  Public Ticket #3221381
New Catalog Booking Form


  • Christoph Koeck started the conversation

    Dear Amelia Team,

    we really like the new 2.0 Catalog Booking Form. It is really a great improvement and much better design.

    We only noticed one downside. In case there there are several service categories available the "old" category selection screen is shown by default (see screeenshot).

    Is there an option or short-code element that will allow to skip this unnecessary step as the category can anyway be picked in the category sidebar in the new booking form. To have this option available would be greatly appreciated, or is there already a way to do that.

    Please note that not a specific service category should be selected via the category=X  shortcode option. Alle categories and services should be shown in the new 2.0 booking form without the initial step to select a category.

    Greetings, Christoph

  •  1,667
    Marko replied

    Hello Christoph,

    I'm afraid that we didn't quite get what you want to achieve exactly? Can you explain to us in a little more detail, and send us a couple of screenshots?

    We wish you all the best. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Marko Davidovic [email protected]

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  • Christoph Koeck replied


  • Christoph Koeck replied

    Dear Marko,

    thank you for your quick reply. I will explain what I mean:

    When using the [ameliacatalogbooking] shortcode on a website initially a screen is shown that displays the selection of categories. Please see the screenshot "Category Selection.jpg".

    After a category is selected by pressing the "View All" button of a category, the booking view screen with the services of the category is shown. On the left side of the window a category selection bar is shown. Please see the screenshot "Booking View.jpg". Other categories can be chosen by selecting different categories in the category selection bar.

    My question is if there is a possibility that the initial display and selection of the categories as displayed in the screenshot "Category Selection.jpg" is skipped (as it is not really necessary). That would reduce one step in the booking process and would display the very nicely designed 2.0 Catalog Booking Form immediately.

    Greetings, Christoph

  •  1,667
    Marko replied

    Hello Christoph,

    Unfortunately, currently, this feature is not built-in in Amelia. You can not show all services for all categories at once and skip the category choice.

    These are all shortcodes that we have at this time for the catalog booking form

    1. [ameliacatalogbooking] if you want to show the basic Service Catalog view,
    2. [ameliacatalogbooking category=1] if you want to show only the services from a category with ID 1,
    3. [ameliacatalogbooking service=1] if you want to show this form for the service with ID 1,
    4. [ameliacatalogbooking employee=1] if you want to show the services of one specific employee with ID 1,
    5. [ameliacatalogbooking location=1] if you want to show the services of one specific location with ID 1,
    6. [ameliacatalogbooking category=1 employee=1] if you want to show only the services from a category with ID 1 that are assigned to the employee with ID 1,
    7. [ameliacatalogbooking category=1 location=1] if you want to show only the services from a category with ID 1 that are provided on the location with ID 1,
    8. [ameliacatalogbooking show=services] if you have Packages enabled, but you only want to show services in the form,
    9. [ameliacatalogbooking show=packages] if you have Packages enabled, and you only want to show packages in the form.
    10. [ameliacatalogbooking trigger=custom-id] - similar to the #10 under "Step-By-Step" booking form (check above)

    Hope one of these helps.

    If you have any more questions please open a new separate ticket for each question and we will gladly help you there.

    We wish you all the best.

    Have a nice day. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Marko Davidovic [email protected]

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  • Christoph Koeck replied

    Hello Marko,

    thank you for your quick response. I understand it is not possible to skip the (manual) category choice. I will make then an improvement suggestion at the right forum.

    The problem currently is that when using the [ameliacatalogbooking] shortcode on the website initially always the (not at all good looking) category choice screen is shown. All the available shortcode additions are making selections, what is not intended because all categories should be available for customer selection and the customer can pick one from the category side bar that is shown anyway in the screen the follows.

    So it would simply need a shortcode addition to preselect the category (while still showing all the other categories that are available; exactingly same behavior and display of screen as the customer would have picked one category manually in the category selection screen.

    This option would greatly improve the presentation on the website and remove the unpleasant category selection screen which is not absolutely necessary as the customer can (fortunately) pick another service category in the next screen.

    Thank you for help,


  •  1,667
    Marko replied

    Hello Christoph,

    This is how it was designed to be honest Im not sure that this will be changed but the best I can do is to forward your suggestion internally as you have made a suggestion already. 

    If you have any more questions please open a new separate ticket for each question and we will gladly help you there.

    We wish you all the best.

    Have a nice day. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Marko Davidovic [email protected]

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