown fields and 3 date fields allowing tracking of the process. Very complicated, not error free, only possible at the office on a PC.
This WBDB update allow farmer and secretary to play with about 10 views... (JF 2) to manage all about each order, for example - A LIVRER, displaying the orders waiting to be delivered (JF 3 and 4) . Paid by CASH, displaying the orders paid by CASH for accounts purpose (JF 5 and 6)
I am loking for a web page with : (JF 7) a search for the order number (field 186) with button ENTER displaying : three dropdown fields, displaying what is actually in the field, EDITABLE three date fields, displaying what is actually in the field, EDITABLE That'all !!!! If it's possible to do this by shortcodes in a front end page protected with a password (for the secretary and the farmer), working directly to update the six fields on WPDB, it will be much mor efficient. The farmer could also do it himself at each step of the transaction. It seem's that i'ts impossible with WP associated to FF form If possible, then I d'ont need WPDT......
If not : 1 - LINK FF form for COMMANDES to link FF Entries of WPDB to a new generated WPDT database.... but with a link, original WPDB data are not editable trough this link with WPDT queries. no possible to use of the actual FF views !!! (in your answer)
2 - COPY FF COMMANDES Form to WPDT Table, edit data in WPDT Table with queries , keeping data on WPDT Table for use with new views (about 10 !, with AWPDT plugin or Report builder) working with WBDT Table !!!, with a synchronization from WPDB Table to WPDT Table for each entry of an new order ????. COPY modes allow to creat a new WPDT Table, withs colmns*row and use of SQL queries (you say no .... for a Table connected to FF)
3 - Idem as 2 but with the ability from actual FF form to directly append new orders to WPDT Table ???? (you say no)
Last try : gravity forms add-on !!! I ha to learn more....
Now I have 2 options : A - find a way to use my web page (JF7) for editimg these 6 fields with short codes or PHP programming B - explore gravity.... for edit my data in wPDT tables , using vues in WPDT, Forms in Gravity almost a complete new website !!!!
After a lot of dBase2 and dBase3, my first website, 1996, with Frontpage, html..... After Access databse with SQl queries After, 6 years ago, Wordpress with Microsoft SQL Sever as database, with php coding between FF forms and Microsoft SQL by a php file (not done by my !, no PHP knowledge...) Manage Microsoft SQL with DB Manager Export data with Business object But now, I am 70 years old, i am just playing for friends.... with some diffculties... WP is growing so fast !
I just bought WPDataTable (WPDT) and Formidable Form Integration for WPDT
I began to read documents and follow tutorials, seem's nice !
I just have, before to keep on, a need of some global information, from higher point of view than the the tutorials, more destinated to directly make things, difficult to understand when you dont really understand the overall operation, in broad outline..
The same reflexion for a car. The tuto is very nice to learn how to drive. But It's also useful to know more or less where you want to go, especially when you are a beginner.... May be you will turn a long time before you find the right way.
So, I am lookin for a map of WPDT ....
Formidable Form (FF) is actually linked to the WordPress Internal DataBase (WPDP) of the web site (on a MySQL basis)
The WPDT is also a MySQL Database.
Is this database located localy in the web site as the WPDB is ?
Are they separate database ?
I understood that I can, with queries, retreive the records appended by FF forms in the WPDP to redirect to a WPDT table.
The records from the WPDB will be appended or linked to a WPDT table ?
If linked, is the link permanent with the two databases WPDB - EPDT and always synchonized ?
If appended, we must play the queries to retreive the new records imported by FF in the WPDB to append them to WPDT ?
Or, to avoid this synchronization, append query can be played as an action on each new FF entry ?
Or, the forms from FF will be directly redirected to WPDT, not anymore on WPDB ?
A existant FF form will be useful to directly create easily a table in WPDT ?
A new FF form will be also useful to direct entries directly to WPDT ?
If I have a lot of views based on FF entries, located on WPDB. If I append data from WPDB to WPDT and work on them directly in WPDT, the original FF entry in WPDB will not represent the changes I did. So my FF views, linked on FF-WPDB will not be anymore usefulluseful.
Do I have to recreate them in WPDT ?
Thank you to anyone who can help me move on the right path, without having to waste time, for lack of knowledge, exploring paths that do not lead to the right place, like in a labyrinth.
Hi, Michel.
Thank you for reaching out to us.
I can completely understand what you mean, it is one thing to go through the documentation, but another one when you try out specific use-cases.
I will do my best to advise you on your questions, and i will try to somehow separate certain sections to go in more details on them.
Please don't hesitate to correct me if i misunderstood any of the points.
1. Formidable Form (FF) is actually linked to the WordPress Internal DataBase (WPDP) of the web site (on a MySQL basis)
- Yes, technically the data from the Formidable Forms is being stored in the WordPress database,
and our developers made this integration that pulls the data from a Form into a table,
we did our best to make a user-friendly interface where you can just select which Form will be used for table creation,
but in the background the integration will connect all data through complex SQL Queries and PHP logic.
When you make a new dataTable in our plugin, and link it to a source Form,
this dataTable will not be saved in the database like manual tables,
but instead, their data is stored in database table wp_wpdatatables_rows.
So, if you would try pulling data from the database through an SQL Query, it would be very complex because this database table stores data in JSON format, not like manual tables (columns * rows).
2. The WPDT is also a MySQL Database.
I have to say that is not correct. The wpDataTables is not a database on itself.
When you install our plugin and unpack the installation package,
our plugin creates its tables on your WordPress database, and adds some settings it needs, etc,
but it is not a database.
Our plugin's SQL feature can also not be used in the same way as you would use a database management tool, for example such as PHPMyAdmin,
Our logic is based on a PHP SQL parser which has full support for the SQL dialect for the following statement types
Some of them are disabled for security reasons.
You can learn more about our SQL Query-based tables here ( if you didn't go through that part of our Docs already).
3. Is this database located localy in the web site as the WPDB is ?
As i mentioned, our plugin is not a database, or a database management tool - but it is installing itself in the same database where the WordPress is, on the same website's hosting database, that is correct.
4. Are they separate database ?
No, both Formidable Forms and our plugin are storing their data in the WordPress database.
5. 'I understood that I can, with queries, retreive the records appended by FF forms in the WPDP to redirect to a WPDT table.
The records from the WPDB will be appended or linked to a WPDT table ?
If linked, is the link permanent with the two databases WPDB - EPDT and always synchonized ?
If appended, we must play the queries to retreive the new records imported by FF in the WPDB to append them to WPDT ?
Or, to avoid this synchronization, append query can be played as an action on each new FF entry ?
Or, the forms from FF will be directly redirected to WPDT, not anymore on WPDB ? '
My sincere apologies, but i did not understand what you meant with these questions i quoted in this part.
As i mentioned earlier, it would be very complex to try and pull SQL Queries on the data from Formidable Forms, please refer to that explanation,
and elaborate a bit more about this part, then we can advise.
6. A existant FF form will be useful to directly create easily a table in WPDT ?
- Yes. You can easily make a new wpDataTable and connect it to an existing Formidable Form.
It is just important to have at least 1 submission in the source Form- otherwise if the Form has no entires, our plugin will give you the error, saying that it is empty.
7. A new FF form will be also useful to direct entries directly to WPDT ?
- If you make a new Form, it is just important to have at least 1 Entry /submission in it - then our plugin can generate a dataTable from it.
8. 'If I have a lot of views based on FF entries, located on WPDB.
If I append data from WPDB to WPDT and work on them directly in WPDT, the original FF entry in WPDB will not represent the changes I did. So my FF views, linked on FF-WPDB will not be anymore usefulluseful.
Do I have to recreate them in WPDT ?'
It is not possible to use Formidable Views with our plugin in any way.
We can only connect a source Form to pull data and output it in a table.
Any changes in the source Form will be reflected in the connected table, they are synchronized.
It is not possible to perform any editing to a table connected with Formidable Forms.
If you need editing, only Form plugin integration we have that is editable is with Gravity Forms add-on.
You can test the Gravity Add-on features on this sandbox site , if you wish.
But i am again not sure if i understood all the details from this part of questions, as well.
I hope that some of my answers might help to provide clarification on some features and some limitations,
but let me know how all this seems - and if you can elaborate on some points.
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Miloš Jovanović
[email protected]
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wpDataTables: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Front-end and back-end demo | Docs
Amelia: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amelia demo sites | Docs | Discord Community
You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
Website : dms-ge.ch
For a farmer, to help him to better manage the course of the sale of firewood.
Wordpress (WP)
Formidable Form (FF)
E2Pdf (E2)
I create a form COMMANDE
with 5 pages, with a rootline to be more confortable on mobile devices.
On each order entry, an action is executed, sending a mail to custommer, secretary and farmer, with a joint file (E2) to allow préparation, delivery and to cash the order. (Joint file 1)
Fiels 186 is a order number auto-id (unique, auto incrémental)
421, 422, 423 fields are dropdown fields at the end of the order with default value A LIVRER, A ENCAISSER, A FACTURER visible only by the administrator. I have also three date fields with default values 2023-01-01, to register delivery date, payment date and invoice date of invoice création on CRM, if wished. Also visible only by administrator.
By hand the PDF stamped, receive the infos on the course of the sale with a pen using checkboxes, followed by signature of customer and/or farmer.
After delivery, the secretary need to edit these six fields of the order entry to synchronize database with what succeded in reality. She must pass through WP admin, Formidable, Form, Edit COMMANDE form, go to Entries, Search the goodentry by field 186, Fodify the entry and finally, Edit theses 3 dropdown fields and 3 date fields allowing tracking of the process.
Very complicated, not error free, only possible at the office on a PC.
This WBDB update allow farmer and secretary to play with about 10 views... (JF 2)
to manage all about each order, for example
- A LIVRER, displaying the orders waiting to be delivered (JF 3 and 4)
. Paid by CASH, displaying the orders paid by CASH for accounts purpose (JF 5 and 6)
I am loking for a web page with : (JF 7)
a search for the order number (field 186) with button ENTER
displaying :
three dropdown fields, displaying what is actually in the field, EDITABLE
three date fields, displaying what is actually in the field, EDITABLE
That'all !!!!
If it's possible to do this by shortcodes in a front end page protected with a password (for the secretary and the farmer), working directly to update the six fields on WPDB, it will be much mor efficient.
The farmer could also do it himself at each step of the transaction.
It seem's that i'ts impossible with WP associated to FF form
If possible, then I d'ont need WPDT......
If not :
1 - LINK FF form for COMMANDES to link FF Entries of WPDB to a new generated WPDT database.... but with a link, original WPDB data are not editable trough this link with WPDT queries. no possible to use of the actual FF views !!! (in your answer)
2 - COPY FF COMMANDES Form to WPDT Table, edit data in WPDT Table with queries , keeping data on WPDT Table for use with new views (about 10 !, with AWPDT plugin or Report builder) working with WBDT Table !!!, with a synchronization from WPDB Table to WPDT Table for each entry of an new order ????. COPY modes allow to creat a new WPDT Table, withs colmns*row and use of SQL queries (you say no .... for a Table connected to FF)
3 - Idem as 2 but with the ability from actual FF form to directly append new orders to WPDT Table ???? (you say no)
Last try : gravity forms add-on !!! I ha to learn more....
Now I have 2 options :
A - find a way to use my web page (JF7) for editimg these 6 fields with short codes or PHP programming
B - explore gravity.... for edit my data in wPDT tables , using vues in WPDT, Forms in Gravity almost a complete new website !!!!
After a lot of dBase2 and dBase3, my first website, 1996, with Frontpage, html.....
After Access databse with SQl queries
After, 6 years ago, Wordpress with Microsoft SQL Sever as database, with php coding between FF forms and Microsoft SQL by a php file (not done by my !, no PHP knowledge...)
Manage Microsoft SQL with DB Manager
Export data with Business object
But now, I am 70 years old, i am just playing for friends.... with some diffculties... WP is growing so fast !
I prefer A
Say me what you think and what is possible !
Thank you
Hi, Michel.
My sincere apology for all the waiting time.
We have to go through a lot of details in order to try to cover all these points,
it is taking longer than expected.
We will do our best to advise you about your use-case, and i will let you know if any further clarification is needed from your end.
Thank you for all your patience and cooperation.
Kind Regards,
Miloš Jovanović
[email protected]
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Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps and floor plans, choropleth maps and much more - https://wordpress.org/plugins/mapsvg-lite-interactive-vector-maps/
wpDataTables: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Front-end and back-end demo | Docs
Amelia: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amelia demo sites | Docs | Discord Community
You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables
I pass hours on documentation, learned a lot about FForms
with these two
and espescially this one.....
I fonded the answer...
FRONT END EDITING I initially did not understand it was posible. It was difficult to find the info.
I'ts the rason wy I bought 2 licences WPDataTable......
It was not better, my technical level is not enough for both
Now I do'nt need them anymore. It's OK with FForm
I did what I wanted and it's ok for a long time.
Thank you for your help.
Hi, Michel.
I am happy to see that you found the answers needed for your use-case.
I will go through that documentation as well, to be honest, it is useful to know that the Formidable Forms can be editable in another way.
From the tables connected to Forms in our plugin they can not be editable, but if you can edit the source Form in another way,
then our wpDataTable can output the updated values, so it seems that you found the solution.
We will be here to provide support,
let us know if any other questions come up.
Please don't hesitate to open new tickets, we will do our best to advise.
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Miloš Jovanović
[email protected]
Rate my support
Try our FREE mapping plugin! MapSVG - easy Google maps, interactive SVG maps and floor plans, choropleth maps and much more - https://wordpress.org/plugins/mapsvg-lite-interactive-vector-maps/
wpDataTables: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Front-end and back-end demo | Docs
Amelia: FAQ | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amelia demo sites | Docs | Discord Community
You can try wpDataTables add-ons before purchasing on these sandbox sites:
Powerful Filters | Gravity Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Formidable Forms Integration for wpDataTables | Master-Detail Tables